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Nordsee 1.jpg
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Hinzugefügt  07.03.2002
Hits  64163
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Is there ?
Hello good day Joesph
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Freelife
The National Gallery Augustine
I was made redundant two months ago Rickey
I can't get through at the moment Hunter
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Mia
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Luke
Some First Class stamps Marshall
I work with computers Colton
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Jesus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Wendell
I'd like to order some foreign currency Wilfredo
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Jeffry
Jonny was here al
Have you got any ?
My battery's about to run out Jennifer
Your account's overdrawn Larry
What qualifications have you got? Lauren
Would you like to leave a message? Ella
I'd like to open an account Wiley
Cool site goodluck :) Leigh
Jonny was here Genesis
We'll need to take up references Kristofer
Photography Herbert
Do you know what extension he's on? Brain
The line's engaged Howard
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Marcelo
I'm at Liverpool University Claude
I'm not interested in football Serenity
Enter your PIN Darell
A First Class stamp Bennett
We work together Mohammad
About a year Harrison
Languages 100 ladies sl
real beauty page Jeffrey
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Rosario
I've only just arrived Devin
I'm not working at the moment Johnie
Best Site good looking Edmund
There's a three month trial period Elden
I can't get through at the moment Jefferey
I'd like to open a personal account Bernie
How long are you planning to stay here? Gayle
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Carroll
I'm sorry, he's Florencio
Could you ask her to call me? Christopher
I don't like pubs Dorsey
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Alphonse
I do some voluntary work Jonathon
I study here Emmett
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Floyd
I'm retired Garry
I live in London Allen
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Arlie
I'd like to send this to Caden
I'm unemployed Shane
I live here Lance
I'd like to open a personal account Merle
Withdraw cash Garrett
I read a lot Napoleon
Go travelling Tracy
magic story very thanks Javier
How do you know each other? Fabian
A financial advisor David
Can you put it on the scales, please? Gilbert
I love this site Damon
I've been cut off Fausto
A pension scheme Moshe
I'll put her on Barry
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Leandro
Languages free
I'm a partner in Joaquin
How long are you planning to stay here? Audrey
What line of work are you in? Quentin
I want to report a Unlove
How would you like the money? Forest
The manager Johnson
A few months Stephen
This is the job description Ronny
I really like swimming Gregorio
I'd like to send this letter by Robin
This is the job description Mohamed
I love the theatre Lester
Do you have any exams coming up? Nathanial
Pleased to meet you
Other amount fi
What sort of work do you do?
I love this site pu
I'm on holiday fidena wik
I work here tada
I really like swimming
A financial advisor
Could you ask her to call me?
Very interesting tale
Some First Class stamps Jerold
How long have you lived here? Jackie
I'd like to take the job Daryl
Jonny was here Carson
I never went to university Elroy
I've been made redundant Valeria
Very interesting tale Hector
How do you know each other? Lawrence
Could I have a statement, please? DE
I'm in my first year at university Allan
An accountancy practice Cedrick
I came here to work Victor
Hello good day Daren
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Roosevelt
I enjoy travelling Wilbert
How many would you like? Stefan
A First Class stamp Michael
Remove card Earle
How much were you paid in your last job? Alexandra
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Kendrick
Best Site Good Work Tyson
The National Gallery Maxwell
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Antonia
Can I use your phone? Thurman
Please call back later Rachel
I'll put him on Bertram
A few months Alyssa
I'd like to open a business account Hassan
I need to charge up my phone Raphael
In a meeting f
Very interesting tale Grover
I don't know what I want to do after university Armando
I came here to study Felix
I can't stand football Arianna
Please call back later Hobert
I love this site Hollis
The United States Mackenzie
Do you play any instruments? Pitfighter
I'd like to open a business account Armand
I'm unemployed Julian
Can I call you back? Riley
magic story very thanks Buster
We went to university together Brayden
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Patrick
Sorry, I ran out of credit Domenic
I've got a full-time job Clifford
I'm a housewife Riley
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'm at Liverpool University Laverne
I'm on business Deshawn
What are the hours of work? Jamar
Is there ? Clair
I do some voluntary work Solomon
Where do you live? Collin
I've just graduated Marcelo
Will I have to work shifts? Mervin
I'd like some euros Mauricio
Can you put it on the scales, please? Kelly
I study here Spencer
A First Class stamp Horace
A financial advisor Sonny
Will I get travelling expenses? Rebecca
How much notice do you have to give? Maria
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
One moment, please Stacey
Thanks funny site Darrell
What are the hours of work? Ronald
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Nicole
Where's the postbox? Miquel
We work together Felipe
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Ian
I've got a full-time job Douglas
A company car Samuel
What sort of music do you listen to? Arlen
Thanks for calling Ronnie
International directory enquiries Colby
I can't get through at the moment Trinity
Could I make an appointment to see ? Hubert
Could you tell me the number for ? Frank
I'd like a phonecard, please Danny
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'm unemployed Elizabeth
I'm interested in Tyson
This site is crazy :) Domingo
A staff restaurant Kyle
An envelope Cristobal
I'm only getting an answering machine Arnulfo
Could I have a statement, please? Wilford
Could I have a statement, please? Eric
International directory enquiries Jarod
Until August Mervin
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Myron
I'm only getting an answering machine Brant
We're at university together Freeman
I'd like some euros Lucio
Go travelling Emmitt
Insert your card Salvador
Could you please repeat that? Lincoln
We need someone with qualifications Leonard
A financial advisor Adam
How much does the job pay? Morris
Go travelling Trenton
Do you play any instruments? Roderick
I'm from England Delmer
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Robert
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Graig
Do you know the address? Jane
Cool site goodluck :) Sofia
Could you please repeat that? Lindsey
Have you got any experience? Mary
Could you ask her to call me? Brooke
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I've just started at Brain
I want to make a withdrawal Scotty
Punk not dead
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I'll put her on
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Have you got any qualifications?
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No, I'm not particularly sporty
Could you give me some smaller notes? Jesus
I'm not interested in football Donnell
We went to university together Neville
Will I get travelling expenses? Adolph
Have you got a current driving licence? Monty
What do you like doing in your spare time? Granville
I can't get a dialling tone Hector
Do you need a work permit? Freddie
Could you tell me my balance, please? Kelvin
I'd like to change some money Bradford
Can you put it on the scales, please? Colby
Could you ask him to call me? Eusebio
Who would I report to? Jocelyn
Do you know the number for ? Daron
Incorrect PIN Alden
Remove card Ashton
Could you ask him to call me? Snoopy
Are you a student? Ariel
I'm a housewife Lioncool
A book of First Class stamps Jordan
I'm not interested in football Malik
About a year Jozef
How long are you planning to stay here? Scottie
When do you want me to start? Jamie
How long have you lived here? Lemuel
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Garret
Jonny was here Elisha
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
this post is fantastic Kenny
Could you ask him to call me? Nickolas
A financial advisor Bradly
Photography Jamey
Cool site goodluck :) Zoe
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I'm on a course at the moment Randell
I work here vistag
Where did you go to university? Stephanie
We'll need to take up references Marcelino
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Where are you calling from? Miguel
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Malcom
I'd like to cancel a cheque Duncan
Some First Class stamps Stevie
Would you like a receipt? Jayson
I'm about to run out of credit Jorge
What do you want to do when you've finished? Arthur
The manager Getjoy
I'm not interested in football Lucien
I like it a lot Owen
I'm doing an internship Mitchell
Do you play any instruments? Donald
How do I get an outside line? Newton
Where are you from? Camila
Best Site good looking Damon
We'd like to offer you the job Christopher
good material thanks Jonah
How do you spell that? Edwin
I enjoy travelling Felton
Stolen credit card Rudolf
Lost credit card order fi
I've got a very weak signal
I read a lot buy st
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
I'm on a course at the moment
I want to report a
I support Manchester United
Do you know each other?
Thanks for calling
I'm on holiday buy fidena
We used to work together Teddy
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I'd like to order some foreign currency Freelife
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Canada>Canada Brenton
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Sorry, I ran out of credit Malik
There's a three month trial period Maria
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Will I have to work shifts? Alvin
I'm not sure c
Another service? Rikky
I'm at Liverpool University Horacio
It's funny goodluck Darwin
How much is a First Class stamp? Tracey
I'd like to open an account Robin
Who's calling? Clifford
What sort of music do you like? Brain
I'm interested in Alberto
How many more years do you have to go? Roger
Have you got a current driving licence? Lyndon
I do some voluntary work Jamal
Do you need a work permit? Duane
Could you ask her to call me? Sherman
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I work with computers Tommie
We went to university together Darell
How many are there in a book? Michal
this is be cool 8) Terrell
A First Class stamp Virgil
I want to report a Dirtbill
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How do you spell that? Alden
How do you do? Wendell
Could I borrow your phone, please? Willard
Could you please repeat that? Richard
Lost credit card Blake
Could you give me some smaller notes? Ricky
How much notice do you have to give? Maurice
I'd like to apply for this job Victor
What university do you go to? Liam
I'd like to send this to Renato
I can't stand football Mya
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I want to make a withdrawal Cristopher
Why did you come to ? Nolan
I can't get a dialling tone Vida
I'd like to take the job Tyson
I'm a partner in Frederic
Where are you from? Dominick
The manager Arianna
Hold the line, please Leah
Thanks for calling Mia
I'm on a course at the moment Denver
How long have you lived here? Paris
Canada>Canada Waylon
Until August d
We used to work together Eddie
I went to t-je
Children with disabilities Jake
I'm on holiday Lanny
When can you start? Milton
I'm a housewife Madeline
We're at university together Plank
Will I get paid for overtime? Israel
It's OK Vance
What do you do? Khloe
The National Gallery Lenny
I have my own business Wilton
We've got a joint account Basil
I'd like to send this parcel to Albert
Remove card Herschel
Could you send me an application form? Domenic
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Jared
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Abram
I'm unemployed
Please call back later Rodrick
I'm on holiday Ahmed
How do I get an outside line? Nathan
We used to work together Antone
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Hassan
I'm about to run out of credit Quintin
I study here Margarito
Where do you come from? Theron
Wonderfull great site Dominick
What qualifications have you got? Korey
Could I borrow your phone, please? Wilburn
Looking for a job Grady
I can't get through at the moment Monte
Hold the line, please Bertram
Could you send me an application form?
Where do you live? vegro
Did you go to university?
I'm on holiday super
There's a three month trial period
I study here tada
I like watching football t-ject 60
I'm a partner in v
I don't like pubs maxifort zima
How much is a Second Class stamp?
What part of do you come from? Owen
This is the job description Clarence
good material thanks Wilton
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Alexa
We'd like to offer you the job Enrique
Very funny pictures Graig
perfect design thanks Olivia
I'll put him on Gustavo
The manager Avery
Can I use your phone? Tanner
One moment, please Roland
I'd like to pay this in, please Alfonzo
Have you got a current driving licence? Denny
Accountant supermarket manager Lyman
Have you got any qualifications? Edgardo
I came here to work Boyce
Will I get travelling expenses? Jacob
One moment, please Fidel
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I study here Korey
About a year Garrett
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Do you have any exams coming up? Micah
It's serious Wilmer
I'm a partner in Cleveland
Very Good Site Jorge
A First Class stamp Ricky
Stolen credit card Merrill
Stolen credit card Forest
I'm only getting an answering machine Irving
I can't stand football Sonny
Why did you come to ? Bernardo
What do you want to do when you've finished? Hershel
We're at university together Frankie
What's the exchange rate for euros? Jeffry
Have you got a current driving licence? Ryan
About a year Thaddeus
There's a three month trial period Evelyn
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Darrick
Very funny pictures Walter
I'm at Liverpool University Patricia
Is there ? Sebastian
Will I have to work shifts? Pasquale
Could you ask him to call me? Samantha
How would you like the money? Robin
I like it a lot Elmer
Do you know each other? Lucio
A book of First Class stamps Maximo
I came here to study Khloe
How much is a First Class stamp? Chung
My battery's about to run out Autumn
Looking for a job m
I do some voluntary work George
Where did you go to university? Faustino
What's your number? Tyree
Who do you work for? Landon
In a meeting nasutra rev
How would you like the money? Earnest
I'd like to open an account Wallace
How do you know each other? Jerold
I came here to study Major
Can I call you back? Wendell
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Fidel
What university do you go to? Fabian
I love this site Sebastian
I'm doing an internship Roman
Could you send me an application form? Jack
Is there ? Roosevelt
I've got a part-time job Britt
Who's calling? DE
Go travelling Jamel
It's serious Albert
I can't hear you very well Lawerence
I'm in a band Jamar
I support Manchester United Enrique
I'm a trainee Natalie
I'm in my first year at university Nathaniel
I want to report a Korey
I never went to university Ellsworth
I work for myself Renaldo
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Byron
I study here Melissa
How many are there in a book? Chang
Could I ask who's calling? Zoe
What do you do for a living? Edmund
This is the job description Marcelo
Could I make an appointment to see ? Gerardo
Hold the line, please Garfield
Could you tell me the number for ? Luciano
Could you ask her to call me? Gayle
I'll text you later Micah
How much is a Second Class stamp? Gonzalo
Where do you come from? Sanford
Another year Jonathon
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Johnathon
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Gobiz
We work together Lance
How do you know each other? Darron
Do you know the number for ? Bonser
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Children with disabilities Freddie
I've got a part-time job Elizabeth
Not available at the moment Chauncey
Three years Alvin
I have my own business Irving
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I study here
I'm sorry, she's Isabel
I'm from England Nicolas
Could I have , please? Pierre
Where are you calling from? Manual
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Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Demetrius
Can you put it on the scales, please? Wayne
Will I get travelling expenses? Orlando
I've been cut off t
How much is a Second Class stamp? Bernie
I'm training to be an engineer Arthur
Do you know the address? Blaine
Who's calling? Clemente
I study here nasutra side effects G
Insufficient funds vegro
What are the hours of work?
I sing in a choir v
I love the theatre
I'm on business che
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? http://www.cleanme
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How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? http://anestasiavo
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I enjoy travelling Tommie
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About a year
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Darell
What line of work are you in? Shayne
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Lost credit card Matthew
I'd like to pay this in, please Billy
A jiffy bag Jerrell
I'd like , please Leroy
What university do you go to? Heyjew
I'll put him on Ronny
We were at school together Garfield
History Patricia
I'd like to pay this in, please Brooks
Insufficient funds Cortez
I stay at home and look after the children Darrell
The manager
Do you know the number for ? Eric
I've got a part-time job Adalberto
Other amount Fredric
Are you a student? Chester
I don't like pubs Antony
We'd like to invite you for an interview Alphonso
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Steep777
I really like swimming Marion
Accountant supermarket manager Harland
Have you got any qualifications? Toney
Gloomy tales Jeromy
Can you put it on the scales, please? Cristopher
Yes, I love it! Laurence
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Richie
Do you know the address? Ellis
Could I take your name and number, please? Frankie
A few months Josue
We work together Dillon
A packet of envelopes Donnell
Which university are you at? Serenity
I'd like to open a business account Marcellus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Leroy
I live here Ryan
Hold the line, please Emilio
i'm fine good work Harry
How many more years do you have to go? Carroll
I never went to university Emanuel
good material thanks Albert
Who's calling? Shelby
Until August Winford
Where did you go to university? Gerry
Whereabouts in are you from? Gianna
Could I make an appointment to see ? Rusty
I love this site Lenny
Will I get paid for overtime? Blaine
I came here to study Delmar
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Normand
We'll need to take up references Leonard
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I saw your advert in the paper Lance
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I'm happy very good site
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I don't like pubs purchase t-ject
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Kerry
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Merlin
I need to charge up my phone Heyjew
Will I get paid for overtime? Jaime
A staff restaurant Valentin
I'm unemployed Alvin
I'm a trainee Malik
Wonderfull great site Leah
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Cedrick
I'm on holiday Sammie
The line's engaged Arnulfo
Whereabouts are you from? Carroll
I'm only getting an answering machine Elden
Thanks for calling Courtney
I'd like to send this to Wally
A jiffy bag Daren
I wanted to live abroad Herman
International directory enquiries Tyrell
Can I call you back? Kelly
Enter your PIN Grant
I'll put him on Dannie
Cool site goodluck :) Andres
Excellent work, Nice Design Roland
Could I ask who's calling? Jesus
I've been made redundant Arnold
Where do you study? Derick
I'm in a band Trinity
I'd like some euros j
I can't hear you very well Agustin
I'm self-employed Lonny
I went to Arthur
I'm on a course at the moment Mathew
I didn't go to university Galen
I'm at Liverpool University Cordell
What's the interest rate on this account? Napoleon
I'm sorry, she's Charlotte
I'm not sure Earle
This site is crazy :) Hailey
We went to university together Dalton
I came here to study Mathew
Have you got any experience? Dennis
Your cash is being counted Johnny
I'd like , please Damien
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Bruno
I like watching football Janni
Yes, I play the guitar Phillip
What are the hours of work? Brice
Lost credit card Mason
I'd like to order some foreign currency Kendrick
I'm about to run out of credit Santo
good material thanks Magic
What are the hours of work? Gregg
Photography Jonas
An envelope Coco888
It's serious Roscoe
I'd like to cancel a cheque Kennith
I've got a very weak signal Kidrock
I'd like a phonecard, please Garland
I came here to study Lynwood
Could you ask him to call me? Wally
Pleased to meet you Markus
I'd like , please Freelove
I want to report a Humberto
Have you got any ? Tyrone
I'm in my first year at university Jason
Do you know the address? Cyril
Incorrect PIN Willy
A packet of envelopes George
I've just started at Rigoberto
Excellent work, Nice Design Vida
We work together Eddie
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Nevaeh
I'd like to open an account Lanny
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Luciano
Did you go to university? Merrill
I'd like to open a personal account Katelyn
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Hyman
I quite like cooking Lindsey
Languages Domingo
Where do you study? Ulysses
The manager dapoxetine austr
Yes, I love it!
Could you please repeat that?
I've just graduated
Why did you come to ?
I'm in my first year at university
I don't know what I want to do after university http://www.samhardenbu
A pension scheme
Not available at the moment
Could I have a statement, please?
I saw your advert in the paper Robert
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Kenny
Do you like it here? Dylan
We'll need to take up references Marty
Yes, I play the guitar Fabian
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Melissa
A packet of envelopes Brendan
Please call back later Raymundo
What do you do for a living? Daren
I've got a part-time job Tommie
Have you got a current driving licence? Dillon
Cool site goodluck :) Arnold
I'll text you later Fredrick
We used to work together Jamey
We went to university together Aidan
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Maximo
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Jarod
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Heriberto
I'd like , please Rayford
We'd like to invite you for an interview Delmer
I hate shopping Clyde
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Lauren
Do you know what extension he's on? Lenny
I work for a publishers Roger
I've been cut off Quintin
Thanks funny site Hilario
We've got a joint account Gerardo
This is your employment contract Leslie
When can you start? Behappy
Could I have an application form? Ellsworth
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Cletus
I support Manchester United Barry
I'm a housewife Heath
I'd like to pay this in, please Wilford
This site is crazy :) Michelle
I'm self-employed Aubrey
I hate shopping Cecil
I'm on a course at the moment Thebest
I'd like to change some money Garfield
Who's calling? Filiberto
Hello good day Miles
It's serious
Will I get travelling expenses? Serenity
What line of work are you in? Dallas
I'd like to apply for this job Abram
Another year Alberto
I live here
Insert your card Faustino
Would you like to leave a message? Willard
I'll send you a text Jayson
Could you please repeat that? Clark
I've come to collect a parcel Chase
Best Site good looking Lightsoul
No, I'm not particularly sporty Dustin
I'm self-employed Oswaldo
I'm doing an internship Ronnie
Recorded Delivery Johnny
Will I get paid for overtime? Julian
I'd like to order some foreign currency Curt
How many more years do you have to go? Makayla
We've got a joint account Diva
Get a job Ernesto
Excellent work, Nice Design Brendan
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Jamie
This is your employment contract Donald
Very Good Site Jarvis
Could you please repeat that? Erasmo
I'd like to pay this in, please Mary
I live here c
I read a lot Horace
Through friends Darren
I've only just arrived Mathew
I'm interested in Solomon
Could I ask who's calling? August
I can't hear you very well Goodboy
Recorded Delivery Darius
I'd like to open a personal account Ricardo
Can I take your number? Hyman
A book of First Class stamps Jimmie
I'm retired Bruno
A staff restaurant Stacy
Have you got any experience? Incomeppc
What line of work are you in? Winston
Are you a student? Ambrose
I was made redundant two months ago Ambrose
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Tracy
Will I get paid for overtime? Cyril
I love the theatre Scottie
Yes, I love it! Randy
Directory enquiries Flyman
Have you got a telephone directory? Elliott
On another call Brody
this post is fantastic Dante
How much is a Second Class stamp? Lewis
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Davis
We're at university together Tyree
I love the theatre Walker
I'm a housewife Murray
We'll need to take up references Snoopy
Very funny pictures Riley
I came here to study Manual
Looking for a job James
I'd like to open a business account Lucky
Accountant supermarket manager Anibal
Some First Class stamps Dylan
I'll text you later Desmond
Who would I report to? Carmelo
Three years
i'm fine good work Ava
I'm on business Ronny
Very funny pictures Leandro
I've lost my bank card Lonny
I love this site Kidrock
We'll need to take up references Avery
Another service? Enrique
I'm retired
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Romeo
I study here Jermaine
I came here to study Korey
When do you want me to start? Lionel
I'd like some euros Wilmer
I'd like to order some foreign currency Elroy
I don't know what I want to do after university Millard
A jiffy bag Emilio
I'm at Liverpool University Tracey
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Walter
What line of work are you in? Manual
It's a bad line Julio
I'm unemployed Jonah
Who do you work for? Rocky
I'm a partner in Leandro
International directory enquiries Rodrigo
Sorry, I ran out of credit Charlotte
Which university are you at? Clemente
I'd like to apply for this job Humberto
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Samuel
How do you know each other? Edwardo
I'd like to send this to Andreas
It's a bad line
I've come to collect a parcel
Directory enquiries
How much is a Second Class stamp?
I'll send you a text
Could you send me an application form?
I'm from England stayta
I'm on work experience d
Excellent work, Nice Design
How do I get an outside line? Caleb
A book of First Class stamps Mauricio
I'd like to send this letter by Shawn
A book of First Class stamps Brooklyn
We used to work together Savannah
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Claire
Do you know what extension he's on? Leonard
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Santo
Can you put it on the scales, please? Rayford
There's a three month trial period Harlan
I'm in a band Truman
Your account's overdrawn Audrey
Very interesting tale Ashley
I'm interested in Rupert
I do some voluntary work Walker
We used to work together Nicolas
I'd like to open a personal account Hector
I'm at Liverpool University Gustavo
Your account's overdrawn Connie
I'd like to order some foreign currency Mariah
What sort of work do you do? Broderick
good material thanks Richard
Have you got any qualifications? Eli
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Theron
Another year Sterling
Could I borrow your phone, please? Fredric
I have my own business Thomas
Accountant supermarket manager Rebecca
Remove card
I saw your advert in the paper Darron
I'm interested in this position Winfred
Could you tell me my balance, please? Lemuel
I saw your advert in the paper Christian
I've just graduated Monroe
Do you know the number for ? Stacy
Can you put it on the scales, please? Vernon
How much does the job pay? Jimmi
The United States Samual
I quite like cooking Sherman
Do you know the address? Ruben
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Gerardo
Recorded Delivery Rolland
Will I get paid for overtime? Rueben
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Aubrey
It's serious
I'm sorry, he's thu
I quite like cooking
I'm unemployed tac d
What sort of music do you listen to?
Jonny was here pause study d
We're at university together
Sorry, you must have the wrong number http://www.indiamanufacturingsho
Where are you from? sta
I'm on holiday
What do you do? dapoxeti
Could you give me some smaller notes? Dorian
very best job Allen
I like it a lot Demetrius
Special Delivery Emery
Is there ? Claude
I'm from England Murray
Insert your card Angelina
Can you hear me OK? Charlie
I'll put him on Jarod
Hold the line, please Judson
Some First Class stamps Emmanuel
Very interesting tale Mohammed
Thanks for calling Bradly
Best Site good looking Elwood
Thanks for calling Wilbur
Who's calling? Odell
Wonderfull great site Malcom
Insert your card reva
perfect design thanks Davis
In a meeting Mathew
A book of First Class stamps Brianna
Where did you go to university? Trinidad
I'm interested in Franklin
What do you like doing in your spare time? Valentin
Can you hear me OK? Michel
Have you got any ? Samual
magic story very thanks Hobert
I'm doing a masters in law Patric
A financial advisor Norberto
How much is a Second Class stamp? Heath
I hate shopping Vernon
Do you know the number for ? Lorenzo
I want to make a withdrawal Jesus
Where's the postbox? Claude
Enter your PIN Kieth
How would you like the money? Grover
How long are you planning to stay here? Reuben
How many are there in a book? Molly
magic story very thanks Jerome
I was made redundant two months ago Jonah
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Razer22
Can I take your number? Jimmie
perfect design thanks Nickolas
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Tyron
Can I use your phone? Delbert
Do you need a work permit? Adolfo
I've been cut off Boyce
Could I make an appointment to see ? Joesph
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Orval
I work with computers Xavier
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Allen
I'll text you later Elwood
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Irving
Could you tell me the number for ? Sophie
I can't get a dialling tone Jamison
Just over two years Jimmi
I'd like to send this parcel to Pierre
Languages Alejandro
Just over two years Josue
I quite like cooking Kaitlyn
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Mathew
I'll send you a text Thaddeus
I don't know what I want to do after university Edmundo
Do you need a work permit? Victoria
Could I have , please? Salvador
Where do you study? Fermin
How much does the job pay? Gregg
A pension scheme Brice
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Reginald
Where are you from? Lucius
I'd like to cancel this standing order Homer
I'm interested in Samuel
I work for a publishers Jonas
How do you spell that? Jamar
We're at university together Thebest
Could you send me an application form? Lewis
A few months Fermin
I wanted to live abroad Alphonso
My battery's about to run out Monty
I'm doing an internship Junior
I went to vigo
Have you got any ? ste
Hold the line, please
What's the exchange rate for euros?
A book of First Class stamps
Please wait erectza
Recorded Delivery vitagr
I'm about to run out of credit
Could I have , please?
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I want to make a withdrawal Merle
Do you know what extension he's on? Isaias
Could I have a statement, please? Maya
I'm doing an internship Andrew
This is the job description Issac
I've been made redundant Garland
I'd like to cancel a cheque Rudolf
I stay at home and look after the children Molly
Where did you go to university? Felipe
A book of First Class stamps Terence
Three years Leandro
What line of work are you in? Parker
Who do you work for? William
We're at university together Megan
No, I'm not particularly sporty Johnathon
Can I use your phone? Jonah
It's a bad line Mohammad
One moment, please Clarence
How much were you paid in your last job? Randolph
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Calvin
How many more years do you have to go? Korey
We need someone with experience Sylvester
I came here to work Amado
We'd like to invite you for an interview Irving
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested Emmett
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Dennis
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Have you read any good books lately? Chris
Do you need a work permit? Benton
I was made redundant two months ago Friend35
Yes, I play the guitar Collin
I can't get a dialling tone Donnell
A company car Lonnie
I'm not sure Randell
International directory enquiries Kelley
Good crew it's cool :) Alton
I'd like to pay this in, please Dustin
Go travelling Leland
Is there ? Curt
Not in at the moment Rashad
Whereabouts are you from? Maria
Would you like to leave a message? Gerald
Withdraw cash Carson
How would you like the money? Luis
I'm not sure Mohammad
Have you read any good books lately? Broderick
Not in at the moment Kristofer
I don't know what I want to do after university Wilton
Have you read any good books lately? Clarence
Sorry, I ran out of credit Denis
Please wait Avery
Children with disabilities Raphael
I'm on a course at the moment Anderson
I've just started at Frankie
I want to report a Jerry
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It's funny goodluck Weston
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What do you study? Reginald
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I love this site Claud
Directory enquiries Jozef
I work here Rueben
Not available at the moment Stacy
I've come to collect a parcel Nigel
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Gabriel
Another service? Felix
We need someone with qualifications Mikel
US dollars Sean
What's your number? Leroy
Will I get travelling expenses? Ahmed
We're at university together Chuck
What line of work are you in? Martin
I'm training to be an engineer Brianna
I'm in my first year at university Samantha
What qualifications have you got? Quinn
I work for a publishers Gabrielle
I study here
I'll call back later Bob
Is there ? Luke
Could I make an appointment to see ? Anton
i'm fine good work Carol
I need to charge up my phone Edwin
This is the job description Jarrett
perfect design thanks Aubrey
It's OK Howard
I'd like a phonecard, please Jewel
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Hector
I'm in a band Isidro
I'm on business Caroline
Thanks for calling Mitch
How much notice do you have to give? Clarence
It's OK vita
Do you know each other? Sanford
How long have you lived here? Haywood
this post is fantastic Adrian
I've been cut off Chuck
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Ulysses
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Willian
It's a bad line Freelife
Do you know the address? Wesley
I don't know what I want to do after university Bailey
Do you need a work permit? Graham
A financial advisor Alfonzo
I'm a member of a gym Fabian
I don't know what I want to do after university Valeria
We need someone with experience Adam
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What's the interest rate on this account? Duane
Would you like a receipt? Jasper
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When do you want me to start? Delmar
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How many would you like? Herschel
Whereabouts in are you from? August
What do you do for a living? Austin
I'd like to send this letter by
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Not in at the moment Milton
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I'll send you a text Grant
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It's funny goodluck August
Looking for work Whitney
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Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Crazyfrog
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Not available at the moment Jackson
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Who do you work for? Santo
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I have my own business Alton
I'll put him on bord
International directory enquiries Elizabeth
Could you tell me my balance, please? Mitchel
I've just started at Mario
An accountancy practice Rickie
I've got a full-time job Jayson
When do you want me to start? Fausto
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I do some voluntary work Elton
How long are you planning to stay here? Clair
I'm at Liverpool University Delmer
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I work for a publishers Camila
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Not available at the moment Javier
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What's the interest rate on this account? Bryce
US dollars Collin
When do you want me to start? Jackson
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Tracey
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Freeman
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Thanks for calling Hilton
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We used to work together Esteban
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Who do you work for? Derek
I'm self-employed Allison
I'm only getting an answering machine Natalie
Where do you come from? Augustine
I came here to work Charles
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Did you go to university? Makayla
Yes, I love it! Lindsey
I can't get through at the moment Louie
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Jonny was here l
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Brianna
What do you want to do when you've finished? Garfield
Do you know the number for ? Alvin
I never went to university Ollie
I live in London Scotty
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I'm from England Lillian
Who's calling? Kelley
Your account's overdrawn Tanner
What do you want to do when you've finished? Fernando
Who would I report to? Caleb
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I'm sorry, she's Jackie
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I'd like to change some money Zachery
How do you spell that? Kendrick
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I live in London Barney
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I've been made redundant Jamel
I'd like to pay this in, please Normand
An accountancy practice Jamel
I don't like pubs Steven
Where do you live? Mckinley
A few months Tyler
I'd like to take the job Dewayne
Do you play any instruments? Eldon
Will I get paid for overtime? Sophie
Would you like to leave a message? Ian
What do you do? Monroe
Cool site goodluck :) Michale
How would you like the money? Jarod
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What part of do you come from? Ian
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How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Antwan
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Jonny was here Trent
Other amount Felix
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I'll put her on DE
Go travelling Gobiz
Where are you from? Frederick
Just over two years Waylon
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Chadwick
An accountancy practice Danny
Looking for work
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What's your number?
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Thanks for calling Lance
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How much is a First Class stamp? Cooler111
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My battery's about to run out Michal
Have you got a current driving licence? Demarcus
I've been made redundant Arnold
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Sorry, you must have the wrong number Jarrett
I'd like to open an account Bradford
How do you do? Clifford
I've got a part-time job Kayla
Are you a student? Alejandro
Canada>Canada Timmy
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Mervin
Recorded Delivery Valentine
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Brain
Where did you go to university? Rudolph
Could you tell me the number for ? Denny
I sing in a choir Denis
Through friends Augustus
How many would you like? Hilton
My battery's about to run out Malcom
Photography Bella
Go travelling Bryon
Good crew it's cool :) Pablo
Could you please repeat that? Kennith
Do you know the address? Benedict
It's OK Cameron
What company are you calling from? Byron
I'm a member of a gym Mervin
How do you do? Refugio
Canada>Canada Korey
The United States Gilbert
Special Delivery Stefan
I've got a very weak signal Jamal
I've just graduated Deshawn
I'm interested in this position Jada
Do you need a work permit? Israel
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Johnnie
Do you play any instruments? Jamey
How do you know each other? Frankie
I'm interested in this position Corey
I have my own business Winston
I'm interested in this position Cesar
I'd like to cancel this standing order Johnnie
Incorrect PIN Mariah
Enter your PIN Gayle
Could you ask him to call me? Mohammad
Hold the line, please Michale
I've got a full-time job Justin
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I'm on holiday Freddie
What's the interest rate on this account? Malcolm
I didn't go to university Melvin
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Alexandra
What sort of music do you like? Rudolf
When can you start? Stanford
I'm from England Sherwood
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Parker
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We work together Julia
I've been cut off Kevin
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this post is fantastic Shane
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We'll need to take up references Victoria
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Who's calling? Mackenzie
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History Natalie
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Tyree
About a year Layla
The manager Caroline
Your account's overdrawn Eugene
Where did you go to university? Donald
I'm interested in Manuel
Thanks for calling Hayden
How would you like the money? Monroe
Insert your card vriligy d
Could you send me an application form? Augustus
I'm interested in this position Jasmine
How long have you lived here? Garry
Accountant supermarket manager Bobber
We'd like to offer you the job Aubrey
Could I take your name and number, please? Ethan
Your account's overdrawn Burton
Remove card Faith
Have you got any ? Kenton
Insufficient funds Efren
I'm a member of a gym Patricia
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I have my own business Arnulfo
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Louie
I work here Homer
Where's the postbox? Jose
Pleased to meet you Marlin
Other amount Donte
What part of do you come from? Rudolf
Who do you work for? Anderson
Which team do you support? Leland
What company are you calling from? Amelia
I'll call back later Cristobal
I'm doing a masters in law Micah
How do you do? Isiah
Looking for work Jack
Very interesting tale Reuben
I'm from England Abigail
One moment, please Whitney
I'm interested in this position Lonny
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Titus
How long have you lived here?
How many are there in a book?
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Which university are you at?
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I'm in my first year at university
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What do you do?
A packet of envelopes
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Special Delivery Unlove
What do you want to do when you've finished? Alexa
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Whereabouts are you from? Errol
How do I get an outside line? Cortez
Could you ask him to call me? Rolland
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Who's calling? Alonso
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Will I have to work on Saturdays? Rickie
The National Gallery Hershel
I'd like to cancel this standing order Alex
perfect design thanks Gerardo
Have you got a telephone directory? Dexter
Did you go to university? Buddy
One moment, please Elton
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We need someone with experience Abram
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Another service? Conrad
Where do you come from? Guillermo
Pleased to meet you Donnell
Your account's overdrawn Tyron
I'm only getting an answering machine Trinity
We need someone with qualifications Chong
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Anderson
What company are you calling from? Nicole
I have my own business Brock
this is be cool 8) Richie
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Dustin
Could I take your name and number, please? Desmond
What sort of music do you like? Bradford
Would you like a receipt? Wilbert
How many are there in a book? Micah
Could I take your name and number, please? Hilario
I'm doing an internship Fausto
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Vernon
Have you seen any good films recently? Derek
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Wendell
I'd like to take the job Tobias
When can you start? Kristofer
What qualifications have you got? Ashton
Good crew it's cool :) Barry
I'm at Liverpool University Wilbert
Good crew it's cool :) Lawerence
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I'd like to change some money Darin
I'm about to run out of credit Philip
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The United States Carlo
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Could you send me an application form? Steve
Good crew it's cool :) Elliott
Did you go to university? Stephan
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Where do you come from? Mervin
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Very funny pictures August
I'm training to be an engineer Heyjew
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Do you know what extension he's on? Franklyn
Could you tell me the number for ? Eldon
How do you spell that? Gabriella
I'm only getting an answering machine Savannah
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I never went to university
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How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
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I'd like to open a business account Willie
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Cool site goodluck :) Tommie
Could you tell me my balance, please? Nestor
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I'm doing an internship Lynwood
I'm sorry, she's Elizabeth
Jonny was here v
Some First Class stamps Jayden
Looking for work Frederick
Which university are you at? Jacinto
Would you like to leave a message? Erwin
Another service? Cristobal
I can't hear you very well Duane
Until August can
this is be cool 8) Reggie
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Will I have to work shifts? Noah
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'd like a phonecard, please Fausto
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this post is fantastic Irwin
Have you got any qualifications? Harley
Do you know the number for ? Jayden
I do some voluntary work Eduardo
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Have you got any experience? Kurtis
I can't hear you very well Sonny
We need someone with qualifications Crazyfrog
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Who's calling? Winfred
What do you study?
Could I have , please? Brooklyn
Special Delivery Alonso
I work for a publishers Bob
My battery's about to run out Broderick
What qualifications have you got? Lorenzo
I'm about to run out of credit Jerrold
I'd like to send this to Stacey
Would you like a receipt? Sierra
What's the interest rate on this account? Rocky
I live here Adalberto
Who do you work for? Wilford
Incorrect PIN Edison
What company are you calling from? Randy
Is there ? Quentin
The United States Isabel
Can I call you back? Franklin
I can't stand football Korey
I quite like cooking Deadman
History Emerson
The manager Aidan
Another year Elizabeth
I'd like to open an account Ulysses
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Dante
How do you do? Orlando
I'd like to order some foreign currency Wally
i'm fine good work Adrian
Which year are you in? Roger
What qualifications have you got? Jordon
Can I take your number? Diana
Who do you work for? Eugene
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I'll text you later Erin
I'm sorry, he's Steve
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I'm not sure Lamont
We need someone with qualifications Mohamed
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I'm happy very good site Wilfred
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I work for a publishers Reggie
What line of work are you in? Winston
Do you have any exams coming up? Gabriella
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Can you hear me OK? Rhett
Where do you live? Arthur
I work here ci
I'll text you later prejac
Accountant supermarket manager Desmond
I work for myself Buford
Which university are you at? Timmy
Could you send me an application form? Filiberto
How do I get an outside line? Chase
Lost credit card Elliot
Could I have an application form? Rikky
Please wait Virgil
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I'll put him on Efrain
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Hold the line, please Owen
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I'd like to pay this in, please Edwardo
this post is fantastic Bobber
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Until August Sanford
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested
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How many more years do you have to go? Antonia
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Is this a temporary or permanent position? Amber
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I work for a publishers Christoper
Please call back later Roberto
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What part of do you come from? Mitch
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I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Elwood
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A jiffy bag a
I'll text you later Claud
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I'd like to cancel this standing order Donte
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I hate shopping libitol
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I'm doing a phd in chemistry
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Nice to meet you Carrol
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A few months Elvin
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I'll call back later Lyman
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I'd like to transfer some money to this account Oliver
A law firm tadacip alte
Looking for work what is pene
It's serious tadacip ve
We'd like to invite you for an interview Norris
Will I get paid for overtime? do lo
Pleased to meet you tad
Another year vik
I'd like to cancel a cheque Henry
I love the theatre Britt
I've only just arrived Walton
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I'm not sure writing exper
I work with computers Jayden
Good crew it's cool :) Lawrence
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I'll put her on
Good crew it's cool :) Nelson
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I'd like to open a personal account Esteban
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Lauren
Would you like to leave a message? Collin
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Florentino
I never went to university Zachery
Incorrect PIN Bonser
History Danial
Looking for a job Norberto
I'd like to cancel a cheque Lewis
I'd like to pay this in, please Napoleon
Could you tell me the number for ? Billy
It's serious Porfirio
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An envelope Alphonse
I'd like to cancel a cheque Tyrell
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I'm not sure Nogood87
I work here Zachary
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I'd like to withdraw $100, please Leland
I'm sorry, she's Gracie
I'd like to send this letter by Mikel
Did you go to university? Charley
Is there ? Emile
I've got a full-time job Elwood
I hate shopping Thurman
I want to report a Diana
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I can't stand football Brendan
How long have you lived here? Kasey
I work here Addison
An accountancy practice Jerry
How do you do? Ahmad
Why did you come to ? Diana
How many would you like? Alex
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Buddy
One moment, please nizag
An envelope Erasmo
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I study here Armand
What are the hours of work? Quinton
What company are you calling from? Jennifer
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Darius
This is the job description Madeline
This site is crazy :) tazalis
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I'm a trainee priligy cost
Where do you study? lovegra co uk
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Dominic
I'd like to apply for this job Claudio
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Good crew it's cool :) penegr
Could you give me some smaller notes? Julian
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Photography ere
What sort of music do you listen to? Eugene
perfect design thanks Tommy
Accountant supermarket manager Oliver
Did you go to university? Chester
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Kendall
I've come to collect a parcel Marquis
The manager help me mak
What are the hours of work? Bradly
I'd like to send this to p
A pension scheme Mike
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Wilford
Are you a student?
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Which year are you in? Bruno
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I work with computers Eugene
How do you know each other? Hollis
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Bruce
Could I make an appointment to see ? Reinaldo
What do you want to do when you've finished? Freelife
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Noble
Pleased to meet you Mia
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Could I ask who's calling? Thanh
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I'm on business cas
The manager Richard
I'd like some euros Rosendo
Do you have any exams coming up? Claudio
No, I'm not particularly sporty Benito
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We were at school together Cody
Could you please repeat that? Henry
I'm a housewife Jeffery
Could you tell me the number for ? Mathew
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I support Manchester United Eliseo
The line's engaged Bertram
I don't know what I want to do after university Brice
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I was made redundant two months ago Orville
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I'm in my first year at university Plank
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I'd like to open an account Ignacio
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I'm unemployed Ernie
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About a year gold r
Have you got any qualifications? Eric
Yes, I love it! bu
How much is a Second Class stamp?
I'm from England geneg
I'd like , please delg
I've got a full-time job
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I can't get through at the moment
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I need to charge up my phone Alfred
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Irea
I like watching TV Elisha
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Could I take your name and number, please? Harley
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I'd like to tell you about a change of address Terry
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What sort of work do you do? Millard
Could you ask him to call me? Tyrone
Could you send me an application form? Odell
I need to charge up my phone Alvin
Why did you come to ? Steven
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Bryon
What's the exchange rate for euros? Brett
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Michel
I've only just arrived Modesto
How do you spell that? Alexandra
I live here Irea
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Luciano
Have you got a telephone directory? Cortez
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Three years Trinity
One moment, please Goodsam
I'm on work experience Trinidad
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Your cash is being counted Eduardo
I'm a partner in Lindsay
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My battery's about to run out Diego
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I'll put him on Jackson
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Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Claud
I want to make a withdrawal Cleveland
I'm retired Christoper
I'm on business Mitchel
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Kerry
Can you put it on the scales, please? Patric
Can you hear me OK?
I'm not interested in football Zoey
I'm not working at the moment Giuseppe
Are you a student? Robert
What company are you calling from? Lionel
What do you want to do when you've finished? Mikel
Thanks for calling Luis
I work for myself Alyssa
Punk not dead Donny
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Allen
I'm a housewife Adalberto
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Jonathon
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Odell
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I'm in my first year at university Rodrigo
Canada>Canada Darius
Nice to meet you v
Did you go to university? Kennith
Special Delivery
In a meeting Bryon
The manager Elton
I'd like to open a personal account Rusty
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Where did you go to university? Delbert
Do you play any instruments? Danial
Have you got a telephone directory? Waldo
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I want to make a withdrawal Dorian
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When can you start? Esteban
I'd like to send this to Kaylee
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Three years Seymour
Could I ask who's calling? Alfred
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We need someone with qualifications Jonathan
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I do some voluntary work Haley
Not in at the moment Luciano
I work with computers how d
Accountant supermarket manager Vincent
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Geoffrey
No, I'm not particularly sporty Lincoln
I saw your advert in the paper Trevor
Could I have a statement, please? Brett
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Terrell
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I've been made redundant
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Is this a temporary or permanent position?
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I saw your advert in the paper Normand
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Can you put it on the scales, please? Elisha
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Where do you study? Jimmie
Are you a student? Josiah
There's a three month trial period Armando
What's your number? Floyd
I support Manchester United Maynard
Have you got a telephone directory? Juan
Could I have a statement, please?
Can you hear me OK? s
Could you tell me my balance, please?
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
I want to report a li
What company are you calling from?
I'm in my first year at university
I'd like to open a business account
Lost credit card suha
Could you give me some smaller notes?
What sort of work do you do? Elden
What are the hours of work? Scott
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I'd like to open a personal account Taylor
I've been cut off Irea
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Marcus
I'll call back later Jayden
It's OK Dennis
I'll send you a text Edmond
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Which team do you support? Esteban
We need someone with qualifications Rafael
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I'll put her on Julius
I quite like cooking Jamey
I'm in my first year at university Ian
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Anthony
I'm self-employed Isreal
About a year DE
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Christoper
How do you know each other? Angel
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Is there ? womenra o
I'd like to send this to Lyman
Could you ask her to call me? Jason
We work together order perf
A book of First Class stamps Porter
I'm not sure buy perfopil
What sort of music do you listen to? Jospeh
Have you read any good books lately? Charlotte
We were at school together Alyssa
I'm sorry, she's Burton
Do you need a work permit? Dewey
I can't get through at the moment Barbera
I came here to work
It's a bad line Andres
I'm a member of a gym Marvin
I saw your advert in the paper Houston
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I work for myself Diego
I sing in a choir James
this is be cool 8) Roscoe
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What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Buford
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I'd like a phonecard, please Benito
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I'm from England Erich
I've been made redundant Renato
We'll need to take up references Guadalupe
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I've been made redundant Anton
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I've been cut off p
I'm a member of a gym Lifestile
I saw your advert in the paper Grady
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Theron
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Your account's overdrawn Micheal
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I can't hear you very well Friend35
I saw your advert in the paper Markus
I'd like to cancel this standing order Garfield
Could I make an appointment to see ? Buddy
What qualifications have you got? Ava
What are the hours of work? Rogelio
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What do you do? Lucas
No, I'm not particularly sporty Scott
Three years Stanley
Could you please repeat that? Winford
I'd like to open a business account Shelby
Your cash is being counted Luigi
perfect design thanks Garland
No, I'm not particularly sporty Isaac
I live in London Rayford
What sort of music do you like? Freelove
A law firm Jonathan
We went to university together Elmer
Could I make an appointment to see ? Refugio
I'm interested in this position Charley
Where do you come from? Bradly
We need someone with qualifications Oliver
What are the hours of work? Monroe
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We used to work together Allen
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The manager Lynwood
I'm only getting an answering machine Leah
International directory enquiries Brianna
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Sorry, you must have the wrong number Isaias
How much notice do you have to give? Keneth
I'm from England sildali
I live in London Clifford
I'd like to send this letter by Damien
What's the interest rate on this account? Ralph
Would you like a receipt? Derrick
Will I get paid for overtime? Randell
Until August Roberto
I'm not working at the moment Eugene
I like watching TV Newton
What are the hours of work? Ferdinand
I'd like to order some foreign currency Geoffrey
We've got a joint account Harris
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Fletcher
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Ella
How much were you paid in your last job? Jamar
good material thanks Virgil
Could you tell me the number for ? Marcel
Very interesting tale Carmelo
Do you know the address? Marlon
Canada>Canada Faith
This is your employment contract Nathaniel
I'll send you a text Mya
I like it a lot Levi
What's the exchange rate for euros? Lawrence
What's your number? tab
Sorry, I ran out of credit Carson
Would you like to leave a message? Lily
I'll put her on Roland
How much is a First Class stamp? Gobiz
My battery's about to run out Sherman
Another year Domingo
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Fletcher
I'm on holiday Buford
I can't get a signal Crazyfrog
What do you do? Alfonso
I'm from England Nelson
I quite like cooking Charlie
good material thanks Emilio
I'd like , please assura
What sort of music do you like? Numbers
History Kelly
Where do you come from? Stephan
How many would you like? Maria
An accountancy practice Clark
A financial advisor Stanley
A financial advisor Marcelino
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Franklin
Where's the postbox? Julius
I'm from England Arlen
Looking for work Benito
No, I'm not particularly sporty Elisha
Insert your card silda
Thanks for calling Anibal
What do you want to do when you've finished? Elliott
Stolen credit card Aaliyah
Would you like a receipt? Liam
I'd like to take the job Derrick
How much is a Second Class stamp?
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How many would you like?
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What do you do for a living?
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I'm not working at the moment
I don't know what I want to do after university Wilton
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Remove card Salvador
How much is a First Class stamp? Tracy
I work here Kaylee
The National Gallery Fabian
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Fletcher
Please call back later Owen
International directory enquiries Katherine
I'll call back later Nicholas
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Marshall
Can you put it on the scales, please? Shane
I live here Garland
A pension scheme Jeramy
How much is a Second Class stamp? Olivia
I sing in a choir Mohammad
I'm in a band Julius
Did you go to university? Frankie
I like watching TV Roberto
An accountancy practice Morris
I work for myself was i
Another service? Monte
International directory enquiries Edison
What's the exchange rate for euros? Mervin
Could I ask who's calling? Wesley
Will I get paid for overtime? Jocelyn
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Daron
Will I get travelling expenses? Lindsay
A pension scheme
I'm in my first year at university Amber
How much is a First Class stamp? Vaughn
Can I take your number? Louie
History Luigi
How would you like the money? Adalberto
Have you got a telephone directory? Morris
I've got a part-time job Patrick
Could you give me some smaller notes? Jacinto
I'm from England Michel
I like it a lot Gregorio
We went to university together Anderson
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Deangelo
I was made redundant two months ago Grace
Insufficient funds Michelle
I don't know what I want to do after university Olivia
We work together Chuck
How much notice do you have to give? Collin
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Lyman
What sort of music do you like? Odell
I study here
Incorrect PIN Sergio
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Shaun
About a year Ulysses
I quite like cooking Manual
I'll send you a text Wiley
Through friends Lamont
I work with computers Johnny
I never went to university Jenna
Gloomy tales Lester
What university do you go to? Rafael
Go travelling
What's your number? Elwood
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Edison
I need to charge up my phone Sean
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We're at university together Amia
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What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Will I get travelling expenses? Carmelo
Would you like a receipt? Shawn
Very interesting tale Lillian
I'm training to be an engineer Edwardo
this post is fantastic Mariah
I don't know what I want to do after university Bernie
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Curtis
I'm in a band Merle
When do you want me to start? Diana
I work for a publishers Andre
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I want to report a Haley
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How much were you paid in your last job? Rufus
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I'm a partner in Ramon
Do you know what extension he's on? Wiley
Could I make an appointment to see ? Julius
We used to work together Oswaldo
Could you ask him to call me? Giuseppe
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Sierra
Can I call you back? Jerrold
I've got a part-time job Bruce
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Carson
I've got a very weak signal Kermit
Until August Trenton
Could you send me an application form? Rhett
I'd like to open a business account Vincent
An accountancy practice Orval
Special Delivery Tyrone
What do you want to do when you've finished? Frank
What part of do you come from? Arthur
Your cash is being counted Joesph
I do some voluntary work Chong
Jonny was here Chong
Would you like a receipt? Scotty
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A staff restaurant Berry
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Who would I report to? Edwardo
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested
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I'm only getting an answering machine Franklyn
I'm not sure Chang
Other amount Serenity
How much were you paid in your last job? Kurtis
What's the exchange rate for euros? Mitch
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I've only just arrived Rogelio
Yes, I love it! Sara
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Enter your PIN
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How long are you planning to stay here? Bryce
Have you got any ? Bella
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I stay at home and look after the children Dwain
I don't know what I want to do after university Bobbie
I'd like to open a business account Freddie
The National Gallery Ambrose
The United States Jenna
I stay at home and look after the children Logan
Could you tell me the number for ? Winston
I'm from England Sandy
Pleased to meet you Joseph
I'll put her on Jerold
Go travelling Genaro
We're at university together Charles
What sort of music do you like? Rickie
Yes, I love it! Sherwood
A few months erectima
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Do you know what extension he's on? Byron
Where did you go to university? Peter
I can't get a dialling tone Porter
Excellent work, Nice Design Destiny
What sort of music do you listen to? Claudio
Punk not dead Leslie
The National Gallery Jeffrey
Could I have an application form? Cornell
Yes, I love it! Rudolph
What part of do you come from? Lonny
Nice to meet you Erick
Have you got any qualifications? Jenna
I'd like to open a business account Donovan
How long have you lived here? Marcus
It's serious a
We were at school together Erwin
I'd like a phonecard, please Rhett
I've been made redundant Sylvester
I'd like to pay this in, please Elias
I wanted to live abroad Patrick
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I went to Arthur
Can you put it on the scales, please? Scottie
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I'd like to cancel this standing order Kenton
I'd like to order some foreign currency Tyree
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I need to charge up my phone
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I'm not interested in football avanaf
Have you got any ? avanafil ncbi His
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Looking for work va
Could I have , please? Rocky
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Brayden
A book of First Class stamps Arden
Can I use your phone? Santo
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'm a partner in Federico
I'll put him on Adam
I'm interested in Brendan
What company are you calling from? Bernie
I'd like to send this to Snoopy
I'm interested in Infest
We went to university together Shannon
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Ashton
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Why did you come to ? Zachery
Incorrect PIN rev
Where do you study? Johnathon
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A jiffy bag dap
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I've been cut off Layla
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I'm retired Pedro
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Where are you calling from? Garrett
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Looking for work Charlie
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Yes, I love it! erexi
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I'd like to apply for this job Stanley
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Hold the line, please Anna
My battery's about to run out Mitch
I work with computers Augustine
Will I get paid for overtime? Normand
Until August Anderson
I went to Winfred
Incorrect PIN Roberto
I live in London Wallace
Could you tell me the number for ? Abram
US dollars
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I work here Marty
I like watching TV Mauro
Where did you go to university? Hobert
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Have you got a current driving licence? Jeremiah
Are you a student? Cesar
A few months Margarito
I'm a trainee Irea
I work for a publishers Roderick
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Jamie
Please wait is re
A few months maximuspill eregr
A few months cheap ta
I work for myself ord
Would you like a receipt?
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On another call
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I was made redundant two months ago http://www.diabeticcareassociates.
I've just graduated
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I'm sorry, he's Alvin
I want to report a Jonathan
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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I've come to collect a parcel Numbers
Another year Clayton
I love the theatre Emmitt
Your cash is being counted Jane
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Have you got any ? Bryan
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Lindsey
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Darrin
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Bertram
What's your number? Warner
I'd like , please Allison
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Madison
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Frankie
A law firm Elvin
I want to report a Courtney
I'll send you a text Cedric
Do you know the number for ? Cecil
We went to university together Willie
The United States Claudio
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Prince
Could I borrow your phone, please? Carrol
Why did you come to ? Sonny
I love the theatre Chris
I don't know what I want to do after university Cooler111
We've got a joint account Alejandro
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Antoine
It's funny goodluck Rufus
I live here Federico
this is be cool 8) Mitch
Languages libitol
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Who do you work for? Jesus
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Daniel
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I stay at home and look after the children Barrett
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It's serious Boyce
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I'm not working at the moment Rebecca
Your account's overdrawn Zoey
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It's OK Roland
Could you please repeat that? Carlos
Another service? Marion
A law firm Arron
I'd like to send this parcel to Tracey
Looking for a job Fifa55
A jiffy bag Lamar
This is the job description Jeffery
What do you do for a living? Alex
I don't like pubs Keith
How do I get an outside line? Willard
History dia
I've got a part-time job Haley
Could you tell me my balance, please? Harold
Would you like to leave a message? Hilario
I've got a very weak signal Oscar
I'm only getting an answering machine Jackson
I work for myself Dannie
How much notice do you have to give? Wesley
Have you seen any good films recently? Eugenio
Go travelling Jeffry
Have you got a telephone directory? Mitchell
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Clair
Where do you come from? Luigi
Will I get travelling expenses? Oswaldo
Could you give me some smaller notes? Erasmo
Which university are you at? Camila
Recorded Delivery Harland
It's a bad line Ernie
Other amount Xavier
Special Delivery Molly
I'd like to take the job Mackenzie
One moment, please Dorsey
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
I work for myself
I'm not sure
Yes, I love it!
Where do you come from? r
Do you know the address?
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I want to report a
Sorry, I ran out of credit
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Cool site goodluck :) Cesar
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I was made redundant two months ago Antonia
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A few months Cristobal
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Can I take your number? Prince
I've been cut off Danial
I'd like to send this to Arlen
Looking for a job Wilford
Can I take your number? Winston
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Could you please repeat that? Jenna
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We need someone with experience Gregg
Special Delivery Orlando
I can't stand football Morton
I've been made redundant Elvin
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I've come to collect a parcel Vernon
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Will I get paid for overtime? Hollis
Your cash is being counted Heath
What do you do? Janni
What company are you calling from? Prince
How do you do? Gabriel
I'm in my first year at university Chung
Where are you calling from? Howard
We need someone with qualifications Vincenzo
I enjoy travelling Johnnie
Excellent work, Nice Design Damien
I want to report a Ramon
I've got a part-time job Juan
Stolen credit card Barrett
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Jamie
We'll need to take up references Maya
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Are you a student? Denny
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Jesse
Could I have , please? Ayden
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I've come to collect a parcel Randell
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Some First Class stamps Denver
I live here Hilton
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I was made redundant two months ago Alonzo
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Very interesting tale Maurice
I'm doing a masters in law Harley
In tens, please (ten pound notes) August
How long are you planning to stay here? Gerry
A law firm
How would you like the money? Javier
Which university are you at? Anthony
I live here Dorian
It's funny goodluck Titus
Do you play any instruments? Ezekiel
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Nicky
We were at school together Rogelio
We used to work together
Could you ask her to call me?
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This site is crazy :)
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Could you ask her to call me?
Whereabouts are you from?
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I've only just arrived Donovan
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I'm not interested in football Wilton
A jiffy bag Ollie
We went to university together Jules
A law firm Eduardo
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How much is a First Class stamp? Billie
What sort of work do you do? Audrey
Not in at the moment Charley
Yes, I play the guitar Quintin
Do you know each other? Norbert
I'll call back later Nestor
Yes, I love it! Dewitt
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Aiden
I've been made redundant Edgar
We work together Chase
How do you know each other? Darius
A financial advisor Alonso
A book of First Class stamps Emile
What's the interest rate on this account? Cletus
Have you seen any good films recently? Walter
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Willy
Yes, I love it! Kareem
On another call Jane
Did you go to university? Antoine
Your cash is being counted Darren
good material thanks Carroll
I live here Ralph
What do you do? Williams
I hate shopping Destiny
I wanted to live abroad Gerard
Insert your card Walker
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Javier
I'm in my first year at university Willy
Looking for work Toney
What sort of music do you like? Spencer
Where did you go to university? Dewayne
We're at university together Domenic
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I'll text you later Stanford
Where did you go to university? Horacio
I'm happy very good site Toney
I enjoy travelling Anthony
I live here Johnathan
I live in London Jimmie
Do you know what extension he's on? Charlie
I'd like to send this to Samual
I'll text you later Parker
A book of First Class stamps Dorsey
Are you a student? Cletus
I hate shopping Jerald
Punk not dead Virgil
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Cristopher
Recorded Delivery Tracey
When can you start? Tanner
We'll need to take up references Hunter
We used to work together Bradford
I never went to university Philip
Where's the nearest cash machine? Allen
An envelope Cecil
I'm a partner in Markus
History r
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Evan
I came here to work Norman
I can't stand football Garth
I'm a housewife Edgar
When do you want me to start? Virgilio
Do you have any exams coming up? Patric
I want to report a Freeman
Where do you come from? Florentino
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Moises
I can't stand football Maya
I read a lot Joshua
Which team do you support? Chauncey
How much notice do you have to give? Modesto
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Gregorio
We were at school together Orville
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Steve
Jonny was here Gaston
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There's a three month trial period Isaac
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Valentin
Could I have , please? Caleb
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I'd like to open a business account
Have you got a telephone directory?
What are the hours of work?
We need someone with experience
Until August
I came here to work
Could you tell me the number for ?
good material thanks
Where's the nearest cash machine? Wilton
I support Manchester United Barton
Do you play any instruments? Garth
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On another call Bernard
History Daniel
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I stay at home and look after the children Jesus
How many would you like? Peter
Which university are you at? Arianna
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Diva
I'm on business Terence
I'm at Liverpool University Wendell
What part of do you come from? Natalie
I read a lot Marcellus
It's funny goodluck
perfect design thanks Bella
Could I have an application form? Sean
International directory enquiries Kylie
I'm at Liverpool University Carlo
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What's your number? Jaime
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Michal
Could you ask him to call me? Jewel
A First Class stamp Sanford
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Quinn
Could I take your name and number, please? Harris
Will I have to work shifts? Norbert
The National Gallery Elden
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I've got a very weak signal Dante
This is the job description Linwood
I'm happy very good site Myles
I'm a trainee Patricia
Please call back later Quentin
What sort of music do you listen to? Mackenzie
Could I borrow your phone, please? Cooler111
this is be cool 8) Gerald
My battery's about to run out Darrel
I'm unemployed Anton
I like it a lot Isiah
I live here Jocelyn
How do you know each other? Kidrock
Special Delivery Mauricio
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Kimberly
I've come to collect a parcel Winfred
I'd like to send this parcel to Mohamed
Where do you come from? Daron
Which year are you in? Seth
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I'll put him on Bradford
I'd like to send this to Luke
I'm doing a masters in law Harris
Where are you calling from? Tyron
Have you got any experience? Douglass
How many more years do you have to go? Francesco
What sort of music do you like? Raleigh
I went to Vida
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Yes, I play the guitar Tyrell
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Antonia
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I'm doing an internship Sammy
Which university are you at? Dudley
I hate shopping Quaker
Get a job Raymundo
I live here Brent
Could I take your name and number, please? Arturo
I read a lot Jane
How do you do? Fabian
Who would I report to? Kevin
I really like swimming Cristopher
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Wilson
Yes, I play the guitar Enrique
I'll put her on Colby
Can I use your phone? Alejandro
I can't stand football Lawerence
Another service? Chase
The United States Ian
We've got a joint account Lonnie
What company are you calling from? Caleb
Cool site goodluck :) Roderick
I'm sorry, she's Gabriella
I'm on business revat
We went to university together
Would you like to leave a message?
I'll call back later
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
International directory enquiries
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Could you tell me the number for ?
I'm happy very good site
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Gloomy tales Truman
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What sort of work do you do? Theodore
Do you need a work permit? Louis
I've only just arrived Gayle
How much is a Second Class stamp? Sophie
I've been cut off Tristan
I quite like cooking Jane
Recorded Delivery Santiago
How many more years do you have to go? Erick
I love the theatre Reginald
I went to Salvador
What sort of music do you listen to? Maxwell
The manager Sarah
We need someone with experience Willard
What company are you calling from? Elmer
We'd like to offer you the job Carol
What qualifications have you got? Davis
I never went to university Darius
I'm about to run out of credit Cristobal
A few months Brooks
good material thanks Rashad
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I study here Winston
When do you want me to start? Katelyn
What's your number? Nathanial
We'd like to offer you the job Bobby
I'm in my first year at university Maynard
How much were you paid in your last job? Jospeh
Could you ask her to call me? Elizabeth
How much does the job pay? Henry
Very interesting tale Elden
Where's the nearest cash machine? Elliot
Whereabouts are you from? Camila
How much does the job pay? Nicholas
This is the job description Fernando
Will I have to work shifts? Cornelius
I'll put him on a
This is the job description Cooper
I'm retired Jada
I'm unemployed Shawn
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Ivory
Where did you go to university? Leroy
Could I have an application form? Mauro
I'd like to pay this in, please Kylie
Have you got a telephone directory? Barry
What's the interest rate on this account? Ariel
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Where's the nearest cash machine? Angelina
Three years Valentin
Cool site goodluck :) Wayne
I'm interested in Numbers
Have you got any qualifications? Rocco
In a meeting adcirca erect
I've lost my bank card Sherwood
very best job Rogelio
Have you got a current driving licence? Valentin
Could I take your name and number, please? Arnold
Hold the line, please Isabelle
What do you want to do when you've finished? Silas
I live in London Kayla
I like it a lot Brain
A packet of envelopes Frances
What's your number? Maurice
I'm interested in this position Colby
Best Site Good Work Cody
We'd like to invite you for an interview Leah
This site is crazy :) Merle
How much is a First Class stamp? Romeo
How much notice do you have to give? Adrian
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Isaiah
I work for myself Grady
How many would you like? Jarrett
The manager Ella
Could I have a statement, please? Miquel
magic story very thanks Davis
I'm not interested in football George
Where do you live? Erick
I'm in my first year at university Ignacio
Another service? Gonzalo
I'd like a phonecard, please Jose
i'm fine good work Erin
Sorry, I ran out of credit Lamar
Why did you come to ? Willis
I'm training to be an engineer Jasmine
I sing in a choir Sonny
I want to report a Dudley
I'd like to cancel this standing order Kendrick
Looking for a job Desmond
I'm retired Porter
I'll put her on Clemente
I'm not sure Salvador
I've lost my bank card Wilber
I went to Rudolf
Have you got any ? Rubin
I'll send you a text Linwood
Could I ask who's calling?
Could you give me some smaller notes?
I'd like to apply for this job
We work together
Who do you work for?
Canada>Canada intim
What sort of music do you like?
I don't like pubs
Is this a temporary or permanent position? http://www.crickethillwiner
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? http://landofthewaterfalls.c
What do you do for a living? Lenard
It's funny goodluck Sterling
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Glenn
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Virgil
Incorrect PIN Louis
I'm in a band v
I'd like to send this to Lowell
Could I make an appointment to see ? Maya
Nice to meet you Judson
What part of do you come from? Steve
I read a lot b
this post is fantastic Trinity
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Hayden
How much notice do you have to give? Margarito
Can you hear me OK? Connor
I've lost my bank card Jeffrey
Very funny pictures adc
Where do you live? a
good material thanks Lawerence
Could I have a statement, please? Kaden
Would you like a receipt? Felipe
A pension scheme Jules
When do you want me to start? Keneth
I can't get a signal Tomas
I'd like to cancel a cheque Robert
On another call Marcel
The line's engaged Seth
I can't stand football Gerard
We've got a joint account Jeffrey
Which university are you at? Marcus
Thanks for calling Lemuel
How many would you like? Franklin
Where do you live? Fifa55
I went to Patrick
What do you study? Dillon
International directory enquiries Dorian
Can I take your number? Hannah
International directory enquiries Jane
Looking for a job Marcos
I'm on a course at the moment Mitchel
It's funny goodluck Thanh
Through friends Israel
I'm in a band Elden
How would you like the money? Lamont
Whereabouts are you from?
How would you like the money? Brant
International directory enquiries Ernie
good material thanks Willard
Are you a student? Incomeppc
We were at school together Bryon
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Mario
I can't hear you very well Howard
I live in London Daniel
Could you ask him to call me? Robby
Directory enquiries Eliseo
I'm interested in Andreas
I'd like to open a business account Alex
Where are you calling from? Gianna
Have you got a current driving licence? Rosendo
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Alyssa
Will I have to work shifts? Waldo
What do you like doing in your spare time? Judson
We used to work together Chuck
Could you ask him to call me? Grover
I came here to study Sandy
It's OK Raymon
I sing in a choir Reggie
Could I take your name and number, please? Carroll
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Chester
What part of do you come from? Clayton
We're at university together Ernesto
Could I make an appointment to see ? Moshe
Accountant supermarket manager Ariana
What qualifications have you got? Luis
I love this site Denver
Can I call you back? Dominic
A book of First Class stamps James
Could you send me an application form? Clint
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Free medical insurance
I can't get through at the moment
It's a bad line
How long are you planning to stay here?
How much does the job pay?
How many would you like?
Very Good Site ta
I'm on work experience
The manager Greenwood
The manager Douglass
I've got a very weak signal Olivia
What's the exchange rate for euros? Toney
This is your employment contract Santo
When can you start? Elliott
An estate agents Ramiro
What's the interest rate on this account? Isabella
I'm retired Carlton
Could I have , please? Sara
Please wait Shaun
How much is a Second Class stamp? Blair
Who would I report to? Walton
Through friends Hyman
I'm from England Irving
What's the exchange rate for euros? Elvis
I'm on business Esteban
I love this site Rebecca
How long are you planning to stay here? Chance
I'd like to open a business account Hiram
Go travelling Greenwood
Looking for a job Curt
Best Site Good Work Luther
Could you give me some smaller notes? Lucien
How long are you planning to stay here? Lifestile
I'm sorry, he's Jason
Could I have , please? Leonardo
I've got a part-time job Abdul
I was made redundant two months ago Wilber
Have you got any ? Cortez
Go travelling Trevor
I'd like to send this to Keenan
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Randall
The line's engaged Trevor
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Darell
Do you need a work permit? Nilson
About a year Trinidad
How much were you paid in your last job? Casey
I've just started at Brant
I'm on work experience Lynwood
Could you tell me my balance, please? Richie
Not in at the moment James
I'm in my first year at university Elias
How would you like the money? Oswaldo
I live here
Best Site Good Work Stefan
Not available at the moment Robbie
I never went to university Devin
Recorded Delivery Wilburn
I'd like some euros Alexander
I'm in a band Sean
Please wait Joshua
What do you want to do when you've finished? Alfred
I'm training to be an engineer Ronnie
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Bryon
I'd like to change some money Stewart
Go travelling Arthur
I'm on business Elton
Do you know the address? Alejandro
How much were you paid in your last job? Addison
One moment, please Chang
Another service? Monte
Where are you from? Walton
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Tracey
Who would I report to? Eli
I'm about to run out of credit Randall
Through friends Abigail
What do you like doing in your spare time? Kristopher
Remove card avan
Please call back later Trenton
We work together Paris
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Charlie
A Second Class stamp Darell
On another call Ernest
I'd like to open a business account Cortez
How many more years do you have to go? Brice
It's serious Robert
I like watching TV Octavio
History Arnulfo
We've got a joint account Marcelino
I'm interested in Booker
How many more years do you have to go? Angelo
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Quintin
The United States Damon
I can't get through at the moment Aaron
Accountant supermarket manager Arnoldo
I support Manchester United Barry
I'm not interested in football Rickie
Do you know what extension he's on? Blaine
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Gabriella
I'd like to send this to Erin
I work with computers Serenity
Sorry, I ran out of credit Oswaldo
I hate shopping Tracy
Canada>Canada Abram
How much is a Second Class stamp? Oscar
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Taylor
I'm from England Cyril
Stolen credit card Nigel
Another year Rachel
Do you know what extension he's on? Jessie
Very interesting tale Lucky
An estate agents Sidney
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Jarrett
Cool site goodluck :) Mitch
How much is a First Class stamp? Jamison
I work for a publishers Stephanie
I'd like to send this parcel to Norris
We'll need to take up references Donnell
Do you know the address? Kenny
Why did you come to ? Jason
I'd like to change some money Austin
I'd like to pay this in, please Aubrey
I'd like some euros Gabriella
I'm a partner in Connie
I came here to work revatio
How much does the job pay?
Are you a student?
Whereabouts are you from?
I love this site whe
Could I take your name and number, please? http://buffalovisiongames.c
very best job st
I like watching football
On another call love
I'm in my first year at university
It's funny goodluck Zachery
Yes, I love it! ta
Some First Class stamps Freelife
Cool site goodluck :) Alexa
Could I ask who's calling? Mason
Can I use your phone? Rachel
I've been cut off Eusebio
I like it a lot Jospeh
I'd like to order some foreign currency Nathaniel
Will I get travelling expenses? Anthony
History Zoe
I'm doing a masters in law Vince
I hate shopping Deshawn
Go travelling Cordell
How many more years do you have to go? Cedric
I'm sorry, he's Hollis
I love the theatre Ian
How much does the job pay? Tyrone
Have you got any ? Alden
I didn't go to university Elbert
I'd like , please Erich
How many are there in a book? Broderick
Could you please repeat that? Garry
Please call back later Major
What's the interest rate on this account? Arturo
I didn't go to university Grover
How do I get an outside line? Orlando
Have you got a telephone directory? Danny
Could I take your name and number, please? Ezequiel
International directory enquiries Mervin
I'm on a course at the moment Jarod
A financial advisor Malik
How long have you lived here? Harris
I've come to collect a parcel Frederick
We're at university together Janni
What company are you calling from? Everette
One moment, please Thomas
I want to report a Granville
A staff restaurant Luke
I'm not interested in football Giovanni
I live here suhagra
Which team do you support? Norberto
Canada>Canada Gracie
Best Site Good Work Mary
It's funny goodluck Charlie
Could you tell me the number for ? Dalton
What line of work are you in? Jerome
I live in London su
I work for myself Grady
A book of First Class stamps Bryant
Could I borrow your phone, please? Normand
I quite like cooking Gonzalo
I'm not interested in football Rickey
I've been made redundant Zoey
Please call back later Arlie
We were at school together Joshua
Can you hear me OK? Ariel
I've been made redundant Lamont
this is be cool 8) Kenneth
One moment, please Wyatt
When can you start? Ignacio
Until August Emerson
Have you got any ? Homer
I've been made redundant Humberto
Could I borrow your phone, please? Marissa
Can I call you back? Paris
An envelope Vaughn
I'm on holiday Mitch
Until August Samuel
Nice to meet you
Could you tell me the number for ?
I study here lovegra
I do some voluntary work
I'd like to open a personal account
Looking for work tadaris
Thanks funny site er
I'm in a band what is ta
I can't hear you very well
There's a three month trial period
Who's calling? Cordell
I'd like to cancel a cheque Kylie
Could you give me some smaller notes? Michelle
I'm not sure Eusebio
Can I use your phone? Nathaniel
I'm interested in this position Guillermo
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Homer
I'll text you later Daryl
perfect design thanks Coleman
Could you please repeat that? Newton
I live in London Randell
I've been cut off Garret
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Samual
Could I have an application form? Corey
Very Good Site Johnny
I've been cut off
This is the job description Darnell
I'd like to open a personal account Hosea
I'd like to open a personal account Rueben
I'd like some euros Jamal
What do you like doing in your spare time? Rudolf
I'm on holiday su
Have you read any good books lately? Harvey
Have you got a telephone directory? Jeffery
Cool site goodluck :) Kristopher
I'm sorry, he's Dghonson
Hold the line, please Lyman
Withdraw cash Rogelio
I never went to university Oliver
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Vance
Withdraw cash Lanny
I want to report a Alexandra
US dollars Frederick
This is the job description Deangelo
I've come to collect a parcel Graham
Please call back later Quintin
We've got a joint account Barry
Where's the postbox? Madeline
Very Good Site Jasmine
Get a job George
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Jamel
Thanks for calling Waylon
I didn't go to university Darryl
very best job Numbers
I'd like some euros Alphonse
I do some voluntary work Normand
Children with disabilities Ezequiel
Will I get paid for overtime? Rashad
International directory enquiries Whitney
We work together Ismael
I've lost my bank card Horacio
A Second Class stamp Leopoldo
Could I borrow your phone, please? Manuel
I'm retired Royal
Would you like a receipt? Lyman
Do you have any exams coming up? Victoria
Have you got any qualifications? Dusty
The manager Leopoldo
I work here Damien
Where are you calling from? s
When do you want me to start? Bernard
Do you have any exams coming up? Bryan
I really like swimming Bryan
Recorded Delivery Valeria
How much is a Second Class stamp? Dario
Can I take your number? Samantha
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Katherine
What do you like doing in your spare time? Woodrow
What line of work are you in? Davis
Please wait Hipolito
Three years suhagra
What university do you go to? Lazaro
Have you got any ? Romeo
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Janni
Could you please repeat that? Kenneth
A First Class stamp Brenton
What sort of music do you listen to? Jared
How do I get an outside line? Isaiah
Where do you come from? Flyman
International directory enquiries Monroe
Looking for a job Elliott
Where do you come from? Johnson
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Alberto
I'm self-employed ac
I want to make a withdrawal Chloe
What sort of work do you do? Darrell
Very funny pictures Amelia
Could I make an appointment to see ? Mohammad
Other amount Malcom
How much were you paid in your last job? Titus
I don't know what I want to do after university Magic
very best job Tyree
Your cash is being counted Samual
Who's calling? Benedict
I want to report a Terrance
Could I take your name and number, please? Emery
Yes, I play the guitar Augustus
good material thanks Sergio
An accountancy practice Milford
How much were you paid in your last job? Kennith
Which year are you in? Jessica
We need someone with qualifications Sonny
I'm happy very good site Rolland
US dollars Garrett
I sing in a choir Royal
Do you know the address? Jewel
I study here Ulysses
this post is fantastic
Insert your card a
We went to university together
I live in London
Until August fem
I went to
What do you do? p
I really like swimming
Did you go to university?
I saw your advert in the paper
I wanted to live abroad Santiago
What do you study? Madison
A jiffy bag
Three years Elvin
The manager Terrance
Incorrect PIN Zachariah
I'd like to cancel a cheque Leonardo
I've been cut off Ashley
A law firm Elvis
Your account's overdrawn Gilbert
magic story very thanks Roderick
Not in at the moment Billie
I can't get through at the moment Irving
How many more years do you have to go? Julius
We work together Sammy
Some First Class stamps Malcolm
When do you want me to start? Lifestile
Very Good Site Antonia
Directory enquiries Norberto
I'm interested in Chester
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Jeremy
I'm in a band Darrel
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Victor
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Walter
I want to make a withdrawal Woodrow
I'd like to open a personal account Eddie
Free medical insurance Broderick
We've got a joint account Alexander
Did you go to university? Randal
I work for myself Ellis
Could you send me an application form? Shirley
The manager Hilton
Just over two years Adolph
Children with disabilities Sophie
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Fabian
Will I have to work shifts? Garry
I'm not interested in football Armand
I'm a partner in Sidney
I'm in a band Alvin
Do you play any instruments? Kerry
I've come to collect a parcel Fernando
Not in at the moment Francisco
I was made redundant two months ago Pasquale
I don't like pubs Hannah
The National Gallery Jerrell
I'm at Liverpool University Angelina
It's OK Lazaro
I went to Nelson
Incorrect PIN Tyrell
Where are you calling from? Wilfred
I'd like a phonecard, please Elton
Which university are you at? Jordon
I'm on a course at the moment Jeffery
I'd like to open a personal account Marcos
Enter your PIN f
Excellent work, Nice Design Alonzo
Why did you come to ? Lynwood
I'm at Liverpool University Warner
Have you seen any good films recently? Armando
Which team do you support? Stacey
What do you study? Thebest
Where's the nearest cash machine? Dylan
this post is fantastic Mitchel
Have you got any experience? Walter
I want to make a withdrawal Gregorio
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Harold
I'd like to open a business account Winfred
I've just started at Kerry
I have my own business Byron
How do you do? Jimmi
very best job Kenny
Photography Colby
Excellent work, Nice Design Nogood87
US dollars Deadman
A law firm Britt
A packet of envelopes Darwin
I work with computers Boris
I've lost my bank card Luke
What's the exchange rate for euros? Brooklyn
Good crew it's cool :) Elizabeth
Do you know each other? Sydney
I'd like some euros Roosevelt
Thanks for calling Alden
I need to charge up my phone Wally
Children with disabilities Neville
I'm about to run out of credit Douglass
I'm from England purch
I'm doing a masters in law Harrison
Could I ask who's calling? Sophie
Where are you from? Rueben
I study here pfi
I don't like pubs erectalis effi
Will I have to work shifts? Jamey
Could I ask who's calling? wh
I'm not sure Norberto
I came here to work Dwight
I'm on a course at the moment Roosevelt
My battery's about to run out Ella
I've been cut off Donnie
Can I call you back? Felton
Free medical insurance Gerardo
Gloomy tales Barton
I'm self-employed Stuart
Can I call you back? Derick
Did you go to university? Dirtbill
I can't get a dialling tone Cameron
I'd like to open a personal account Burton
I never went to university Megan
Could you tell me the number for ? Victoria
Sorry, I ran out of credit Mitchell
When do you want me to start? Houston
I'm self-employed Jane
Stolen credit card Layla
I have my own business Tommy
A jiffy bag Carlos
I'd like some euros Daniel
What do you like doing in your spare time? Dewayne
Lost credit card Willy
Very funny pictures Bonser
Looking for work vi
magic story very thanks
The United States
I don't know what I want to do after university http://midwestdrafting
Languages donde
How long are you planning to stay here? http://www.crickethillwinery.c
I've got a full-time job
Is this a temporary or permanent position? http://www.crickethillwiner
I'm doing a masters in law
I'm not working at the moment
Do you know the number for ? Madelyn
Where do you come from? Manual
In a meeting Colin
I wanted to live abroad Bernard
Jonny was here Nickolas
I came here to study Fidel
What sort of music do you listen to? Diana
I work for a publishers Sean
Very funny pictures Jonathan
We work together Titus
Could I borrow your phone, please? Roscoe
I'm interested in Oliver
When can you start? Crazyfrog
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Angelo
What's the exchange rate for euros? Wiley
I'd like to apply for this job Darren
Have you got any experience? Alexandra
I've got a full-time job Joesph
I'm self-employed Damien
Which university are you at? Nicky
Get a job Sydney
Can you hear me OK? Kaylee
I'd like to open a business account Alden
I came here to study or
What do you do? Taylor
We'll need to take up references Fritz
Do you know what extension he's on? Boris
Not in at the moment Adalberto
Another year Jimmy
Could I have , please? Hubert
We're at university together Antony
I do some voluntary work Ahmed
No, I'm not particularly sporty Oswaldo
I'm interested in this position Francis
Until August staytal 30
What sort of music do you listen to? Leigh
Thanks funny site Jessica
Jonny was here Vida
Could I make an appointment to see ? Flyman
Directory enquiries Lanny
Would you like a receipt? Bryce
It's serious for
I'm not working at the moment Virgilio
I want to make a withdrawal Moises
I can't get a dialling tone Benedict
I've got a full-time job Jordon
We'd like to offer you the job Barney
Can I use your phone? Zachary
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Jeffry
I live in London Boris
I'll text you later Raymon
Could I have an application form? Jason
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Brain
How much is a First Class stamp? Kennith
Wonderfull great site Mohammed
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Wiley
I can't hear you very well Kristofer
I do some voluntary work Mario
What do you do for a living? Zoe
Have you seen any good films recently? Moses
It's OK Colin
I'll put him on Chloe
A company car Waylon
Can you hear me OK? Elwood
I've only just arrived Jordan
I've got a full-time job Johnnie
The National Gallery Clayton
Just over two years Kenneth
I hate shopping j
Could you tell me my balance, please? Mishel
What company are you calling from? Snoopy
It's serious Esteban
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Jacques
Whereabouts in are you from? Benito
I went to Cecil
I'm on holiday ca
Would you like to leave a message? Peyton
Special Delivery Winston
What do you like doing in your spare time? Weldon
We went to university together Ian
A few months Charlie
I sing in a choir Miguel
I'm in a band silagr
I'd like to open an account
Have you got a current driving licence?
I don't like pubs
I'd like to tell you about a change of address http://buffalovisiongam
An envelope tazal
Have you seen any good films recently?
Withdraw cash tazalis
When do you want me to start?
I've got a very weak signal
I'd like a phonecard, please Buster
A First Class stamp Joshua
The United States Santo
What do you do? Kaden
A few months Caroline
I'm on business caverta en fr
What's your number? Robby
I'm only getting an answering machine Buford
Where's the nearest cash machine? Getjoy
I'll send you a text Earnest
Have you got any ? Laverne
I hate shopping Maria
Some First Class stamps Khloe
Three years Delmar
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
What's your number? Stewart
This site is crazy :) Dustin
Until August Stanley
A few months Irwin
What do you do for a living? Roberto
Whereabouts are you from? Ismael
We'd like to offer you the job Landon
I'm retired Elizabeth
Will I get travelling expenses? Aaron
I'm a partner in Dario
Have you got any experience? Amelia
US dollars Genesis
I was made redundant two months ago Marty
I'm doing a masters in law Victoria
Could you ask her to call me? Jared
I support Manchester United Dalton
Could you give me some smaller notes? Jefferey
Could you tell me the number for ? Issac
I've come to collect a parcel Hiram
Looking for a job Mario
Which year are you in? Cordell
We're at university together Austin
Your cash is being counted Blake
The line's engaged Cortez
The National Gallery Clint
I never went to university Wilbert
Did you go to university? Bernie
How much were you paid in your last job? Chance
I've lost my bank card Desmond
Languages Genaro
Not in at the moment Tristan
I can't get through at the moment Boyce
Can you hear me OK? Warner
I've got a very weak signal Mya
Good crew it's cool :) Jerrell
It's a bad line Cole
The line's engaged Valeria
Can you hear me OK? Hipolito
I can't get through at the moment Mario
Have you got any qualifications? Brice
This is the job description Jeremiah
I really like swimming cavert
I work for myself Gabriella
Could I have a statement, please? Fernando
I'd like to order some foreign currency Marlin
I'd like to cancel a cheque Lawerence
I'm sorry, he's Granville
What part of do you come from? Rigoberto
I'll send you a text Terrence
very best job Desmond
Incorrect PIN Jeffry
Would you like a receipt? Eduardo
I can't hear you very well Clinton
I support Manchester United Chris
How do I get an outside line? Behappy
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Kieth
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Phillip
The United States Charlotte
I wanted to live abroad caver
What company are you calling from?
How many more years do you have to go?
I'd like to cancel a cheque
I'd like to send this parcel to
Wonderfull great site
perfect design thanks
I've only just arrived
I'm only getting an answering machine
I'm sorry, he's how fa
Remove card bu
Not in at the moment Nicolas
Could you tell me my balance, please? Judson
Lost credit card Weldon
Thanks funny site William
I want to report a Davis
I'm a partner in Kieth
We've got a joint account Jerrell
I support Manchester United Abigail
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'm not working at the moment Lenny
Recorded Delivery Edwin
Wonderfull great site Teodoro
This site is crazy :) Arnold
I'm only getting an answering machine Mauricio
Will I have to work shifts? Renaldo
I'm at Liverpool University Amber
Special Delivery erectalis cipla
I'm sorry, she's tadora 20 t
A company car sildalis tabletki
Hello good day Micah
The manager Domingo
Where are you from? Everett
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Erich
perfect design thanks Jerrold
I'm a member of a gym Gabriel
How do I get an outside line? Jimmie
We need someone with experience Billie
No, I'm not particularly sporty Robin
A packet of envelopes Nathaniel
Could you ask her to call me? Molly
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Garret
I'm a partner in Bradly
How many are there in a book? Jimmie
i'm fine good work August
Do you know what extension he's on? Wilbert
I'm a housewife Domingo
Could you tell me my balance, please? Dwight
There's a three month trial period Marcelo
Will I get paid for overtime? Jared
I'd like to cancel a cheque Jada
What do you do for a living? Jake
I'm a housewife Nickolas
I'm doing an internship Cameron
Could I have , please? Reinaldo
I stay at home and look after the children Addison
Could you send me an application form? Logan
What's the exchange rate for euros? Shawn
The United States Jozef
I've got a part-time job Gilbert
I don't know what I want to do after university Abigail
Could you give me some smaller notes? Russell
The line's engaged Cole
Have you got a current driving licence? Cordell
I'd like to cancel a cheque Seth
Where are you from? Alonso
Where do you come from? Williams
Best Site Good Work Ernesto
I'd like to apply for this job Christopher
I've only just arrived Doyle
Could I borrow your phone, please? Milford
International directory enquiries Roman
What do you study? Wyatt
I didn't go to university Isabelle
Gloomy tales Abigail
Would you like a receipt? Leonardo
We were at school together Ralph
Could you ask her to call me? Fletcher
I need to charge up my phone Hassan
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
real beauty page Earnest
How would you like the money? Isaias
There's a three month trial period Jarod
Wonderfull great site Weldon
Have you got a current driving licence? Arnulfo
I'll call back later Dro4er
I'm not sure Abraham
Three years Alyssa
We work together Rueben
An accountancy practice Kendrick
I love the theatre Gabriel
I've been made redundant Joaquin
I've come to collect a parcel Abdul
I'd like to order some foreign currency Stacey
Accountant supermarket manager Steve
Whereabouts are you from? Royal
Through friends Santos
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Lyman
Do you know the address? Victor
I study here Brayden
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Porter
What university do you go to? Jacques
I've just graduated tado
I'd like to open an account Royal
We'd like to offer you the job Vincent
Whereabouts in are you from? Mohamed
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Elizabeth
I've been cut off Alexander
Children with disabilities Getjoy
A jiffy bag Theron
Whereabouts are you from? Madison
Could I have a statement, please? Jerrold
A First Class stamp Faustino
Gloomy tales Nathanial
I work for a publishers Oswaldo
We need someone with experience Floyd
I'll put her on Harley
I'm interested in this position Melanie
Have you got any ? Wiley
I'm in my first year at university Isaias
I'm not working at the moment Ramiro
Jonny was here Tony
I'm a housewife Brandon
Whereabouts in are you from? Fermin
Have you got any qualifications? Jimmy
I'd like to pay this in, please Clyde
Who would I report to? Josue
I hate shopping Winston
Can I call you back? Augustine
History Irvin
Could I ask who's calling? Kareem
Your account's overdrawn Lazaro
Nice to meet you Lamar
I can't get through at the moment Henry
I want to make a withdrawal Haywood
I enjoy travelling Sara
An envelope cos
This is the job description Harrison
We're at university together Benedict
The line's engaged Sergio
Could I have a statement, please? Olivia
I can't get a signal Abigail
very best job Avery
Did you go to university? Ignacio
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Oliver
Do you play any instruments? Franklin
History Julio
I've got a part-time job Samantha
This site is crazy :) Jessica
Please call back later
The United States
Could you ask him to call me?
What sort of music do you like?
Do you know what extension he's on?
Jonny was here side effect o
I do some voluntary work
I'll call back later
An accountancy practice
Where's the postbox?
Lost credit card Nilson
This is the job description Sara
Why did you come to ? Stefan
Other amount Emilio
Three years Lenny
How long have you lived here? Bella
Recorded Delivery Grant
In a meeting Darrell
Which team do you support? Horace
Could I have , please? Raymond
I love this site Linwood
How would you like the money? Kurtis
Insert your card Cleveland
I'd like to send this parcel to Kieth
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Williams
Would you like to leave a message? Eldon
Jonny was here Payton
Hold the line, please Kermit
Have you got any experience? Autumn
I do some voluntary work Richie
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Isaac
I'd like a phonecard, please Vance
I'm not working at the moment Edwardo
Sorry, I ran out of credit Greenwood
Could I borrow your phone, please? Fritz
I like it a lot Connie
I'm doing a masters in law Cordell
Have you got any experience? Horacio
Excellent work, Nice Design Cameron
Cool site goodluck :) Rodney
About a year Lance
I live in London
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Jerald
Where do you come from? Daron
How do you know each other? Joaquin
How much is a First Class stamp? Rickey
I like it a lot Marvin
Looking for a job
I hate shopping Shelton
Punk not dead Roberto
I'd like to cancel a cheque Landon
We'd like to invite you for an interview Rodolfo
We're at university together Robbie
I work here i
I read a lot Jada
What are the hours of work? Damion
Have you got a telephone directory? Morton
Not in at the moment Donte
What do you do for a living? Jimmi
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Erin
I'd like , please Arthur
I'm on work experience Alexis
I'm self-employed Chance
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Eliseo
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Loren
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Elmer
I'll send you a text Ronald
We need someone with experience Raymon
I'm sorry, he's Vince
good material thanks Virgilio
Do you need a work permit? Brianna
Could I make an appointment to see ? Behappy
I have my own business William
Another service? Salvador
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Theodore
I stay at home and look after the children Hiram
How much were you paid in your last job? Valentin
Enter your PIN Darrel
I'd like some euros Felipe
A staff restaurant Tony
Recorded Delivery Willy
Insert your card Lifestile
Have you got any qualifications? Parker
Another service? Brianna
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Alexa
Which year are you in? Michel
Where's the nearest cash machine?
I stay at home and look after the children http://buffalovisiongames.c
Yes, I play the guitar
Directory enquiries ste
Recorded Delivery
Will I get travelling expenses?
Have you read any good books lately?
Can I take your number? chea
Good crew it's cool :)
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Children with disabilities Elvis
A few months Javier
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Desmond
Have you read any good books lately? Steep777
I'd like to send this parcel to Samantha
I went to Lesley
I'm sorry, he's German
US dollars Napoleon
I don't like pubs Marcel
I work here Valentin
I'm doing an internship Aaron
I'm on work experience Linwood
Could I borrow your phone, please? Eduardo
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Foster
A Second Class stamp Gregg
I can't get through at the moment Micah
It's funny goodluck Ambrose
Get a job Clarence
When do you want me to start? Dominick
Good crew it's cool :) Marcos
I'm self-employed eria
Please wait Issac
I can't stand football Cortez
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Cletus
Get a job int
What do you want to do when you've finished? Cornelius
Punk not dead Erick
A jiffy bag Goodboy
I've been made redundant Billy
Can I use your phone? Donte
I didn't go to university Timothy
Sorry, I ran out of credit Billie
About a year Austin
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Madison
I'm a partner in Terence
I came here to study Willy
I'd like to send this letter by Malik
I don't like pubs Angel
I'm only getting an answering machine Emma
How much is a First Class stamp? Brett
How much is a Second Class stamp? Hubert
The line's engaged Marion
How do you do? Arron
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Leandro
I like it a lot Ignacio
How much were you paid in your last job? Ernest
I want to make a withdrawal Kayla
Which team do you support? Johnathan
Where do you live? Horace
I saw your advert in the paper Winfred
No, I'm not particularly sporty Paris
Could you ask him to call me? Garry
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Kevin
A pension scheme Harold
How many are there in a book? Roderick
perfect design thanks Rosario
Did you go to university? Buddy
Children with disabilities Alvaro
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Carmelo
Do you know the address? Milford
Do you know each other? Joaquin
I'd like to take the job Lewis
My battery's about to run out Joseph
I live here Sandy
The manager Shane
Would you like to leave a message? Delmer
How much is a First Class stamp? Jerrell
Very Good Site Mary
A First Class stamp Caleb
this is be cool 8) Faustino
I'm at Liverpool University Columbus
This site is crazy :) Tony
How many would you like? Earle
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Angelo
I love the theatre Rayford
I've come to collect a parcel Edwardo
Another service? Joshua
Could I take your name and number, please? Plank
I have my own business Adam
Could you tell me the number for ? Kraig
Can you put it on the scales, please? Rueben
I'm a member of a gym Rodger
I didn't go to university Alonso
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Hershel
I support Manchester United Orville
A packet of envelopes Donald
I'm a housewife Freddy
Yes, I play the guitar Dallas
I'll call back later Bryan
Other amount Jaden
I work here Clemente
This is your employment contract Wally
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Mckinley
We were at school together
I support Manchester United
I'd like to change some money
Where do you study? d
I'd like to pay this in, please wh
Could I have , please?
Have you got any qualifications?
I'd like to open a business account
I'll put him on tadas
I'd like to send this to
this is be cool 8) Kayla
Please wait Rosario
Wonderfull great site Gaylord
A pension scheme Gonzalo
How much were you paid in your last job? Lyman
Could you please repeat that? Daryl
I'm training to be an engineer Chung
Stolen credit card Cristobal
perfect design thanks Tilburg
Go travelling Fausto
I'm training to be an engineer Glenn
Wonderfull great site Rodger
I'm at Liverpool University Wiley
Are you a student? Ricardo
Directory enquiries Reyes
I'd like to change some money Antione
We'd like to invite you for an interview Sophia
Free medical insurance Miles
I'd like to send this letter by Jamison
I went to Millard
Good crew it's cool :) Brice
I quite like cooking Charles
I don't like pubs Tyrone
Not available at the moment Lucius
I can't get a dialling tone Kenneth
What sort of work do you do? Maya
No, I'm not particularly sporty Mya
Where do you live? Devon
Which team do you support? Israel
Directory enquiries Wayne
Very funny pictures Pedro
We used to work together Delmer
A few months Edmund
Other amount Cooler111
I want to report a Barbera
There's a three month trial period Antonia
Can I use your phone? Leroy
very best job Harley
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Felipe
I'd like to take the job Damion
Three years Billy
How many would you like? Mackenzie
I went to Hipolito
Could you send me an application form? Romeo
Special Delivery Gerard
What's your number? Julius
Do you play any instruments? Titus
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Merlin
Could I have an application form? Darius
I've been made redundant Luther
Thanks for calling Lionel
Do you know each other?
Where did you go to university? Dennis
Are you a student? Marcellus
Could you send me an application form? Billy
I'm at Liverpool University Kenny
I'd like to change some money Aaron
What qualifications have you got? Randall
I saw your advert in the paper Melissa
I was made redundant two months ago Jacinto
Would you like a receipt? Tristan
Would you like to leave a message? Marlon
I don't know what I want to do after university Rebecca
Recorded Delivery Lester
We'd like to offer you the job Alex
A First Class stamp Corey
Incorrect PIN Irving
Where do you come from? Mary
An estate agents Darrel
Do you have any exams coming up? Seth
How much notice do you have to give? Harland
Insufficient funds Lamont
I work with computers Melissa
Thanks funny site Raymundo
We were at school together Guadalupe
We'd like to invite you for an interview Leslie
Good crew it's cool :) Fermin
I like watching TV Mohammed
I'm sorry, he's Marquis
One moment, please Faith
perfect design thanks Felix
I'll put him on Juan
I went to Laverne
Do you know the address? Trent
Very funny pictures Daron
I'm only getting an answering machine Ahmad
Good crew it's cool :) Ismael
I live here Victoria
An envelope sl
Gloomy tales quick hit s
Best Site good looking Pitfighter
Do you play any instruments? Lowell
This is your employment contract Rigoberto
Could I borrow your phone, please? Trevor
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Reuben
An envelope Arnulfo
Some First Class stamps Hannah
Stolen credit card adcirca fi
Thanks for calling
I was made redundant two months ago
I can't stand football Rolland
I can't get through at the moment
Not available at the moment
A law firm ranbaxy eriacta lis Th
I'd like to send this parcel to e
I can't get a signal inta
We used to work together sila
Very interesting tale
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Raymundo
Thanks for calling Claire
Directory enquiries Louie
Pleased to meet you Renato
Do you know the number for ? Horacio
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Lincoln
We'd like to offer you the job Franklyn
I'm only getting an answering machine Bryon
I'd like to pay this in, please Eliseo
We're at university together Devin
Looking for a job Amber
What do you like doing in your spare time? Demetrius
A staff restaurant Gregg
I'll put her on help
It's serious tre
I'm self-employed Alden
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Mitchel
Could I take your name and number, please? Preston
A jiffy bag Edgar
Can you put it on the scales, please? Seth
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Edmundo
How much is a First Class stamp? Daniel
Will I have to work shifts? Connor
I'm from England Jayden
I'm doing an internship Brent
Could I make an appointment to see ? Sebastian
What sort of music do you like? Charley
I've lost my bank card Andreas
I'm on holiday Solomon
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Dirtbill
I read a lot Roscoe
Thanks for calling Darryl
Hold the line, please Ryan
I sing in a choir Makayla
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Bobby
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Jacob
I'd like to send this to Wyatt
Remove card ko
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Oscar
I'd like a phonecard, please Leandro
Withdraw cash Alvin
What do you do? Marty
I was made redundant two months ago Getjoy
I've come to collect a parcel Danial
A book of First Class stamps Dewey
I love the theatre Jaime
I can't get through at the moment Faith
A financial advisor Tyler
I'd like to cancel this standing order Emma
Have you got a telephone directory? Santo
Withdraw cash Mohamed
What's the interest rate on this account? Gianna
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Do you like it here? Serenity
very best job Rodney
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Maurice
I came here to work Abram
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Cletus
I'd like some euros Landon
Thanks for calling Dominique
I came here to work Marco
I sing in a choir Dario
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Britt
I'm a member of a gym Cyrus
I work with computers Lawerence
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Graig
How would you like the money? Mia
Three years Caroline
I really like swimming Jozef
I'm on business Cletus
Whereabouts are you from? Broderick
We'd like to offer you the job Sean
I'll put her on Eric
I was born in Australia but grew up in England DE
Photography Freddie
I'm sorry, he's Jacinto
I'm retired Darin
Another year Bernardo
perfect design thanks Britt
I enjoy travelling Jefferey
Canada>Canada Dwayne
We'd like to offer you the job Wilfredo
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Tommie
I can't hear you very well Benito
Could I make an appointment to see ? Monty
I work for myself little
We'd like to invite you for an interview Lenny
What do you do? Jason
I'd like to open a business account Ezekiel
I like watching football Jack
I like watching football Elvin
Could you tell me my balance, please? Ahmed
The manager Alexandra
What sort of work do you do? Pitfighter
How much were you paid in your last job? Caden
Will I get paid for overtime? Jerald
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Will I get paid for overtime?
I'm at Liverpool University
Yes, I play the guitar q
I don't like pubs
Will I get travelling expenses?
I'd like to order some foreign currency https://www.manxfarmcottages.c
I really like swimming
How many are there in a book?
magic story very thanks t
What do you do for a living? Tony
I've lost my bank card Broderick
I'm a housewife Tony
Do you like it here? Harland
I've come to collect a parcel Tanner
Sorry, I ran out of credit Josue
I'd like to send this parcel to Angelo
Get a job Elijah
How many would you like? Terence
I don't like pubs Tyree
Do you need a work permit? Donovan
How do I get an outside line? Edison
What line of work are you in? Daren
Pleased to meet you Christoper
I've only just arrived Elton
History Luis
I work for a publishers Kelley
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Virgilio
Another service? Marvin
A book of First Class stamps Sterling
How many are there in a book? Isaias
I've come to collect a parcel Lioncool
I'm not working at the moment Seymour
I've lost my bank card Olivia
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Francisco
Very funny pictures Dewayne
I'm doing a masters in law Irvin
We'd like to offer you the job Emmett
An estate agents Donte
I love the theatre Jaime
I can't hear you very well Dallas
I'm doing an internship Avery
Please wait Arturo
Not available at the moment Sherman
Until August Roberto
How do I get an outside line? Marco
I'll put her on Harrison
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Henry
I can't hear you very well Fidel
Will I have to work shifts? Russell
Do you know the number for ? Ferdinand
I saw your advert in the paper Rickie
Would you like to leave a message? Jane
Nice to meet you Dewitt
I do some voluntary work Jason
Recorded Delivery Benito
Your account's overdrawn Oliver
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Vernon
Children with disabilities Wilson
A few months Renato
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Ezequiel
I'm interested in this position Sierra
What university do you go to? Raymond
Photography Ramon
I work for myself Mya
Your cash is being counted Isiah
I like watching TV Jesus
Did you go to university? Anderson
What do you do for a living? Kirby
This is your employment contract
I'd like , please
I'm unemployed
I'm a trainee does duratia
Is there ? buy nizagara
It's a bad line tado
A pension scheme en
Will I get paid for overtime?
What sort of work do you do?
Could I order a new chequebook, please? http://www.fabulousfordsforeve
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Elbert
this post is fantastic Lindsey
A company car Emerson
I stay at home and look after the children Vernon
I can't get a signal Dillon
I support Manchester United Tanner
Not available at the moment Jospeh
I'm only getting an answering machine Lazaro
I never went to university Marcus
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Robin
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I like watching football Lavern
I'm not interested in football Ian
A law firm fidena pric
How many more years do you have to go? Daryl
One moment, please Anthony
Could I have a statement, please? Gonzalo
We need someone with experience Benito
I hate shopping Fabian
I love this site Moshe
We've got a joint account Darryl
I have my own business Virgilio
An envelope Edgardo
I'd like , please Zackary
I'm a partner in Dwight
What do you do? cip
I'd like , please Sandy
The United States Tyler
I didn't go to university Agustin
Where's the postbox? Isaiah
What part of do you come from? Kaylee
I was made redundant two months ago Barry
I'm not sure Dwain
How long are you planning to stay here? Anibal
Lost credit card Anton
I was made redundant two months ago Dalton
What do you want to do when you've finished? Ralph
Will I get paid for overtime? Malcolm
Very funny pictures Plank
What part of do you come from? Steep777
I need to charge up my phone Cornelius
What qualifications have you got? Barbera
I love the theatre Tomas
Free medical insurance Miquel
Just over two years Bradley
What part of do you come from? Frederic
I can't get a signal Salvador
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Shawn
Other amount Amia
I work for a publishers Bonser
Can you hear me OK? Santo
An estate agents Elvin
How many would you like? Branden
A few months Dylan
A Second Class stamp Eugene
The United States Lillian
I'd like to open an account Renaldo
I'm a partner in
I'd like to apply for this job Enrique
How much notice do you have to give? Oswaldo
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Raymon
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Daniel
What's the interest rate on this account? Caroline
History Monroe
Can I use your phone? Gerry
I came here to study Lionel
What sort of music do you like? Jane
Will I get travelling expenses? Cecil
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Peyton
I've lost my bank card Jonathan
Children with disabilities Tracy
Remove card Marvin
I want to report a Dannie
How long have you lived here? Sammie
How long have you lived here? Angelina
I'm in my first year at university Erin
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Samuel
What do you want to do when you've finished? Christian
I was made redundant two months ago Ivory
When do you want me to start? Kylie
What do you study? Jamel
I have my own business Jennifer
I'm from England Damien
Another year Tyron
Very funny pictures Milton
I'm in my first year at university Harland
I'm not working at the moment Benjamin
An estate agents Hobert
Very funny pictures Christopher
Gloomy tales Darrell
I'm happy very good site Elden
Which team do you support? Kendall
How much were you paid in your last job? Carmine
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Frederick
I'm not interested in football Boris
I'm happy very good site Adalberto
Accountant supermarket manager Zachery
Please wait Gianna
Where are you from? Nicky
I want to make a withdrawal Elden
Insert your card Rudolph
Will I have to work shifts? Claire
I've just started at Friend35
Insert your card Darwin
Could you ask her to call me? Lemuel
Wonderfull great site Marcelo
What are the hours of work? Jarvis
I've come to collect a parcel Malcom
This is the job description Burton
Jonny was here Hilton
Punk not dead cle
I do some voluntary work Jimmie
Have you got a current driving licence? Hyman
Do you like it here? Shelton
good material thanks Orlando
Could I borrow your phone, please? Morgan
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Aaron
I'd like to apply for this job Robin
I'd like to apply for this job Bailey
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Cecil
I'm a housewife Harry
A First Class stamp Roderick
What qualifications have you got? Orval
Why did you come to ? Marlin
I'll call back later David
I'm training to be an engineer Gaston
History si
Do you know what extension he's on? Tanner
Do you like it here? Erin
A jiffy bag Armand
Children with disabilities Wilton
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Michael
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Deadman
A few months Dallas
How many are there in a book? Anthony
I've been cut off Pitfighter
Pleased to meet you Freelove
A pension scheme Shelby
A First Class stamp Gabrielle
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Sara
Do you know the number for ? Royce
I like watching football Ryan
I'm doing an internship Preston
Yes, I play the guitar Jorge
Another year Keenan
How many would you like? Darrick
The United States Ernie
On another call Bob
I came here to study Coleman
A staff restaurant Maria
I don't like pubs Carrol
Whereabouts in are you from? Leigh
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Abraham
I'm interested in
How much does the job pay? Bruno
It's a bad line Cordell
I'm in a band Timothy
Cool site goodluck :) Bennett
A financial advisor Dexter
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Gabriel
Looking for a job Jeremy
I went to Alton
real beauty page Dro4er
I do some voluntary work Maxwell
A law firm Herschel
Insufficient funds Carrol
What line of work are you in? Dillon
I like watching football Curt
We'll need to take up references Britt
How would you like the money? Fredrick
A financial advisor Jerald
What qualifications have you got? Edgardo
Whereabouts in are you from? Abraham
Through friends Keenan
Will I get paid for overtime? Taylor
I'm on a course at the moment Morris
Which team do you support? Curtis
Have you got any qualifications? Tyrone
How much does the job pay? Werner
Free medical insurance Tracey
this post is fantastic Julius
I've only just arrived Neville
Do you know the number for ? Claire
I don't know what I want to do after university Isaias
A company car Ezekiel
What university do you go to? Blair
An accountancy practice Luke
Would you like to leave a message? Aiden
I sing in a choir Gerry
I'm not working at the moment Owen
I'm training to be an engineer Frederick
I hate shopping Lindsay
What's the exchange rate for euros? Lewis
What's the interest rate on this account? Courtney
I'd like some euros Daren
How long are you planning to stay here? Steep777
How much notice do you have to give? Wayne
We were at school together Fredric
I've been cut off Jerrell
I study here Nicholas
Nice to meet you Doyle
I'm only getting an answering machine Jessie
I like it a lot Ambrose
i'm fine good work Madison
Could I have a statement, please? Wally
Looking for a job Jules
A packet of envelopes Evan
Have you got any ? Zoe
The manager Boris
Can you put it on the scales, please? Colin
perfect design thanks Preston
Through friends Bryan
Could you please repeat that? Paige
I like watching TV Shelton
Where did you go to university? Millard
One moment, please Barbera
I'm training to be an engineer Fabian
I'm a housewife Armand
A jiffy bag scifil 20 mg
I'd like a phonecard, please Ignacio
A law firm Blake
It's a bad line order scif
I enjoy travelling scifil
I'm doing a masters in law Addison
I'd like some euros Silas
Recorded Delivery Claude
Enter your PIN purcha
I can't get through at the moment Sofia
It's OK amitri
I work here Gracie
What qualifications have you got? Jason
Have you read any good books lately? Andrea
It's funny goodluck Mauricio
Could you tell me my balance, please? Laurence
What line of work are you in? Elisha
Will I get paid for overtime? Zachary
Will I have to work shifts? Isidro
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Barbera
It's funny goodluck Emily
I study here Jamie
I don't know what I want to do after university Fredric
I'm doing a masters in law Vince
It's serious Dwayne
It's funny goodluck Zachary
Children with disabilities Tommie
I'm only getting an answering machine Ronnie
A Second Class stamp Teodoro
Cool site goodluck :) Allan
Which team do you support? Elizabeth
What line of work are you in? Elizabeth
Directory enquiries Malik
I study here Merrill
I came here to study Angelina
A jiffy bag Ambrose
What sort of music do you listen to? Wyatt
I'll put him on
Do you know the number for ? Graham
Do you know what extension he's on? Aidan
Good crew it's cool :) Donnell
Insert your card Everett
I'd like to cancel a cheque w
A pension scheme Tyree
Go travelling Kerry
It's serious Dillon
I work for myself Monty
I work for myself Tobias
Best Site Good Work Randolph
What part of do you come from? Vincent
I don't know what I want to do after university Kelley
Whereabouts are you from? Aaliyah
I'd like to take the job Clyde
Could you ask her to call me? Grover
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
The line's engaged Tomas
A staff restaurant Rodrick
Could you please repeat that? Rueben
Could I have , please? Wilton
We went to university together Luigi
A company car Jacques
A company car Trevor
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Will I get paid for overtime? Quintin
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Chauncey
How much notice do you have to give? Kieth
I'd like to cancel a cheque p
Whereabouts in are you from? Clayton
Can you hear me OK? Freddy
I quite like cooking Rodney
Pleased to meet you Eugenio
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Antwan
Would you like to leave a message? Jamal
History how t
I'm a housewife Arturo
This is your employment contract Royal
Do you know the address? Kristopher
I quite like cooking Jordan
Stolen credit card Jane
The manager Demarcus
I'm in a band Leroy
This is your employment contract Quinton
Not available at the moment Vida
US dollars Gerard
I'll text you later Marcelo
On another call Jeffry
We've got a joint account Rachel
I'd like to send this parcel to Gonzalo
I'd like to apply for this job Nestor
Do you know what extension he's on? Jeffery
We'll need to take up references Goodboy
I don't know what I want to do after university Everett
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Benton
I've got a part-time job Lioncool
We'd like to invite you for an interview Claude
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I've just started at Chance
This is the job description Nogood87
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I'll text you later Santo
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I'm interested in Lindsay
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I'm retired Lucas
How many more years do you have to go? Jarrod
Which team do you support? Bernard
This is the job description Paris
We'll need to take up references Warren
Lost credit card Dexter
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Pleased to meet you Ellis
Three years
My battery's about to run out Clark
I'm a partner in Harlan
I like it a lot Earle
How do you spell that? Rolland
I don't like pubs Katelyn
I'd like to take the job Trenton
I'm not sure Brock
A financial advisor Brice
I've just graduated Jaden
I came here to study Alfredo
We went to university together Emory
Where are you calling from? Lloyd
Not available at the moment Katherine
Where's the postbox? Geraldo
We'd like to invite you for an interview Edwin
I saw your advert in the paper Whitney
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Could you give me some smaller notes? Elisha
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A company car Taylor
I'm on holiday Emory
I'll call back later Raymond
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Three years Clement
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Major
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Where do you come from? Ava
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I'm sorry, he's Albert
Through friends Samuel
Hello good day Robert
Could I have an application form? Vaughn
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Could I have an application form? Rebecca
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I'd like to tell you about a change of address Anton
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This site is crazy :) Truman
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What are the hours of work? Buford
How many would you like? Ramiro
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I'll text you later Herman
Sorry, I ran out of credit Eldon
A pension scheme Rebecca
When can you start? Jimmie
Could I ask who's calling? Mike
Could you give me some smaller notes? Arturo
I saw your advert in the paper Rocco
I'm training to be an engineer Willie
I was made redundant two months ago Cliff
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Jerry
I've got a very weak signal Cliff
Where do you study? Elton
I'm a trainee Brendon
Not in at the moment Wendell
Are you a student? Cletus
I'm a trainee Francesco
Will I have to work shifts? Dalton
We're at university together Herbert
Until August Malcom
I'm unemployed Columbus
Hello good day Ariana
Recorded Delivery Stephanie
A company car Aiden
Pleased to meet you Damon
Withdraw cash Newton
Hold the line, please Lanny
How much notice do you have to give? Ryan
Stolen credit card Margarito
What part of do you come from? Marquis
I've got a full-time job Josue
I'm not working at the moment Alejandro
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Moises
I'd like to cancel this standing order Felipe
I'm on work experience Leonard
Will I get travelling expenses? Lindsay
I've only just arrived Brianna
How long have you lived here? Jerrold
How long have you lived here? Emery
I live in London Gerry
This site is crazy :) Arron
We'd like to invite you for an interview Ronnie
I'd like some euros Rufus
International directory enquiries Charley
A First Class stamp Tristan
This site is crazy :) Christoper
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I'm not working at the moment Jerrell
In a meeting Paige
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I quite like cooking s
Do you need a work permit? Rodrick
I can't get through at the moment Nestor
I saw your advert in the paper Truman
Another service? Berry
Who do you work for? Quinn
I've got a very weak signal Darren
Yes, I play the guitar Larry
We'd like to invite you for an interview Hipolito
When can you start? Orlando
I don't like pubs Thaddeus
I'd like to take the job Kelly
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Amelia
I'm interested in Doyle
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Do you like it here? Arianna
I'll text you later Nathaniel
Please call back later Jerome
Pleased to meet you Benedict
Do you know each other? ventolin
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Edgar
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I live here Quinn
Could you tell me my balance, please? Reyes
This is the job description Lamar
We need someone with qualifications Gonzalo
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Tristan
How many more years do you have to go? Mario
I've lost my bank card Cyril
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I'm not sure Carroll
Enter your PIN Thurman
I've just graduated Jacinto
Do you know each other? Jules
I'd like to send this to Franklyn
A few months Snoopy
Could you send me an application form? Eldridge
One moment, please Cletus
Could I ask who's calling? Russel
What part of do you come from? James
Insert your card Deangelo
Which university are you at? Lily
My battery's about to run out Edwardo
Can I use your phone? Isaiah
Where are you calling from? Philip
I'm training to be an engineer Monroe
I'd like to send this to Houston
An estate agents Florentino
Could you send me an application form? Ignacio
Where did you go to university? Stewart
I'd like to cancel a cheque Jackie
Could I have a statement, please? Wilburn
I'm doing an internship Seymour
Looking for work Antone
I'd like to change some money Laurence
About a year Frederic
Please wait Moshe
Where do you come from? Leopoldo
What company are you calling from? Tyson
perfect design thanks Wayne
How much does the job pay? Ervin
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Paige
I'll text you later Nilson
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Agustin
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Jeramy
Which team do you support? Cyrus
I'm a member of a gym Tyree
I love the theatre Emmitt
How much were you paid in your last job? Rubin
What do you do? Mitch
I live in London Merle
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Thanks for calling Ella
Just over two years Diana
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Jefferey
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I love this site f
I like it a lot Buford
I want to report a Roger
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About a year Garrett
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I want to make a withdrawal Dustin
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Stacey
A packet of envelopes Danielle
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I'm only getting an answering machine Jacob
When do you want me to start? Bradford
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Thanks for calling Darryl
Where do you come from? Roderick
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I'd like , please Octavio
Get a job Roland
I'm a member of a gym Dillon
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I'd like to open a business account Clemente
Can I take your number? Ernesto
We'll need to take up references Orville
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I like watching football
What university do you go to? Valentin
Directory enquiries Shelton
I've just started at ta
I'm on holiday Russel
I can't stand football Andrea
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Where's the postbox? Lioncool
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested Hubert
I'm unemployed Thomas
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Elden
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The manager Bertram
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How much is a Second Class stamp? Moses
I came here to work Genesis
What do you study? Napoleon
Jonny was here Fredrick
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I wanted to live abroad Winston
What do you study? Jules
Looking for work Marcelo
I want to make a withdrawal Gregorio
I'm a partner in Wilfredo
What line of work are you in? Andrea
What part of do you come from? Rhett
I live in London Lemuel
Which year are you in? Milton
How long are you planning to stay here? Quinn
Not available at the moment Malcom
Please call back later Miguel
Could I have an application form? Clifford
Do you have any exams coming up? Melanie
Who would I report to? Riley
Another year Johnson
The line's engaged Norbert
I'd like , please Alexandra
I'm self-employed Carson
How much does the job pay? enterpri
Can you hear me OK? Thurman
Would you like a receipt? Randell
I'm from England Zachary
I've only just arrived Bradley
I'd like to open a personal account Rickey
History Cornelius
Could I take your name and number, please? Caroline
A company car Brooke
We were at school together Norris
The line's engaged Numbers
Do you play any instruments? Rogelio
How do you spell that? Daryl
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I'm doing an internship Megan
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Pleased to meet you Payton
I'm not working at the moment Gonzalo
I can't hear you very well Brooks
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I study here Mia
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Rufus
Good crew it's cool :) Willis
How long have you lived here? Serenity
Do you know each other? Laverne
I can't get a signal Errol
Special Delivery Shelby
Can you hear me OK? Dominic
Whereabouts are you from? Curt
My battery's about to run out Bobber
I hate shopping Frances
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Jefferson
Who do you work for? Anna
I'd like to open a personal account Dario
Yes, I play the guitar Eblanned
I've been made redundant Vicente
i'm fine good work Russel
Can you hear me OK? av
What do you do? Jeffry
Have you seen any good films recently? Reinaldo
Through friends Bernie
No, I'm not particularly sporty Colton
Looking for work t
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Derek
I'd like to take the job Goodsam
International directory enquiries Jerrold
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Derrick
I'd like to apply for this job Zoe
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I'd like to send this parcel to Brayden
Which university are you at? Daren
I'm retired Josue
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'm interested in Fidel
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I support Manchester United Blake
Go travelling Abram
Insert your card Myron
Have you got any qualifications? Jaime
Withdraw cash Jacob
I don't know what I want to do after university Porter
Special Delivery Landon
Can I use your phone? Goodboy
We were at school together Ismael
How do you do? Sydney
Whereabouts in are you from? Rodger
In a meeting Sarah
Could you give me some smaller notes? Barry
I was made redundant two months ago Kelley
I hate shopping Wayne
How many are there in a book? Evan
I'm interested in Julio
Do you need a work permit? Zoey
What do you do for a living? Granville
Yes, I love it! Benjamin
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Alexandra
I've come to collect a parcel Douglass
What sort of music do you listen to? Quincy
We need someone with qualifications Donovan
Did you go to university? Jimmy
I'm self-employed Hobert
We're at university together Josiah
Hold the line, please Roscoe
I'd like to apply for this job Jeramy
I'm a member of a gym Megan
I'd like to pay this in, please Adolph
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I was made redundant two months ago Houston
How much is a Second Class stamp? Elliott
Could you send me an application form? Lonnie
Recorded Delivery Nicole
What are the hours of work? Benny
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Another service? Arlie
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We went to university together Chester
I'd like to cancel a cheque Elliott
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Harry
Another year Andre
I love this site Booker
I'd like to send this letter by Jane
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Calvin
I came here to work mi
I'm at Liverpool University Sara
An envelope Darron
I like it a lot Billy
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Marion
I went to Josiah
Enter your PIN Teodoro
I've come to collect a parcel Bella
Your account's overdrawn Jewell
How do you spell that? Stephan
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A jiffy bag Corey
Could I have , please? Alfonso
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A few months Lanny
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I'd like to withdraw $100, please Waldo
Would you like a receipt? Stanford
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Nice to meet you Jasmine
Enter your PIN Fermin
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What's your number? Gaylord
Would you like a receipt? Jimmie
Where do you come from? Charlotte
How would you like the money? Jacques
The line's engaged Goodsam
We've got a joint account Gonzalo
I sing in a choir Reginald
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Nathaniel
perfect design thanks Mitchel
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Brent
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I'd like to pay this in, please Lionel
Could I have an application form? Katelyn
The United States Terrence
An estate agents Darrick
Will I get paid for overtime? Jane
Whereabouts are you from? Clint
Could you please repeat that? Malcolm
I love the theatre Danial
A pension scheme Armand
Which team do you support? Erin
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I don't know what I want to do after university Quentin
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Brandon
What part of do you come from? Casey
Yes, I play the guitar Vida
I stay at home and look after the children Carter
I'd like to pay this in, please Lemuel
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I'd like to open a personal account Eugenio
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How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? German
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i'm fine good work vri
No, I'm not particularly sporty
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I have my own business
I'm on holiday is vipr
Wonderfull great site Johnie
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Hold the line, please Ronnie
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Gabriel
An envelope Homer
I stay at home and look after the children Peyton
US dollars c
The manager
Do you have any exams coming up? Devin
I'd like to apply for this job Jarrod
I'd like to open a personal account Isaiah
What's the exchange rate for euros? Lindsay
Have you got any ? Carter
Whereabouts in are you from? Bobbie
I'm in a band tada
Would you like to leave a message? Justin
Did you go to university? Reginald
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Daron
Yes, I love it! Barton
Which year are you in? Cameron
Can you put it on the scales, please? Clair
I work for myself Ahmed
How much is a First Class stamp? Savannah
Can I use your phone? Errol
I'm in a band Cedric
Withdraw cash Robbie
I'll call back later Agustin
Could I make an appointment to see ? Korey
I can't stand football Brooks
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Miles
I've got a very weak signal Norris
I really like swimming Jamaal
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Jake
I read a lot Jocelyn
I want to make a withdrawal Andreas
Can you hear me OK? Blair
Can I call you back? Eblanned
real beauty page Cyrus
I'm sorry, he's Carlton
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Columbus
I'm interested in this position Titus
A packet of envelopes Guadalupe
I'm from England Rusty
A pension scheme Delbert
I'm from England Linwood
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Neville
We work together Errol
Do you need a work permit? Gavin
Enter your PIN Maya
I'd like to cancel a cheque Danilo
Have you read any good books lately? Charlie
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Randolph
I'm a housewife Harland
What company are you calling from? Cedrick
I'd like to order some foreign currency Tomas
I'm on a course at the moment Cliff
Directory enquiries Lance
I'd like to open a business account Mohammed
How many more years do you have to go? Reggie
How long have you lived here? Jenna
What's your number? Edmund
Get a job Louie
I support Manchester United Milton
Whereabouts in are you from? Winfred
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Alphonso
We need someone with experience Charlie
I love this site Monty
I'm in my first year at university Whitney
I work for a publishers Adalberto
Could you send me an application form? Sarah
It's funny goodluck Jaime
Do you know what extension he's on? Royce
I don't know what I want to do after university Basil
Best Site good looking Trevor
How do you spell that? Steven
I'm only getting an answering machine Oscar
Could I make an appointment to see ? Sterling
Could I have , please? Michelle
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Andres
I'm from England Fredric
We're at university together Collin
Languages Jeremy
this post is fantastic
I'd like to send this to Arianna
Please call back later Daren
Jonny was here Shayne
Lost credit card Flyman
I'd like to send this parcel to Allison
Which team do you support? Dusty
I live in London Sara
Some First Class stamps Marcellus
We're at university together Lucky
Have you got a current driving licence? Frederick
What sort of work do you do? Cooper
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Dexter
Are you a student? Patrick
I'm doing a masters in law Kaylee
Would you like a receipt? Arthur
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Ezekiel
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Walton
How do you do? Deandre
Who's calling? provera on
I don't know what I want to do after university Katelyn
Special Delivery Diva
Have you seen any good films recently? Boris
I'm a partner in Elvis
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Dghonson
Do you know the number for ? Jarrett
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Dghonson
A law firm Cornelius
Your cash is being counted Barton
Do you have any exams coming up? Winfred
Very interesting tale Eugene
I quite like cooking Janni
Who's calling? Melissa
Just over two years Jonathan
Looking for a job Carlos
Whereabouts are you from? Kaylee
What do you like doing in your spare time? Daren
I came here to study Rikky
I work for myself
I'm not sure Gregg
Can you hear me OK? Fabian
Accountant supermarket manager Carol
I quite like cooking Stuart
Withdraw cash Hector
I live in London Archie
What do you study? g
I'll text you later Neville
Where do you come from? Fausto
Whereabouts in are you from? Branden
I enjoy travelling Destiny
What's the interest rate on this account? Berry
Who do you work for? Ella
What line of work are you in? Lucky
We'll need to take up references Michal
Have you got a current driving licence? Weldon
Jonny was here Oliver
This is your employment contract Myron
Would you like to leave a message? Terence
I'm in a band Timmy
I've got a very weak signal Claudio
I hate shopping Ronnie
It's OK iso
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Isaias
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Mishel
A few months Geraldo
I live in London Archie
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Jimmi
One moment, please Keneth
Which team do you support? Fritz
Punk not dead Stephan
I work here Garret
Jonny was here Harry
Where do you live? Faustino
Remove card Janni
How long have you lived here? Stuart
What company are you calling from? Tristan
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
One moment, please e
I'm training to be an engineer Craig
I can't get through at the moment Johnathon
Do you need a work permit? Jessica
I've been cut off Jamie
Can I take your number? Sydney
Have you got a current driving licence? Tony
Hold the line, please Johnie
I'm a partner in Arthur
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Leandro
One moment, please Mitchel
Photography Devin
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Darin
We need someone with experience Jerome
Do you know what extension he's on? Moses
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Nathanael
How much is a Second Class stamp? Ernest
We'll need to take up references Melanie
I want to make a withdrawal Terence
Why did you come to ? Roberto
A First Class stamp Santo
Thanks for calling Glenn
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Dwain
Whereabouts are you from? Alfonso
I support Manchester United Cedric
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
How do you do? Carmine
Do you know each other? Jamaal
Is there ? Shayne
Insufficient funds Emmett
What do you do?
What do you want to do when you've finished? Giuseppe
Could you please repeat that? Robby
I'm from England Edward
What sort of music do you listen to? Jarvis
I'd like some euros Jerald
It's funny goodluck Shirley
What's the interest rate on this account? Gregg
Who do you work for? Agustin
Could I have a statement, please? Elbert
I can't stand football Clement
Thanks for calling Randal
We'd like to offer you the job
I really like swimming Ian
I'm only getting an answering machine Brody
good material thanks Antony
Have you got any qualifications? Dante
this post is fantastic order ze
I'd like to take the job Darrick
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Granville
I love the theatre Santos
Very interesting tale Ethan
Could you give me some smaller notes? Allison
Who do you work for? Hilton
I hate shopping Trinity
This is your employment contract Cameron
I came here to work Maurice
Punk not dead
On another call Keneth
Insufficient funds rebeto
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Virgilio
A book of First Class stamps Preston
A few months Rogelio
We'd like to invite you for an interview Wilson
I'm on business Roland
Where are you calling from? Steven
Are you a student? Floyd
When can you start? Mathew
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Caroline
Your account's overdrawn Lucky
An estate agents Savannah
I'm a partner in ge
This is your employment contract Vincenzo
I'm from England Melissa
I'd like to cancel this standing order Edwardo
What company are you calling from? Madelyn
Very funny pictures Giovanni
I'm training to be an engineer Seymour
Could I have , please? Vincenzo
I never went to university Glenn
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Arturo
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Heriberto
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I'm retired Sammie
Have you got any qualifications? Cornelius
Please wait hytrin o
I've been cut off William
A pension scheme Ricky
I'm happy very good site Abram
I'm retired Bradford
Pleased to meet you Antone
Could you give me some smaller notes? Tommy
Did you go to university? Mitch
How long have you lived here? Hassan
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Zachary
How many more years do you have to go? Joesph
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Isaiah
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I wanted to live abroad Bobber
I've only just arrived Brendon
I'm interested in this position Theron
I can't hear you very well Roman
What line of work are you in? Bernie
Get a job
Photography Wilford
A Second Class stamp Stewart
I'd like to open an account Columbus
I'd like to open an account Curtis
I'm a housewife Rusty
Do you like it here? Freelove
What do you do for a living? Jacinto
Do you play any instruments? Nogood87
Recorded Delivery Titus
I'm at Liverpool University Lightsoul
I want to report a Dogkill
We work together Fabian
I've just started at Kelley
Looking for a job Rueben
Recorded Delivery Jordan
I'd like to send this letter by Buford
I study here
History co
How much notice do you have to give? Levi
Do you need a work permit? Norman
A jiffy bag
Accountant supermarket manager Leopoldo
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Mickey
We've got a joint account Gustavo
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Could I ask who's calling? Quentin
Would you like a receipt? Amia
I've got a full-time job Carey
Very interesting tale Alden
There's a three month trial period Shirley
I never went to university Pitfighter
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A pension scheme Loren
What's the exchange rate for euros? Wilson
Remove card Javier
What do you do? Guadalupe
The United States Spencer
I sing in a choir Mario
A pension scheme Vicente
How much notice do you have to give? Irea
Special Delivery Alonzo
Can you put it on the scales, please? Serenity
We're at university together Milan
I'm training to be an engineer Tyrone
Have you seen any good films recently? Kelly
Thanks funny site Jonathon
How much notice do you have to give? Layla
How much notice do you have to give? Alton
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Nice to meet you atomi
An accountancy practice Dennis
We've got a joint account Danielle
I like watching football Herman
We need someone with qualifications Melissa
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Not available at the moment Heath
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Can I take your number? Rupert
Some First Class stamps Layla
Can you hear me OK? Friend35
I'm training to be an engineer Cleveland
How many more years do you have to go? Cliff
Did you go to university? Emmitt
We're at university together Marlon
Could you ask him to call me? Frances
What line of work are you in? Jermaine
Do you have any exams coming up? Guillermo
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Could I have an application form? Jeremy
We've got a joint account Pitfighter
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I've got a very weak signal Garret
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I never went to university Arron
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Where do you come from? Lonny
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Where's the postbox? buy
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Hello good day Heriberto
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Randal
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I want to make a withdrawal Domenic
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A financial advisor Eddie
I'd like to cancel this standing order Kelly
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Shirley
I need to charge up my phone Freeman
What do you study? Makayla
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Freeman
What do you study? Josiah
What do you do for a living? Lonnie
What do you want to do when you've finished? Laurence
How do you know each other? Damion
We work together Payton
No, I'm not particularly sporty Jordan
I stay at home and look after the children Quintin
I'm happy very good site Rudolph
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Milton
I never went to university Derrick
Would you like to leave a message? Christoper
I can't get a signal Maximo
I saw your advert in the paper Carey
We work together
Get a job differi
Could I have , please? Wilson
We need someone with qualifications Delmar
Sorry, I ran out of credit Scott
What part of do you come from? Patricia
Children with disabilities
A few months g
One moment, please Nicolas
I'm in my first year at university Kennith
We'd like to invite you for an interview Wallace
Directory enquiries Devin
Did you go to university? Lanny
On another call
What company are you calling from? Buddy
Can I call you back? Collin
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Get a job Dallas
Could you ask her to call me? Curtis
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Tyson
We were at school together Donnell
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Marshall
How do you do? Ronald
I like it a lot Plank
this post is fantastic Madison
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Armand
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Patric
I hate shopping Jerry
How much is a First Class stamp? Faith
I need to charge up my phone Lawrence
Not in at the moment Micheal
US dollars Kayla
Which team do you support? Clarence
Do you know the number for ? Aaliyah
I wanted to live abroad Armand
Nice to meet you Efren
Would you like a receipt? Monroe
I can't stand football Alvaro
Could I have , please? Elmer
What qualifications have you got? Dominic
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Davis
I'm a member of a gym Arnold
Do you need a work permit? Darrick
How much does the job pay? Liam
I'm sorry, she's John
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Angelina
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Lavern
I'm interested in this position Rocco
I'd like , please omnicef
This is your employment contract Maria
I've just started at Octavio
How much does the job pay? Deadman
I'm on a course at the moment Rusty
Which year are you in? Marion
I want to report a Adolfo
Directory enquiries Shelby
A law firm Barrett
How would you like the money? Lawrence
Who's calling? Curt
Can you hear me OK? verm
Jonny was here vermox pl
It's a bad line Julia
Will I get travelling expenses? Alfred
On another call Jospeh
US dollars Kermit
I need to charge up my phone Greenwood
Which year are you in? Willian
Have you read any good books lately? Orval
I'll send you a text Merlin
About a year Steep777
Insert your card Adolph
How many would you like? Jeffrey
I'm sorry, she's Victor
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Faustino
How do you spell that? Timmy
Have you got any experience? Joesph
Will I get travelling expenses? Brenton
Would you like to leave a message? Sebastian
What sort of music do you listen to? Mitchel
Yes, I love it! Herman
this post is fantastic Maria
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Blake
Remove card Kirby
We work together Renato
Children with disabilities Sylvester
Nice to meet you Danny
Other amount Ernesto
I'm a partner in Cameron
How would you like the money? Clayton
Free medical insurance Jeramy
What company are you calling from? Benton
I can't hear you very well Jimmie
Incorrect PIN buy d
Did you go to university? Rolland
I came here to work Jackie
Would you like a receipt? Florentino
I read a lot Teodoro
A Second Class stamp Robin
Where are you calling from? Harland
Where do you study? Napoleon
Can I use your phone? Rocco
Canada>Canada glyc
Until August Coco888
Could I borrow your phone, please? Forest
Would you like to leave a message? Franklin
We work together Darwin
I'm retired ace
Thanks for calling Austin
Very Good Site Issac
Will I have to work shifts? Pitfighter
We work together c
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Dominick
Languages Cristopher
A First Class stamp Darrin
What are the hours of work? Tyrone
It's serious Dennis
I have my own business Prince
Another service? Daryl
I'm a trainee where to
Who do you work for? ch
I work with computers Jenna
I'm at Liverpool University Rubin
I'd like a phonecard, please Randal
A First Class stamp Eduardo
I want to make a withdrawal Everette
I like it a lot Herschel
I've lost my bank card Arron
Gloomy tales Chuck
Which year are you in? Unlove
I've got a full-time job Wilbert
On another call Eugene
Do you need a work permit? Christoper
It's a bad line nap
US dollars
Nice to meet you Gerard
I'd like to send this to Patric
How much is a Second Class stamp? Daren
Would you like a receipt? Walker
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Bella
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Tracy
I'm on business Emilio
Have you got a telephone directory? Emily
This is your employment contract Marquis
I'm sorry, she's Marquis
I'm sorry, she's Lowell
I'm in a band Robby
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Lenard
How do you know each other? Fermin
Until August
Could you give me some smaller notes? Megan
We've got a joint account whe
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Warren
I've been made redundant Sanford
There's a three month trial period Vicente
Could I borrow your phone, please? Landon
I'll put him on Taylor
Another service? Ricky
Nice to meet you Sterling
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Infest
I like watching football Frank
Wonderfull great site Cole
The manager Xavier
Can I call you back? Jacinto
Thanks funny site Luigi
Wonderfull great site Edmundo
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Lindsey
We'll need to take up references Rosendo
this is be cool 8) Bernardo
I want to report a a
A few months Lincoln
Can I use your phone? Laurence
This site is crazy :) Kimberly
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Ollie
I'd like to open a personal account Alexa
An estate agents Carmen
Can I call you back? DE
How long have you lived here? Royal
How would you like the money? Serenity
US dollars Claude
I love this site Hiram
A company car biaxin fa
I'm not sure Francisco
I'd like , please Byron
I'd like to apply for this job Brianna
Some First Class stamps Blair
I work here buy
Did you go to university? Jeremy
A few months
Photography Marvin
How much were you paid in your last job? Jefferey
I came here to study Brooke
Best Site Good Work Elbert
What do you like doing in your spare time? Miles
I love the theatre Cedrick
A few months Franklin
Can I call you back? Wilbert
Sorry, you must have the wrong number James
Please wait Wallace
good material thanks Emory
Could you ask him to call me? Tony
I'll send you a text Ezekiel
Yes, I love it! Moises
We work together Malcolm
Where did you go to university? Malcolm
Where did you go to university? Kayla
I'm on holiday Elvin
Yes, I play the guitar Chang
I hate shopping Alonso
Other amount Benny
I'm on holiday Chase
What line of work are you in? Craig
I'd like to send this letter by Jerold
Pleased to meet you Harland
Free medical insurance Ronnie
I'd like a phonecard, please Bradley
I'd like to take the job Oswaldo
An estate agents Katelyn
This is the job description Scottie
I came here to work Jarred
I never went to university Evan
What line of work are you in? Evan
What line of work are you in? Ervin
I'd like to send this parcel to Vida
We were at school together Alex
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Filiberto
very best job Harris
Could you tell me my balance, please? Casey
I'll put him on Stevie
How many would you like? Basil
An envelope Gregg
Very Good Site Scotty
Who's calling? Bob
We used to work together Fredric
I'm a member of a gym Sophia
Will I have to work shifts? Grover
Could you tell me my balance, please? Clyde
Have you got a current driving licence? Dorian
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Arianna
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I read a lot Renato
Where do you come from? Stephen
I want to report a Myles
I've lost my bank card Wendell
I love the theatre Malcom
Punk not dead Madeline
I went to b
What do you do for a living? Cedric
I can't get a signal Raymundo
Could you tell me my balance, please? Eli
I've lost my bank card Faustino
Could I have a statement, please? Bryon
How many more years do you have to go? Randolph
It's funny goodluck Aaron
I'll put her on Stevie
Are you a student? Ahmad
I'd like to send this to Ricardo
Will I get travelling expenses? Diva
What university do you go to? Reynaldo
A pension scheme latanoprost
I read a lot
I'd like to cancel a cheque Garrett
Wonderfull great site xalatan
No, I'm not particularly sporty Issac
I can't get through at the moment Rafael
I was made redundant two months ago Luis
Have you got any ? Katherine
I'd like to change some money Dewayne
I'm a trainee Frederick
I'm sorry, he's Getjoy
I work for myself Darren
Three years cheape
Incorrect PIN Homer
Special Delivery Alfonso
Will I have to work shifts? Michael
What's the interest rate on this account? Salvador
Punk not dead
Do you know each other? Kylie
I can't stand football Justin
I'm not sure la
Very funny pictures Emmanuel
Is there ?
I'm a housewife Clarence
Why did you come to ? Benton
Whereabouts in are you from? Deshawn
How many are there in a book? Booker
How much does the job pay? Roberto
What's your number? Tracey
Where did you go to university? Sonny
Withdraw cash Joesph
Excellent work, Nice Design Sylvester
Yes, I love it! Barbera
good material thanks Stephanie
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Isabella
Accountant supermarket manager Marlin
Best Site Good Work Diva
What sort of work do you do? Walton
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
How much notice do you have to give? Aurelio
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Donald
Did you go to university? Orlando
Have you seen any good films recently? Dario
Who's calling? Mackenzie
Some First Class stamps Vance
US dollars Andrea
I'm on business Nevaeh
Where's the nearest cash machine? Quentin
Best Site good looking Ismael
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Zachary
How do you spell that? Wilson
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Trenton
I have my own business Mervin
Could you ask him to call me? Ethan
Where are you from? Isidro
I went to n
How do you know each other? Errol
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Rudolf
I'm on a course at the moment Benito
I'll put him on Bryon
I've been cut off Arden
magic story very thanks Bobber
Could I have , please? Rudolf
Whereabouts are you from? Winford
I can't get through at the moment Lonnie
Accountant supermarket manager Stanton
The United States Valentin
I'm not interested in football Graig
good material thanks Kirby
I'm only getting an answering machine Ronny
Thanks for calling Lance
Just over two years Andres
Who's calling? Sammy
How do you spell that? Amber
There's a three month trial period Maurice
Can I take your number? Lawrence
I'm interested in
What do you want to do when you've finished? Rudolph
I have my own business Rudolph
I have my own business Kimberly
I'm a member of a gym Kaylee
Where's the postbox? Emma
An estate agents Stanley
US dollars Chester
I live in London Alphonso
I need to charge up my phone Courtney
I'm a member of a gym Matthew
Where do you live? Damion
I'll put her on Frank
I like watching TV Norberto
Directory enquiries Jessica
Looking for work Autumn
Sorry, I ran out of credit Goodboy
Jonny was here Elisha
What do you like doing in your spare time? Harlan
I'd like to send this to Berry
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Jorge
A First Class stamp Earnest
I came here to work Sammy
Where are you from? Sophie
Can you hear me OK? Wayne
What line of work are you in? Wilfredo
Lost credit card Deadman
One moment, please Robert
Could I make an appointment to see ? Waldo
I'm not sure Ariel
I live in London Clinton
Please wait adcirca
It's funny goodluck Patric
Could I have a statement, please? Hector
I was made redundant two months ago Wiley
Do you know what extension he's on? Claire
I'm interested in this position Marcelino
Three years comp
I'm interested in Shayne
It's a bad line Ahmad
Is there ? Nevaeh
I don't like pubs Willie
Why did you come to ? Robert
What line of work are you in? Wilburn
I work for myself Rolando
I'd like to cancel a cheque Arlie
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Harland
What do you do for a living? Cecil
How much is a Second Class stamp? Octavio
Thanks funny site Mervin
The manager Freddy
What company are you calling from? Melvin
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Jacques
I like it a lot Mackenzie
I came here to work Hipolito
On another call Mohammad
How many are there in a book? Florentino
I study here Graig
Canada>Canada Mauricio
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I work here Angelo
I've got a part-time job Maya
I can't get a signal Kenny
What qualifications have you got? Addison
Other amount Chuck
A few months Elvin
I work with computers Heath
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Could I take your name and number, please? Kieth
What sort of music do you like? Normand
International directory enquiries Ralph
I've only just arrived Gianna
Could you ask him to call me? Brayden
A few months Lioncool
I work for a publishers Jocelyn
Have you seen any good films recently? Molly
Please wait
On another call req
What do you want to do when you've finished? Ella
Best Site Good Work Leonel
I'm training to be an engineer Javier
Pleased to meet you Waylon
A packet of envelopes Florentino
I want to make a withdrawal Lowell
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I'm happy very good site Kieth
How do I get an outside line? Nelson
good material thanks Cole
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Kenneth
The manager Mitchel
Do you know the number for ? Lyman
We need someone with experience Kimberly
I'm interested in this position Gianna
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Francis
History Weldon
Photography Rafael
Canada>Canada Incomeppc
Could you tell me the number for ? Makayla
I love the theatre Grant
What university do you go to? Preston
Could I take your name and number, please? Diana
Special Delivery Fritz
About a year Blair
Could I have a statement, please? Lucien
I can't stand football Quintin
I want to make a withdrawal Deangelo
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Have you read any good books lately? Napoleon
A financial advisor Megan
Where did you go to university? Bruno
Thanks funny site Jeramy
Whereabouts in are you from? Antione
Have you got any qualifications? Chloe
i'm fine good work Alexandra
I'll text you later Guillermo
I study here Preston
I'm on a course at the moment Monte
I'd like to open a business account Brock
I need to charge up my phone Alexandra
I've been cut off Frances
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I'd like to withdraw $100, please Quaker
Not in at the moment Jacques
Pleased to meet you Kenny
I'd like to open a business account Clint
Best Site good looking Ramon
Could I make an appointment to see ? Deadman
I'll text you later Morris
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Noah
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I live here Incomeppc
Have you got a telephone directory? Palmer
I've only just arrived Raphael
I'll put him on Dallas
I'm in my first year at university Jaime
We'd like to invite you for an interview Jacques
i'm fine good work Johnathon
I like watching TV Erasmo
Yes, I play the guitar Lionel
I've come to collect a parcel Merrill
International directory enquiries Ella
I'm training to be an engineer Jared
An envelope
Special Delivery Fausto
Where are you calling from? Caden
The National Gallery Lucas
Get a job Abraham
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Maynard
I'll text you later Trinity
How much does the job pay? Colin
Have you got a telephone directory? Jordan
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Ahmad
We're at university together Milford
Did you go to university? Conrad
I want to report a Tristan
I live in London
Accountant supermarket manager Kaitlyn
I stay at home and look after the children Matthew
I've just graduated Francesco
We went to university together Patric
This is the job description Luigi
What do you want to do when you've finished? Goodboy
Do you know the address? Jack
The National Gallery Marion
Have you read any good books lately? Elden
Could you tell me my balance, please? Gregorio
I'm sorry, I'm not interested William
Another year Eldon
I like watching football Cyril
Enter your PIN Stephan
I'm in a band Dwight
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Danny
Do you have any exams coming up? Shelton
A few months Clinton
Hello good day Anibal
I'm a housewife Ethan
Have you read any good books lately? Zachariah
I study here Rashad
Do you know what extension he's on? Darren
I enjoy travelling Ahmed
Is there ? Sherman
I'd like to order some foreign currency Bella
How would you like the money? Vida
We used to work together Thurman
Which year are you in? Glenn
I need to charge up my phone Jerrell
I'm in a band Eldridge
I'm not working at the moment Chris
I don't know what I want to do after university Augustine
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Joshua
What do you do for a living? Marissa
Nice to meet you Gabrielle
Can I use your phone? Alberto
It's serious o
I never went to university Charles
I'm a housewife Jeffrey
Pleased to meet you Jane
this is be cool 8) Dghonson
Who would I report to? Cody
It's funny goodluck Bryce
A book of First Class stamps Michale
I work with computers Porter
I enjoy travelling Kelvin
Who would I report to? Kelvin
Who would I report to? Brenton
Could I take your name and number, please? Dante
What sort of music do you listen to? Dante
What sort of music do you listen to? Fredric
Free medical insurance Michel
I wanted to live abroad Delmar
I'll text you later Ellis
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Stolen credit card Alexander
How do you do? Mario
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Bryce
I'll text you later Issac
Enter your PIN Hobert
Did you go to university? Frederic
I don't like pubs Lemuel
Would you like a receipt? Elias
Could you ask him to call me? Clark
How do you do? Alfredo
I support Manchester United Jared
I was made redundant two months ago Freddie
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
The National Gallery Rupert
Do you need a work permit? Kieth
A few months Allison
I'd like to send this parcel to Jacinto
An estate agents Frederick
I went to Ryan
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A financial advisor Dwayne
I'd like to apply for this job Wilmer
What do you want to do when you've finished? Winfred
What's the exchange rate for euros? Rolland
Your cash is being counted Bobbie
Are you a student? Murray
I'm doing an internship Efrain
I'm on holiday Ramon
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Please call back later Logan
Punk not dead Orlando
I'll call back later Infest
this post is fantastic Rickey
Which university are you at? Camila
Best Site Good Work Norbert
Where's the nearest cash machine? Irving
Can I use your phone? Marco
Children with disabilities Andres
Who would I report to? Isabel
Through friends Sarah
Will I get paid for overtime? Louis
We were at school together Jamar
I can't hear you very well Rickie
I'd like to change some money Victoria
One moment, please Claude
How do you spell that? Rudolph
About a year Melvin
I'll text you later Andrew
Very interesting tale Louie
A Second Class stamp Ferdinand
A packet of envelopes Daren
I'd like to send this to Pasquale
It's funny goodluck Sonny
Yes, I play the guitar Timmy
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Kevin
Are you a student? Donald
How would you like the money? Michel
I hate shopping Russel
Where's the postbox? Porfirio
I like it a lot Isidro
Directory enquiries Sterling
I'd like to change some money Boyce
Can I call you back? Cordell
I'm a trainee Major
I'm interested in Alfonzo
I enjoy travelling Kirby
I'm a member of a gym Kraig
I'd like , please Vaughn
I'd like some euros Ricky
I'm training to be an engineer Mikel
Where are you calling from? Burton
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I'm training to be an engineer Percy
Thanks for calling Shaun
I'm retired Alton
Looking for work Emilio
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perfect design thanks Jamar
I'm on holiday Richard
I'd like to pay this in, please German
Very interesting tale Luke
How many more years do you have to go? Lucas
A financial advisor Desmond
Would you like to leave a message? Chadwick
Do you know the number for ? Kaitlyn
Nice to meet you Valeria
I'll send you a text Tyson
I'm sorry, he's Nathanial
How much notice do you have to give? Haley
A jiffy bag Jamie
What sort of music do you listen to? Lucky
I work with computers Connor
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How much is a First Class stamp? Orville
Where did you go to university? Winston
This is the job description Gerard
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I'm sorry, he's Foster
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Not in at the moment Grace
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Anthony
There's a three month trial period Coleman
Where do you study? Dillon
I'm doing an internship Sammie
We were at school together Stuart
Do you like it here? Earle
This is your employment contract Razer22
Yes, I love it! Sterling
I'd like some euros Jefferson
I'd like to cancel a cheque Marcellus
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Cornelius
How much is a First Class stamp? Peyton
I like it a lot
Through friends Homer
I can't hear you very well Buddy
Three years buy
I wanted to live abroad Doyle
I don't like pubs Sophia
Why did you come to ? Aiden
Could you ask him to call me? Lucky
Get a job Johnathan
Could I make an appointment to see ? Collin
We were at school together Warner
Excellent work, Nice Design Barney
Whereabouts in are you from? Dylan
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Brayden
I'm a member of a gym Chance
Could you tell me my balance, please? Judson
I'd like to cancel this standing order Edwin
I'm not interested in football Benedict
I'm not working at the moment Emily
I hate shopping Garth
Do you need a work permit? Alejandro
I like it a lot Crazyfrog
What's your number? Peyton
When can you start? Micah
Who do you work for? Wesley
What part of do you come from? Samual
Just over two years Rayford
I read a lot Emory
I'm sorry, he's
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Martin
History allegra
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I love this site Sammy
Remove card Lucas
Jonny was here a
We went to university together Jamal
Thanks funny site Coleman
I'd like to open a business account Garland
Have you got any ? Arturo
A book of First Class stamps Jackie
Could I make an appointment to see ? Mohammed
I'd like , please Carol
I've come to collect a parcel Deshawn
I'd like some euros Nicole
Did you go to university? Terence
Enter your PIN Zackary
Canada>Canada Johnnie
Could I ask who's calling? Aurelio
Can I take your number? Marcelo
I'm in a band Hannah
A packet of envelopes Ulysses
On another call Jake
I've just started at Garry
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Reginald
I really like swimming d
Canada>Canada catapre
perfect design thanks di
Yes, I play the guitar Wiley
What qualifications have you got? Kristofer
I work for a publishers Roderick
Could I take your name and number, please? Ruben
Very Good Site Emanuel
I'm training to be an engineer Melvin
I've been made redundant
My battery's about to run out
Jonny was here
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I'm interested in
Through friends wed
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
I work here t
I'd like to send this letter by
I saw your advert in the paper
Which year are you in?
Have you got a telephone directory? Rosendo
No, I'm not particularly sporty Clarence
I'm only getting an answering machine Milton
Enter your PIN Isaac
I'd like to send this letter by Burton
I'll put her on loa
I work for a publishers Jonathon
I'm unemployed Layla
Please wait Grace
What do you study? Miquel
I'm not interested in football Emmitt
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Numbers
I can't get through at the moment Myron
It's OK Dewayne
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Tyler
I can't get through at the moment Jesus
magic story very thanks Robbie
Your account's overdrawn Gerard
We need someone with qualifications Brian
I like it a lot Winford
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Carlton
I'd like to take the job Guadalupe
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Where do you study? Melissa
Your account's overdrawn Allen
Directory enquiries Aubrey
Will I have to work shifts? Nilson
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Serenity
Languages cycrin Am
How many would you like? Isabella
Good crew it's cool :) Milford
I have my own business Rogelio
I live in London Richard
Punk not dead
How much does the job pay? Sherman
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No, I'm not particularly sporty Guillermo
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I'm not working at the moment Jasmine
Photography Brianna
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When do you want me to start? Freeman
Will I have to work shifts? Weston
Could I have , please? Andrea
How long are you planning to stay here? Sidney
Could I have a statement, please? Samantha
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Archie
Please wait Maynard
One moment, please Christian
We were at school together Myles
Good crew it's cool :) Gaylord
Do you know what extension he's on? Brianna
Have you got a current driving licence? Rufus
Please call back later Palmer
Could I have an application form? Caleb
I never went to university Sylvester
One moment, please Stuart
How do you spell that? Tanner
A Second Class stamp Ricky
Could you ask him to call me? Chong
Just over two years Moises
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Kaylee
I work for a publishers Renaldo
Can you hear me OK?
I can't get a dialling tone Donnell
I'm sorry, he's Arthur
A jiffy bag w
Do you know the number for ? Clemente
magic story very thanks Goodboy
Have you got any qualifications? Alejandro
How many are there in a book? Giuseppe
I'm happy very good site Hiram
Other amount buy
A jiffy bag
A packet of envelopes comparati
What line of work are you in? Simon
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Emory
How long are you planning to stay here? Gerald
I can't stand football i
I'm a partner in Delmar
Remove card Goodsam
I'd like some euros Rodney
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Caroline
Canada>Canada Jeffrey
We'd like to invite you for an interview Mackenzie
Your cash is being counted Sonny
I'm on a course at the moment Jarvis
It's serious short
I do some voluntary work Kieth
I'd like to cancel a cheque Grady
Could I have , please?
Your account's overdrawn Sheldon
Your account's overdrawn Jake
Where do you live?
Photography buy omni
Do you know what extension he's on? Kennith
I've been made redundant Alfredo
I study here Roberto
I work here Randolph
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Derick
A packet of envelopes Edwin
Very interesting tale Evelyn
Good crew it's cool :) Reyes
We used to work together Robert
Where's the postbox? Clint
Could you please repeat that? Ian
Do you know the address? Lightsoul
Through friends bristol
Get a job
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I'll call back later Steve
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I'm from England p
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Sorry, you must have the wrong number Duncan
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested Franklin
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It's OK Elroy
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The National Gallery Marcelino
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good material thanks Faith
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Jasper
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Canada>Canada Thomas
Canada>Canada Thomas
Canada>Canada Addison
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Stanton
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Could you send me an application form? Rocky
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I came here to study Sanford
Excellent work, Nice Design Victor
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Keith
Insert your card Boyce
Enter your PIN Razer22
One moment, please Tony
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Logan
Yes, I play the guitar Jordon
I love this site Jonah
Have you got a telephone directory? Reyes
I like watching football Enoch
How long have you lived here? Florencio
Could I take your name and number, please? Porter
Excellent work, Nice Design Granville
A Second Class stamp d
I've just started at Israel
Very Good Site Eli
We went to university together Unlove
An envelope Sergio
Children with disabilities Terrance
What's the exchange rate for euros? Angelo
Could I take your name and number, please? Deshawn
Thanks funny site glu
Can I call you back? Dalton
I'm not interested in football Raymon
Languages bu
Where's the postbox? Ralph
I've been cut off Brianna
I'm on business Henry
A packet of envelopes Warner
I sing in a choir buy la
What do you want to do when you've finished? Victoria
Could I have , please? Augustine
I'm interested in Salvador
I have my own business Amelia
I enjoy travelling Dallas
When do you want me to start? Ellsworth
What part of do you come from? Brooklyn
I'd like to pay this in, please Mario
This is your employment contract Andreas
I'd like to pay this in, please Steve
What do you do for a living? Darius
When can you start? Jarrod
Other amount Isaias
Are you a student? Hassan
Which team do you support? Carson
I wanted to live abroad Leah
I'd like to apply for this job Keenan
I came here to study Jocelyn
I can't get a signal Lester
What's the exchange rate for euros? Tomas
What do you do? Doyle
I've only just arrived Kayla
I don't know what I want to do after university Shannon
What's the interest rate on this account? Julio
An envelope Lemuel
I'd like some euros Irea
We'd like to invite you for an interview Merrill
Photography Kelly
How long have you lived here? Nicole
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Ricky
Can I use your phone? Everette
I work with computers Brooks
Whereabouts in are you from? Cameron
Other amount Lowell
A jiffy bag Frederick
very best job Linwood
I've just graduated Bennett
I have my own business Evelyn
Will I get paid for overtime? Marty
This is your employment contract Sarah
How do you know each other? Waldo
Do you know the address? Clifton
Will I get travelling expenses? Lavern
Lost credit card Hiram
I wanted to live abroad Chadwick
Who would I report to? Kurtis
Would you like to leave a message? Jacinto
Excellent work, Nice Design Joesph
I'm a member of a gym Claud
perfect design thanks Abram
Have you got a current driving licence? Anthony
Do you know what extension he's on? Robin
It's funny goodluck Willis
Recorded Delivery Fausto
Withdraw cash Clyde
good material thanks Luke
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Clayton
I came here to study Emery
What's the exchange rate for euros? Thurman
I'll call back later Wiley
Nice to meet you Jarrett
I went to Sarah
Are you a student? Mohammad
Not available at the moment Haywood
Whereabouts are you from? Theron
Where do you live? Stacy
Where are you from? Arlen
We work together Shelton
Could I borrow your phone, please? Dexter
very best job Jose
Why did you come to ? Reuben
I saw your advert in the paper Rickie
Incorrect PIN Danielle
Do you need a work permit? Jeremiah
I'm interested in this position Magic
Have you got any experience? Noah
How long are you planning to stay here? Delbert
I'm a trainee apr
Why did you come to ? Rodrick
Do you know the address? Marty
I went to at
Other amount
I'm on holiday am
My battery's about to run out Francisco
I came here to study Frances
Who do you work for? Guillermo
A First Class stamp Harold
Where's the nearest cash machine? Elwood
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Junior
The line's engaged Amber
Jonny was here Sherman
Who would I report to? Kyle
I work for myself Garrett
perfect design thanks Truman
Excellent work, Nice Design Taylor
Why did you come to ? Alphonse
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Jordon
How much is a Second Class stamp? Dominique
I've lost my bank card or
I hate shopping Edmund
This site is crazy :) Jenna
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I'm interested in Erin
An envelope Carlton
About a year Emerson
What company are you calling from? Nogood87
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Thanks funny site Kyle
I'm training to be an engineer Jose
Excellent work, Nice Design Bernie
A pension scheme Rigoberto
I'm interested in this position Modesto
The United States o
What's your number? Kenny
I saw your advert in the paper Francesco
Directory enquiries Garret
I can't get a dialling tone Kenton
Can you hear me OK? Johnathan
Jonny was here Anton
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Millard
I'd like , please Wilbert
Could you give me some smaller notes? Alfredo
I work here Rashad
Thanks funny site Daren
Directory enquiries Antony
I've got a part-time job Carey
Excellent work, Nice Design Jason
Please wait Efrain
I stay at home and look after the children Walker
Gloomy tales
I've just started at Elvis
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Percy
Which university are you at? Salvador
The United States Darron
Could I have an application form? Quincy
A book of First Class stamps Jefferey
I love the theatre Dallas
What company are you calling from? Jordon
I can't get through at the moment Edmond
this post is fantastic Margarito
I'll put her on Denny
What line of work are you in? Raymundo
Who's calling? flexeril<
Where's the postbox? Harland
Could I borrow your phone, please? Tilburg
I've just started at Jerrell
I'm a partner in Roderick
Is there ? glip
real beauty page Salvatore
I'd like some euros Claudio
The line's engaged Maria
Have you got any ? Kyle
I've only just arrived Eliseo
I'm doing an internship Willy
I'd like to open a business account Abram
Do you know what extension he's on? Pierre
I don't like pubs Julian
Have you got a current driving licence? Truman
Where do you come from? Ezequiel
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Ernie
I sing in a choir Jarod
I'm only getting an answering machine Genesis
What university do you go to? Efrain
Could I borrow your phone, please? Freeman
This is your employment contract Angelo
My battery's about to run out Maria
I'll put him on Erin
The line's engaged Tyson
I'm a member of a gym Unlove
Canada>Canada Diego
I'll put her on Richard
I'd like to send this letter by Erwin
A First Class stamp lev
Could you please repeat that? Gaston
I love this site Shayne
I like watching TV Angel
On another call Winford
What do you study? Roberto
I'm on business Isabella
This site is crazy :) Brant
How do I get an outside line? Wally
Hello good day Elton
Could you ask her to call me? Williams
Go travelling Steep777
Where do you come from? Brooks
We used to work together b
Nice to meet you Gilberto
I'm a housewife Frederick
A law firm chea
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'm interested in this position Allison
Another service? Stacey
Could I ask who's calling? Santiago
I'm a housewife Clint
It's serious olanz
Cool site goodluck :) Guadalupe
Photography orapr
Very Good Site o
US dollars Dudley
Did you go to university? Darren
Do you like it here? Owen
I read a lot Mariano
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Bryant
Special Delivery Norbert
Very Good Site Cedrick
I can't hear you very well Frederick
I've been cut off Elroy
We work together Granville
I've only just arrived Dominick
I didn't go to university Dominick
I didn't go to university Ethan
I've got a very weak signal Alex
I've come to collect a parcel Mason
I've got a part-time job Michelle
Thanks for calling Dylan
A packet of envelopes Janni
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Steven
It's OK buy vanc
Very Good Site Alberto
I'm doing an internship Jacques
I'd like to send this parcel to Brendan
Can I take your number? Pablo
An accountancy practice Edward
I like it a lot b
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Samantha
I'll put her on Heath
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Mathew
What company are you calling from? Johnie
This is the job description Earnest
Where are you from? Jerrold
I'm sorry, he's Ava
The manager Forrest
I love this site Royce
The line's engaged Heyjew
Where do you study? Charles
Can I use your phone? Marcus
I'm in a band
We're at university together Hipolito
Withdraw cash Raymon
Lost credit card
An envelope Sammy
How do I get an outside line? Booker
Do you have any exams coming up? Kendall
Lost credit card a
Accountant supermarket manager Marlin
I love this site Alphonso
I want to report a Alphonso
I want to report a Zackary
The line's engaged Lauren
I can't get a dialling tone Kristofer
I hate shopping Infest
Have you got any ? c
Lost credit card Galen
I have my own business Elijah
We've got a joint account Shelton
I live here Leonel
What do you like doing in your spare time? Lavern
How do you spell that? Edwardo
We work together Augustus
About a year Clair
I'm in my first year at university Infest
Very interesting tale Lazaro
How much were you paid in your last job? Seth
Nice to meet you Terrence
Special Delivery Isiah
Do you like it here? Antonia
A financial advisor Hipolito
i'm fine good work Andre
How long have you lived here? Chuck
What do you study? Lester
I work for myself Gavin
I don't know what I want to do after university Quinton
A jiffy bag Homer
I've got a full-time job Eva
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Evan
Where's the postbox? Floyd
How would you like the money? Russell
I'd like to pay this in, please Chase
What do you do? Jozef
I've just started at Jeremy
How much were you paid in your last job? Antonia
I'm not sure Bonser
Excellent work, Nice Design Gregg
I'm retired Elijah
Will I have to work shifts? Rocky
I like watching TV Valentin
I'm only getting an answering machine Sandy
Cool site goodluck :)
I'd like to open a business account Jonathan
I wanted to live abroad Luke
I work with computers Chloe
Three years Tanner
Which team do you support? Preston
This is the job description Lindsey
Why did you come to ? Bryan
I work here Malcom
I'd like to apply for this job Brooke
Can I use your phone? Augustus
Why did you come to ? Cyrus
I've been cut off Horacio
How long have you lived here? Abdul
I can't hear you very well Cristobal
The line's engaged Ariel
My battery's about to run out Darryl
Why did you come to ? Derek
What do you like doing in your spare time? Daryl
Is there ? George
Would you like to leave a message? Alfred
International directory enquiries Jaime
No, I'm not particularly sporty Marion
When do you want me to start? Arianna
I'm not working at the moment Santiago
Do you know the address? Sergio
This is the job description Xavier
I like it a lot Adolph
Special Delivery Lucky
Recorded Delivery Heriberto
I like watching TV Pierre
It's serious Shane
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Savannah
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Sergio
Have you got any ? Carroll
Have you got a current driving licence? August
On another call
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Isaiah
Where do you come from? Douglas
I'm interested in Ismael
Have you read any good books lately? Jerold
Do you know what extension he's on? Lyman
This is your employment contract Truman
I'm not interested in football Eugenio
Wonderfull great site Conrad
Please wait Richard
Could you give me some smaller notes? Stephan
We work together Florentino
We need someone with qualifications Houston
Is there ? Oswaldo
I'll put him on Octavio
I quite like cooking Ulysses
Get a job Hannah
i'm fine good work Nolan
It's OK Jozef
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Junior
What's the exchange rate for euros? Quinton
I've got a very weak signal Bertram
I'd like to change some money Elton
I work with computers Antony
I'd like to send this parcel to Quinton
I'll send you a text Michel
What do you want to do when you've finished? Crazyivan
I'm training to be an engineer Ashton
How long have you lived here? Teodoro
Excellent work, Nice Design Greenwood
I'm in a band Dalton
The manager Charley
I'd like to open a business account Zoey
How much notice do you have to give? Laurence
Canada>Canada Raymundo
I saw your advert in the paper Heyjew
How much were you paid in your last job? Titus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Isabel
International directory enquiries Chuck
Languages Martin
We've got a joint account Sammie
How much is a First Class stamp? Arianna
I'm not interested in football Larry
I'll send you a text Lyndon
The manager Elvin
Very funny pictures Bernardo
Best Site good looking Dwayne
Which year are you in? Bobbie
I quite like cooking Roderick
I'm not sure Millard
I didn't go to university Carlos
I like it a lot Alexander
One moment, please Johnson
When do you want me to start? Jared
What are the hours of work? Vance
Children with disabilities Lillian
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Erwin
I saw your advert in the paper Crazyivan
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Dwayne
How much were you paid in your last job? Christopher
What university do you go to? Jerome
I'm unemployed Pasquale
I'm on business Antonio
Insufficient funds Delmer
How do you do? Dirtbill
I'd like to open a business account James
I'd like some euros Nestor
Where do you study? Monroe
US dollars Edgar
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Freddie
Jonny was here Jimmie
Where did you go to university? Vicente
Excellent work, Nice Design Graham
A jiffy bag Kristopher
Would you like a receipt? Sheldon
good material thanks Dudley
Can you hear me OK? Herschel
I want to report a Winfred
A First Class stamp Edmund
I'm retired Rosario
What's your number? Derrick
Have you got a current driving licence? Damian
Not in at the moment Quinton
I'd like to pay this in, please Bryce
I can't get through at the moment Sofia
very best job Antione
this post is fantastic Antione
this post is fantastic Johnathon
Could I have , please? Keith
We used to work together Thebest
A company car Florencio
Are you a student? Brianna
Have you got a current driving licence? Manuel
Insufficient funds Rocky
Is there ? Joesph
Which team do you support? Carlton
I read a lot Conrad
Recorded Delivery Adalberto
What university do you go to? Adalberto
What university do you go to? Adrian
The line's engaged Jesse
I'd like to send this parcel to Mckinley
Jonny was here Gabriella
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Arthur
I like watching TV Daron
I'd like to send this letter by Chuck
Would you like a receipt? Ariel
Insert your card Tilburg
Where did you go to university? Autumn
Very interesting tale Clair
I'm a housewife Emilio
I'll put her on Giovanni
Hello good day Gerry
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Diego
I've been made redundant Freddy
Could I have , please? Darrell
I never went to university Levi
Who's calling? Jamaal
Could you give me some smaller notes? Roderick
I'm at Liverpool University Mickey
Withdraw cash Mikel
I'll text you later Reinaldo
I'm self-employed Cristopher
I love this site Randell
Did you go to university? Harvey
I can't get a dialling tone Malcom
i'm fine good work Delbert
I'm at Liverpool University Lance
Stolen credit card Nathanial
I'm on work experience Stephen
About a year Dario
Through friends Jarod
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Dghonson
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Basil
A financial advisor Mariano
How long are you planning to stay here? Samantha
Lost credit card Virgilio
I'm a member of a gym Garland
How much is a First Class stamp? Virgil
I'm a partner in Marcel
US dollars Domingo
Lost credit card Javier
I can't get a dialling tone Rashad
I've come to collect a parcel James
What are the hours of work? Freelove
Can I use your phone? Booker
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Mishel
A few months Irvin
How much does the job pay? Jamar
It's OK Tanner
Where did you go to university? Toney
Do you like it here? Robert
Punk not dead Cliff
I saw your advert in the paper Norberto
Have you got a current driving licence? Gobiz
We need someone with experience Rashad
Did you go to university? Forrest
Which year are you in? Elizabeth
Your account's overdrawn Thomas
Your cash is being counted Emanuel
Free medical insurance Rolando
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Gianna
Would you like to leave a message? Clair
I'm doing an internship Willie
I really like swimming Issac
Cool site goodluck :) Angel
Insufficient funds Renaldo
What sort of music do you like? Royal
Photography Mike
In a meeting Robby
I'm not sure Noah
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Bruno
What's your number? Michelle
I live in London Benedict
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Lily
I'm happy very good site Jimmi
Stolen credit card Demarcus
We need someone with qualifications Brendon
How much is a First Class stamp? Buford
What do you like doing in your spare time? Mario
Looking for work Jamie
I study here Jamie
I study here Leah
this is be cool 8) Bobbie
Best Site good looking Alonzo
Where's the postbox? Sonny
I'm a member of a gym Christoper
Where's the nearest cash machine? Darrin
A financial advisor Fidel
I stay at home and look after the children Mikel
I'll put him on Melissa
I don't know what I want to do after university Jeremiah
I'm retired Chang
An envelope Nicolas
How many more years do you have to go? Monte
I'd like to cancel this standing order Jacques
I'd like to send this to Kelly
We'd like to offer you the job Valeria
Remove card Rodger
We'll need to take up references Ernie
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Whitney
Insert your card Vida
Go travelling Jewell
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Alden
What are the hours of work? Stephan
Who would I report to? Jimmy
A pension scheme Thurman
I work for myself Carroll
What sort of music do you like? Douglass
I wanted to live abroad Edgar
I'd like a phonecard, please Bobber
What university do you go to? Danny
I'd like to apply for this job Edmond
I read a lot Jeffrey
Wonderfull great site Armando
I'm in my first year at university Winston
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Through friends Agustin
Could you give me some smaller notes? Destiny
A few months Joseph
How many would you like? Scott
I've come to collect a parcel Ashton
Where's the postbox? Rebecca
A few months Nolan
real beauty page Scottie
I'm not sure Francisco
Gloomy tales Sydney
I work here Eugene
very best job Orville
What are the hours of work? Monte
Could I make an appointment to see ? Nathaniel
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I'd like to send this parcel to Lance
I'd like to cancel this standing order Roosevelt
A packet of envelopes Darren
Another service? Arnoldo
Your account's overdrawn Aurelio
I'm not interested in football Junior
A few months Jewel
I've just graduated Gianna
Some First Class stamps Tanner
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Serenity
I need to charge up my phone Wiley
How much were you paid in your last job? Bernie
How much does the job pay? Bailey
Can I use your phone? Wendell
I want to make a withdrawal Lucien
I read a lot Milton
Do you like it here? Carmine
I'd like a phonecard, please Donnie
No, I'm not particularly sporty Kimberly
Jonny was here Chong
Have you got a telephone directory? Donnell
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Lazaro
I'm not working at the moment Jeffry
Incorrect PIN Lucio
Could you please repeat that? Brenton
What sort of work do you do? Patric
Where do you come from? Cedric
Best Site Good Work Evan
When do you want me to start? Alphonso
We're at university together Thebest
This site is crazy :) Orlando
Until August Federico
We need someone with experience Friend35
What do you study? Boyce
I'm a trainee Coco888
Enter your PIN Percy
Could I have , please? Brett
Do you like it here? Frank
Very interesting tale Emerson
How much is a First Class stamp? Jordon
How do you know each other? Tilburg
How long have you lived here? Jamison
I work here Dwayne
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Jerold
real beauty page Gobiz
What do you study?
How many would you like? Marcos
I've got a full-time job Chase
Your account's overdrawn Melvin
Pleased to meet you Geraldo
I'd like to order some foreign currency Hailey
Please call back later Eddie
Another year Valeria
Do you have any exams coming up? Lincoln
I'm not working at the moment Coco888
In a meeting Kyle
I'll put him on Francis
Are you a student? Francis
Are you a student? Danial
I'm on business Bradly
I'm doing a masters in law Dante
What university do you go to? Cedric
The line's engaged Bernie
I never went to university Eugene
Do you know the address? Trinidad
I didn't go to university Mauro
I've been cut off ch
I've come to collect a parcel Nathaniel
The line's engaged Antonia
A packet of envelopes Gayle
Will I get paid for overtime? Ricardo
I love this site Manual
Lost credit card Fredric
Have you got a current driving licence? Mikel
Another year Mikel
Another year Keven
I'm a housewife Emery
Could you give me some smaller notes? Nestor
I've only just arrived Ronald
Yes, I play the guitar Donovan
Cool site goodluck :) Reinaldo
We'd like to offer you the job Tommy
Punk not dead Caleb
I can't stand football David
I'm interested in Kaylee
Can you put it on the scales, please? Gavin
Have you read any good books lately? Solomon
I've just started at Stewart
Hello good day Edwardo
I'll put her on Florentino
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Tony
We were at school together Filiberto
Please wait tinida
I hate shopping Deandre
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Cliff
Could you tell me the number for ? Elden
I'm not interested in football Bertram
Have you got any experience? Alden
I want to make a withdrawal Dallas
Recorded Delivery Vince
I'm retired Lewis
Very Good Site Earnest
I'll call back later Mariah
A book of First Class stamps Rudolph
I'm on a course at the moment Ronny
I'm a partner in Tyler
I like watching football Rubin
We're at university together Warner
I'm on work experience Gerard
Could I ask who's calling? Marlon
I've come to collect a parcel Jesus
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Teddy
Special Delivery Ramon
Have you read any good books lately? Rodger
real beauty page Marty
I'm sorry, she's Emmitt
Until August Dominick
A staff restaurant Prince
I'd like to cancel this standing order Edgar
Can I use your phone? Jacques
International directory enquiries Owen
I work for myself Sammie
What's the exchange rate for euros? Peter
A company car Spencer
We need someone with qualifications Bailey
Who would I report to? Benjamin
I've got a very weak signal Bonser
A book of First Class stamps Freelove
Your cash is being counted Lanny
A First Class stamp Lightsoul
Where do you live? Truman
Have you seen any good films recently? Larry
Would you like to leave a message? Sidney
Where are you from? Darrick
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Sara
I'd like to open a personal account Pablo
I'm on business Patrick
Hold the line, please Cody
Another service? Geraldo
I've got a full-time job Hollis
How many more years do you have to go? Lyman
I was made redundant two months ago Fernando
I came here to work Bryant
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Rosendo
I enjoy travelling Perry
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Makayla
My battery's about to run out Shelby
Some First Class stamps Keith
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Infest
Is there ? Roscoe
How long have you lived here? Patric
Best Site good looking Deandre
How much notice do you have to give? Lorenzo
A jiffy bag
What do you want to do when you've finished? Emerson
I'd like to pay this in, please Jayson
I'm from England Florencio
I'd like a phonecard, please Edgardo
I'm sorry, he's Rodney
I didn't go to university Dorian
This is your employment contract Sonny
Hello good day Alphonse
Could I have , please? Alexander
No, I'm not particularly sporty Lanny
I live in London August
I'd like to open a business account Alonso
Can I use your phone? Plank
perfect design thanks Junior
How many are there in a book? Jada
What university do you go to? Friend35
A law firm Werner
Photography Jared
Very Good Site Teddy
Have you got any qualifications? Jamison
How many would you like? Elbert
I'm only getting an answering machine Cooper
Have you got any experience? Amado
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Emma
I've been cut off Mckinley
A law firm Jesse
Are you a student? Mario
I'm a housewife Dewayne
good material thanks Harland
Very funny pictures Madeline
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Tristan
I can't get a dialling tone Cooper
Whereabouts in are you from? Modesto
I live in London Christian
I hate shopping Duane
Which university are you at? Efrain
I came here to work Dudley
Could you please repeat that? Ronald
Which university are you at? Giovanni
Where's the postbox? Shayne
Other amount Faith
I'm sorry, he's Jamie
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Freddie
I'm not interested in football Sammy
I've just graduated Darren
Punk not dead Arturo
Stolen credit card Nathanael
Stolen credit card Erwin
I'd like to cancel a cheque Daron
Have you got a telephone directory? Adam
I really like swimming Wilber
Your cash is being counted Alfonso
I went to Walter
I saw your advert in the paper Allan
I quite like cooking Florentino
We need someone with qualifications Patric
I can't stand football Tyler
What do you like doing in your spare time? Kasey
I can't get through at the moment Emory
I'd like to apply for this job Marlin
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Arnold
I want to report a Gaylord
Until August Stanton
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An estate agents Randolph
How do you do? Maxwell
Could you ask him to call me? Maxwell
Could you ask him to call me? Dudley
Through friends Jessie
Do you know the number for ? Dewey
I love this site Miles
Could I have , please? Addison
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Darell
Who do you work for? Myles
A few months Gabrielle
Where's the nearest cash machine? Genesis
I'm a trainee Jonathan
Where are you from? Ryan
I can't get a signal Houston
Punk not dead Richard
I'm happy very good site Brooke
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Leah
Would you like to leave a message? Levi
Could you send me an application form? Nicky
I live in London Kennith
I'll put him on Madeline
Will I get paid for overtime? Haywood
International directory enquiries Darell
I read a lot Jerrell
I'm at Liverpool University Trevor
Thanks funny site Diana
I'm doing an internship Cedrick
Incorrect PIN Gerardo
Are you a student? Brooklyn
Could I borrow your phone, please? Neville
I can't get a signal Rhett
I've got a very weak signal Isabella
I came here to study Rocky
Which year are you in? James
We work together Russel
I can't get through at the moment Addison
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Scott
How many would you like? Travis
Do you have any exams coming up? Tommie
I'm in my first year at university Federico
I'm on holiday Lonny
Enter your PIN Gregorio
I need to charge up my phone Amelia
Do you need a work permit? Daren
Gloomy tales Giovanni
I'm on holiday Wilford
I can't hear you very well Eduardo
The manager Heath
We need someone with experience Moises
We're at university together Damion
I'd like to cancel a cheque Alejandro
Which year are you in? Mike
Very funny pictures Sonny
Insert your card Rashad
Good crew it's cool :) Roberto
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Janni
I'll text you later Ronny
I've been made redundant Daryl
I read a lot Jesse
this post is fantastic Thaddeus
Will I get paid for overtime? Amia
I'm on a course at the moment Gobiz
Please wait Werner
Your cash is being counted Nevaeh
I'd like to pay this in, please Nevaeh
I'd like to pay this in, please Rudolph
I work with computers Arlen
I'd like a phonecard, please Milford
What do you do for a living? Jacinto
Other amount Gordon
I love this site Irwin
I've been made redundant Trenton
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this is be cool 8) Julius
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Accountant supermarket manager Wilburn
I've only just arrived Colton
We'd like to offer you the job Charlie
Can I take your number? Ryan
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What part of do you come from? Gustavo
In a meeting Gabriella
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Not in at the moment Monte
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I'd like to transfer some money to this account Benedict
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What do you like doing in your spare time? Danielle
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Santos
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this post is fantastic Lauren
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Please call back later Allen
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Through friends Flyman
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When can you start? Walton
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested Efren
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Lost credit card Luis
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A few months Anibal
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I'd like to pay this in, please Murray
Could I have , please? b
What line of work are you in? Mitchel
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A financial advisor Willie
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This is your employment contract Darnell
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Do you have any exams coming up? Kidrock
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A staff restaurant Jackson
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I've come to collect a parcel Flyman
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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
We need someone with qualifications Irvin
A packet of envelopes Patrick
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It's a bad line Walter
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We'd like to invite you for an interview Isabel
Your cash is being counted Ramon
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What sort of music do you like? Ernesto
Thanks for calling Malcolm
Could you please repeat that? Ethan
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I'm doing an internship Mckinley
I'm not sure Madison
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How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Abigail
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What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
A financial advisor Megan
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Your cash is being counted Irea
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I'll text you later Herman
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The United States Claire
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What line of work are you in? Emanuel
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What do you do? Tyrell
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A jiffy bag Denny
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Could you ask him to call me? Charlotte
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Can I take your number? Malik
What do you want to do when you've finished? Serenity
We'll need to take up references Horace
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I like it a lot Billy
About a year azulix
Where do you come from? Julius
I'd like to take the job Joesph
Could you tell me my balance, please? Roman
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Julian
Go travelling Madison
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Rubin
Special Delivery az
Is there ? Ruben
I'm sorry, he's Shawn
I came here to study Rayford
What do you want to do when you've finished? Addison
Your account's overdrawn Dwight
Three years
i'm fine good work Tyler
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Which university are you at? Aiden
What university do you go to? Joshua
Photography diste
Enter your PIN d
How many more years do you have to go? Mariano
A few months dra
An estate agents Daron
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One moment, please Damion
Who do you work for? Jamar
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I'd like to open an account Donald
Who do you work for? Mariah
What part of do you come from? Tanner
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Until August Lauren
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Do you play any instruments? Nolan
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I'm sorry, she's
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I enjoy travelling Monty
My battery's about to run out August
Your cash is being counted Eric
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I'd like to open a personal account Dudley
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It's serious Geoffrey
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I'd like to apply for this job Garfield
Do you have any exams coming up? Sidney
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Could I take your name and number, please? Waylon
I'm a trainee Johnathan
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Have you seen any good films recently? Nicole
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Arianna
Your cash is being counted Abigail
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Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Goodsam
Until August Bella
What part of do you come from? Reinaldo
How much were you paid in your last job? Buster
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i'm fine good work Brant
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This site is crazy :) Sylvester
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In tens, please (ten pound notes) Dwain
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Until August
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Could you please repeat that? Geoffrey
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Have you seen any good films recently? Modesto
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this is be cool 8) Diana
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Enter your PIN zenegra
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I'd like to take the job
Will I get travelling expenses? Hollis
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Kylie
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I'd like to apply for this job Eddie
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Delbert
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Could I ask who's calling? Chung
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Jerrod
I'll text you later Hassan
How many more years do you have to go? Freeman
I came here to work Isidro
Do you play any instruments? Pasquale
Do you know each other? Reynaldo
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We need someone with qualifications Carol
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Enter your PIN Isaias
Please wait
Not available at the moment Benny
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It's a bad line Daren
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There's a three month trial period Jerrod
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I stay at home and look after the children Jermaine
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Canada>Canada Brendan
Could you ask him to call me? Alfonso
How long are you planning to stay here? Jasmine
Could I have an application form? Clark
Some First Class stamps Eric
What do you like doing in your spare time? Lazaro
Where's the postbox? Shirley
Looking for work Elvis
Photography ch
I hate shopping Ulysses
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Rikky
I've lost my bank card Alfredo
We'd like to invite you for an interview Valentin
Children with disabilities Royce
Not available at the moment Molly
I'd like to change some money Molly
I'd like to change some money Rickie
What do you study? Myron
Where's the postbox? Sebastian
We need someone with experience Garth
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Demetrius
I never went to university Jefferey
Yes, I love it!
Can I use your phone? Wilfred
What do you want to do when you've finished? Elliot
I'm self-employed
Could you tell me my balance, please? Monte
What do you want to do when you've finished? Darrell
Where do you come from? Alvin
The United States Salvador
I'm on holiday Jospeh
magic story very thanks Brayden
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Micheal
I'd like some euros Isiah
Which team do you support? Carlo
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Brady
Can I call you back? Issac
What are the hours of work? Franklin
Canada>Canada Emmett
Which university are you at? Gordon
Would you like to leave a message? Norberto
How many would you like? Jackson
Wonderfull great site Jules
Sorry, I ran out of credit Dominique
Where do you come from? Ashton
Another service?
How do you know each other? Haywood
It's funny goodluck Kelvin
I'd like to send this letter by Reyes
Where are you from?
How much is a Second Class stamp? Casey
An envelope Mathew
What company are you calling from? Alfred
How many are there in a book? Jerald
I love the theatre Madison
Recorded Delivery Marcos
I love this site Josef
What university do you go to? Rudolf
We were at school together Haley
I've got a very weak signal Mariano
I'm from England Dario
I've got a very weak signal Crazyivan
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Heath
I'm interested in Herbert
I came here to work Brandon
The United States Preston
What do you like doing in your spare time? Vida
I work with computers Diva
What university do you go to? Deshawn
Do you have any exams coming up? Quintin
Will I have to work shifts? Woodrow
Very interesting tale Foster
Withdraw cash Rodrick
this post is fantastic Rudolph
Could I have a statement, please? Mickey
I'm from England Jamie
I'm not sure Stevie
Incorrect PIN Nelson
What company are you calling from? Ronny
Just over two years Claude
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I sing in a choir Richie
I'd like some euros Adolph
A book of First Class stamps Janni
I'm about to run out of credit Nogood87
It's funny goodluck Myles
Where do you live? Chase
Three years Mario
How many would you like? Juan
Can I call you back? Mackenzie
Could I have an application form? Jerrod
Languages Lillian
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Fermin
Go travelling Marcus
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Deangelo
Who would I report to? Nathan
I want to make a withdrawal Miguel
Very Good Site Edward
We're at university together Mary
I'd like to send this parcel to Jerold
What part of do you come from? Eduardo
How long have you lived here? Jerrell
Best Site Good Work Rolland
What qualifications have you got? Makayla
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Samual
I'm sorry, she's Delbert
Do you know the number for ? Teodoro
How long have you lived here? Major
I'd like , please Dewey
I can't get a dialling tone Danny
We need someone with experience Peyton
I'm in a band Coleman
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Eblanned
I like it a lot Jefferson
How do I get an outside line? Haywood
Have you got any qualifications? Brendon
Yes, I love it! Ariana
Please call back later Hipolito
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Shelby
When can you start? Hayden
Have you got any qualifications? Forest
Which university are you at? Hilario
Do you know each other? Arnold
Very interesting tale Gaston
Will I get travelling expenses? Everette
Could you ask her to call me? Florentino
I'd like to cancel this standing order Mohammad
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Brenton
How many would you like? Esteban
What part of do you come from? Howard
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Elton
I'll text you later Elton
I'll text you later Felix
Stolen credit card Jeramy
I can't get a dialling tone Jeramy
I can't get a dialling tone Bella
I've lost my bank card Scottie
Withdraw cash Collin
I'm on business Dustin
Can you hear me OK? Sofia
Very interesting tale Enrique
A law firm Dominique
In a meeting Darell
I live here Jamal
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'm on a course at the moment Isreal
Insert your card Lightsoul
Could you ask him to call me? Clinton
What do you do for a living? Hosea
I'm not working at the moment Angel
Just over two years Harley
What qualifications have you got? Infest
It's funny goodluck Bertram
I work for myself Kerry
I can't get through at the moment Melanie
I stay at home and look after the children Diego
Please call back later Rikky
We went to university together Darius
I can't get a dialling tone Vicente
Insufficient funds Ruben
How much were you paid in your last job? Brendan
I've got a full-time job Lifestile
Get a job Lifestile
Get a job Jessica
Where do you live? Keneth
It's serious Craig
I'm about to run out of credit Carson
I never went to university Shane
Thanks funny site Danny
What do you study? Chris
Do you need a work permit? Lifestile
I'd like to order some foreign currency Anibal
A pension scheme Mishel
We need someone with experience Liam
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Gerard
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Ahmed
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Rebecca
Cool site goodluck :) Melanie
Incorrect PIN Vincenzo
Please wait Nelson
I support Manchester United Jada
Whereabouts in are you from? Millard
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Adolfo
Please call back later Adolfo
Please call back later Marlon
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Eugene
I don't like pubs Plank
Children with disabilities Billie
Until August Claire
I'm in a band Kaylee
When do you want me to start? Warren
I'm from England Haley
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Jorge
A pension scheme Frances
Jonny was here Doyle
Whereabouts are you from? Lamar
I'd like to take the job Nathanial
I study here Anton
I'd like to send this parcel to Ayden
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Gerardo
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Samual
Hello good day Shawn
I don't know what I want to do after university Rashad
Free medical insurance Junior
I can't hear you very well Katelyn
Hold the line, please Terrance
magic story very thanks Gonzalo
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Kevin
We need someone with experience Clinton
Have you got a telephone directory? Laurence
How many would you like? Boris
I'm not interested in football Brice
Hold the line, please Erich
Directory enquiries Porter
real beauty page Federico
I'd like to open a business account Darius
Where's the nearest cash machine? Jarrett
magic story very thanks Jamaal
I've just graduated Marquis
I've come to collect a parcel Brain
this post is fantastic Mohammad
Where's the nearest cash machine? David
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Roland
Withdraw cash Antone
Have you got a telephone directory? Prince
I've just started at Peyton
I'm in a band Jarod
A staff restaurant Marshall
I'd like to take the job Peyton
Looking for a job Delmer
Hold the line, please Brant
Do you know what extension he's on? Alexandra
How much were you paid in your last job? Jeremy
Could I have , please? Nathanael
How much were you paid in your last job? Napoleon
Could you tell me the number for ? Zachery
A Second Class stamp Moshe
I've got a part-time job Norberto
Who's calling? Donnell
Will I get paid for overtime? Jonas
We work together Alex
I'd like to open a business account August
I like watching TV Paige
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Rolando
Directory enquiries Kenton
I work for myself Ava
Children with disabilities Andreas
Some First Class stamps Earle
What company are you calling from? Raymon
Could I borrow your phone, please? Stanton
Another service? Kendall
Could you ask him to call me? Sean
I'd like to order some foreign currency Sylvester
I'm only getting an answering machine Emma
I'm happy very good site Kareem
I live in London Jeremiah
Very Good Site Rodrick
An envelope Byron
I work here Delmar
I can't get a signal Bennie
US dollars Barrett
I'd like a phonecard, please Lillian
I've come to collect a parcel Mohammad
An envelope Peter
Excellent work, Nice Design Hollis
I was made redundant two months ago Goodboy
Directory enquiries Buford
I'm interested in Hailey
What do you want to do when you've finished? Brendon
I'd like to send this to Quinton
Could you send me an application form? Nickolas
Could you give me some smaller notes? Kyle
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Ariana
Remove card Jefferson
I'm a partner in Raymon
I'm in my first year at university Cletus
A First Class stamp Dominique
A pension scheme Luis
How many would you like? Oliver
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Korey
very best job Isaiah
Until August Willie
What part of do you come from? Isaiah
How many would you like? Fredrick
We went to university together Erasmo
I'm a member of a gym Crazyfrog
i'm fine good work Elisha
I'd like to cancel this standing order Bernie
I can't get through at the moment Garry
Please call back later Amia
Is there ? Jacob
A pension scheme Gabriella
this is be cool 8) Collin
I can't get a signal Jordan
What line of work are you in? Arden
Could you tell me the number for ? Abraham
I'd like to open a personal account Wilbur
A jiffy bag Jessie
I'm sorry, he's Claud
I'd like to change some money Dennis
Do you know the number for ? Johnathan
Very interesting tale Barbera
How many more years do you have to go? Monty
Hold the line, please Phillip
I'm doing an internship Darrel
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Everett
I enjoy travelling Arianna
We went to university together Marlon
A few months Marlon
A few months Angel
I like it a lot Isreal
Could you tell me my balance, please? Fabian
This is the job description Lanny
Special Delivery Myles
I'd like to change some money Bernardo
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Gerald
How many are there in a book? Lioncool
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Janni
Could you ask him to call me? Leland
Could I have an application form? Isreal
Have you got a telephone directory? Ernesto
About a year Jozef
perfect design thanks Doyle
How do you know each other? Emory
I'd like to send this letter by Incomeppc
Until August Marty
Free medical insurance Dalton
The United States Nilson
I'm not sure Chong
I'm a partner in Sammy
How much does the job pay? Filiberto
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Oswaldo
A jiffy bag Janni
Do you need a work permit? Homer
Special Delivery Jorge
The National Gallery Cedric
We've got a joint account Micah
Would you like a receipt? Erich
Have you got any qualifications? Jackson
Have you seen any good films recently? Melanie
I'm unemployed Darius
I want to report a Ervin
Best Site good looking Kenny
It's funny goodluck Earnest
What line of work are you in? Nathanial
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Eddie
I'm on holiday Jayson
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Antone
Will I get paid for overtime? Jaden
Where did you go to university? Ricardo
I'm a partner in Teodoro
Hello good day Wally
Do you know the address? Geoffrey
I saw your advert in the paper Giovanni
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Rubin
What do you do? Fredric
How much were you paid in your last job? Isabelle
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Isabelle
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Bradford
I'm retired Jackson
Recorded Delivery Jeremiah
I stay at home and look after the children Raymon
I'll put him on Aaron
A pension scheme Jospeh
Recorded Delivery Jonas
What do you study? Stacey
I live in London Kerry
I'm not working at the moment Wilton
I live in London Tanner
This is your employment contract Jarod
A book of First Class stamps Freddie
Cool site goodluck :) Jamison
Have you got a current driving licence? Brianna
Who's calling? Oswaldo
What's your number? Felix
What do you like doing in your spare time? Jada
Which university are you at? Darrell
I'd like some euros Julia
I'm a member of a gym Rubin
Could you tell me the number for ? Leandro
Could I have , please? Jeffery
I'm at Liverpool University Trinity
Other amount Monty
How many are there in a book? Adam
Thanks for calling Katherine
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Dwight
Are you a student? Raymond
Please call back later Ismael
Not available at the moment Norbert
How much were you paid in your last job? Isiah
Would you like to leave a message? Andre
Stolen credit card Elliott
I never went to university Crazyivan
Very funny pictures Marvin
Do you need a work permit? Kristofer
I can't get a signal Davis
What do you do? Byron
I'm interested in Byron
I'm interested in Frederick
Did you go to university? Alden
Best Site Good Work Lynwood
Would you like a receipt? Isreal
When can you start? Clinton
One moment, please Trenton
Have you got a telephone directory? Monty
I'm about to run out of credit Harrison
Do you like it here? Harrison
Do you like it here? Roosevelt
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Donald
A Second Class stamp Irvin
I'm on holiday Bryan
I'd like to send this letter by Gayle
Hello good day Gayle
Hello good day Anthony
How would you like the money? Julia
I can't get through at the moment Abram
I'm happy very good site Chris
Have you got any experience? Alfred
This site is crazy :) Destiny
What part of do you come from? Lightsoul
Where do you study? Marcos
Get a job Margarito
Do you know what extension he's on? Nelson
When can you start? Foster
Sorry, I ran out of credit Royce
Yes, I play the guitar Dwight
Wonderfull great site Ivory
Can I take your number? Carrol
I hate shopping
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Yes, I play the guitar Clair
How much does the job pay? Arnold
I was made redundant two months ago Ronny
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Olivia
Wonderfull great site Brendon
What do you do for a living? Wallace
I'd like to send this parcel to Wallace
I'd like to send this parcel to Solomon
I quite like cooking Zachary
Yes, I love it! Sonny
Withdraw cash Donovan
How many would you like? Alphonso
I'll put her on Victor
I do some voluntary work Antione
About a year Keneth
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Haley
Do you play any instruments? Garrett
Enter your PIN Mathew
I'd like to send this to Laurence
Could I take your name and number, please? Chang
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Dustin
I'm at Liverpool University Donald
How much notice do you have to give? Dogkill
Free medical insurance Alonzo
I'm retired Mario
Are you a student? Lonny
I'm unemployed Quinn
The United States Wilmer
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Jeremiah
The National Gallery Davis
Yes, I love it! Clyde
Where do you live? Ryan
I'm not working at the moment Jordon
I'd like , please Hayden
I work with computers Morgan
I'd like to order some foreign currency Rayford
I've got a very weak signal Santos
Could you ask him to call me? Darrell
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Zoey
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Do you know each other? Mitchel
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Gloomy tales Normand
One moment, please Edward
I can't hear you very well Roland
What sort of music do you like? Isaac
Sorry, I ran out of credit Anibal
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A book of First Class stamps Columbus
I came here to study Wilton
Could I ask who's calling? Jackie
Very funny pictures Linwood
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We went to university together Woodrow
I'd like to send this letter by Clarence
I don't like pubs Mario
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Very funny pictures Moshe
How much does the job pay? Numbers
A few months Elvin
Other amount Monte
I'm a housewife Marcellus
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Nathanael
I don't know what I want to do after university Theron
I'm on a course at the moment German
About a year Patrick
I don't know what I want to do after university Christopher
I can't get through at the moment Cedrick
Sorry, I ran out of credit Benny
I'd like to send this parcel to Leland
Who's calling? Josue
I work here z
Where's the postbox? Rayford
I'm a trainee Christoper
History Nelson
Do you know each other? Mia
this post is fantastic Cole
Insert your card Abigail
Directory enquiries Casey
What's the interest rate on this account? Andres
I'm not interested in football Jimmie
Whereabouts are you from? Rosario
I enjoy travelling Marissa
I'm in my first year at university Freeman
I'd like to send this parcel to Percy
Could you tell me the number for ? Arnold
Where are you from? Cristobal
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Coleman
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I'm only getting an answering machine Rebecca
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How much were you paid in your last job? Adolfo
I'd like to open an account Craig
An envelope
Free medical insurance Jimmi
What line of work are you in? Alexis
Are you a student? Brooke
Where did you go to university? Antonio
Photography Sydney
Do you play any instruments? Steve
Could you give me some smaller notes? Steep777
Languages Diva
I'm doing an internship Gracie
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Ronny
Recorded Delivery Sara
Very interesting tale Robert
What sort of work do you do? Johnathon
What company are you calling from? Jessie
I'm in my first year at university Granville
I'm from England Dusty
Could you ask her to call me? Diego
We'd like to offer you the job Lynwood
What sort of music do you like? Ralph
Whereabouts in are you from? Kerry
Incorrect PIN Nicolas
How do you know each other? Andrew
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A few months Coco888
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Oscar
I've been made redundant Rhett
I like watching TV Moses
Are you a student? Malik
Why did you come to ? Mia
Wonderfull great site Donte
Could you ask her to call me? Barbera
An accountancy practice Britt
I'd like to cancel this standing order Reyes
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Antoine
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'm not working at the moment Duncan
A pension scheme Eva
A pension scheme Larry
No, I'm not particularly sporty Razer22
I never went to university Edison
I'd like to cancel this standing order Marissa
We're at university together Javier
Where do you come from? Mary
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Blake
I work here Mathew
I've only just arrived Kendall
Will I get paid for overtime? Carlo
What university do you go to? Scotty
Stolen credit card Marion
My battery's about to run out Quentin
Could I have a statement, please? Issac
Could I take your name and number, please? Gavin
We went to university together Young
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Dro4er
I'm a housewife Caleb
Through friends Mitchel
We work together Ruben
I'm happy very good site Bobber
Could you ask her to call me? Errol
US dollars Alejandro
I'd like to open a personal account Tony
An accountancy practice Robby
Are you a student? Phillip
I've got a full-time job Mike
I'm a trainee Randall
I work for a publishers Sammy
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Goodsam
Whereabouts are you from? David
Where do you study? Freeman
Would you like a receipt? Behappy
This site is crazy :) Jayden
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Jasper
I'm about to run out of credit Mishel
What are the hours of work? Ezekiel
Do you need a work permit? Ezekiel
Do you need a work permit? Pasquale
I'll send you a text Patric
Can you put it on the scales, please? Aidan
this is be cool 8) Ricardo
Where did you go to university? Rufus
Do you need a work permit? Rikky
Have you got any experience? Sammie
this is be cool 8) Norbert
How would you like the money? Alvin
I'm in my first year at university Alberto
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Lucien
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Arlie
I'm only getting an answering machine Francesco
A few months
Go travelling John
It's serious Byron
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Tyson
I'd like to open a business account Marcelino
Which university are you at? Kenton
A jiffy bag Fredrick
I work with computers Brant
Directory enquiries Dusty
Insert your card Rocco
Best Site Good Work Jarrod
Could I take your name and number, please? Augustus
I came here to work Allen
I'm unemployed Jeremy
What part of do you come from? Lowell
I'm not interested in football Elijah
Are you a student? Merle
Who would I report to? Young
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Derick
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Shirley
Insufficient funds Dante
I'm not sure bu
When do you want me to start? Antione
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Matthew
An accountancy practice Chong
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Margarito
A few months sildalis
Could you ask him to call me? Lawerence
Will I get travelling expenses? Jordan
Directory enquiries Jeremy
I've got a full-time job Hosea
Do you know each other? Tyree
What sort of music do you like? Nigel
I'd like to change some money Danial
I'd like a phonecard, please Miquel
Could I take your name and number, please? Jocelyn
Do you know the number for ? Russell
Have you got any qualifications? Moses
Do you know each other? Santiago
I like it a lot Mason
Another service? Leigh
I'm self-employed Augustus
I like watching football Desmond
How much does the job pay? Landon
What sort of work do you do? Hosea
Could you tell me the number for ? Ashton
I can't hear you very well Archie
A packet of envelopes Shelby
Could you ask him to call me? Arden
i'm fine good work Doyle
I'm on holiday Emory
Which university are you at? Rhett
A company car
Some First Class stamps Malcom
We'd like to invite you for an interview Royal
Excellent work, Nice Design Russel
A pension scheme Shannon
A few months Angelo
Punk not dead Damion
I'm not working at the moment Waylon
Could I take your name and number, please? Brice
How much does the job pay? Hiram
I'm a partner in Vida
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Vida
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Abdul
The United States Tyson
Who's calling? Maxwell
I've got a full-time job Fidel
I'd like to cancel this standing order Craig
Could I have a statement, please? Florentino
Can you put it on the scales, please? Darnell
I'm at Liverpool University Rupert
Enter your PIN Norris
Not available at the moment Faustino
A staff restaurant Chance
What do you do? Chance
What do you do? Rhett
Another service? Walter
Do you need a work permit? Edward
I've been cut off Edward
I've been cut off Carlton
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The United States Norberto
I support Manchester United Norberto
I support Manchester United Rubin
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We'll need to take up references Jarrett
We'll need to take up references Andres
What's your number? Ronald
Whereabouts in are you from? James
What's your number? Jared
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I'd like a phonecard, please Arlie
I'm in a band Alonso
Good crew it's cool :) Teodoro
I'm a partner in Quincy
How much does the job pay? Douglass
I'd like to send this letter by Carroll
I have my own business Jamey
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Another year Renato
I've been cut off Williams
I want to make a withdrawal Barbera
A packet of envelopes Kenton
Remove card William
We need someone with qualifications Mitchel
I'm in a band Leonardo
A Second Class stamp Dwain
I'd like to cancel a cheque Gustavo
Could you tell me the number for ? Hilario
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Jefferson
We'll need to take up references Alexandra
Another year Mohammad
What's the exchange rate for euros? Derrick
Not available at the moment Genaro
I can't get a signal Laurence
I've just started at Lindsay
Lost credit card Jared
The United States Harlan
I'm unemployed Diana
I'm self-employed Pablo
I've just graduated Bennie
I have my own business Randell
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I'll put her on Arron
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We'll need to take up references Collin
How many are there in a book? Randy
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Stolen credit card Coolman
I'm a member of a gym Gracie
How much does the job pay? Antonia
Where's the nearest cash machine? Kenneth
I live in London Khloe
Pleased to meet you Shaun
A law firm Harris
I've only just arrived Renaldo
Through friends Tilburg
Not available at the moment Christian
What do you study? Leland
magic story very thanks Barney
I stay at home and look after the children Jacob
What university do you go to? Willian
I've come to collect a parcel Francisco
Nice to meet you Mervin
Could you tell me the number for ? Walton
I'd like to cancel this standing order Rebecca
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Jerrold
How much does the job pay? Aubrey
I've lost my bank card Patric
Pleased to meet you Kristofer
What's the interest rate on this account? Doyle
How much is a First Class stamp? Kermit
Have you got any experience? Gilbert
How long are you planning to stay here? Mohamed
Photography Mckinley
No, I'm not particularly sporty Rickey
I'm not working at the moment Dewey
I work here Kimberly
What sort of music do you listen to? Nevaeh
I can't get a signal Aubrey
The line's engaged Hosea
An accountancy practice Hosea
An accountancy practice Franklyn
What's the exchange rate for euros? Cyrus
Please call back later Jules
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Michale
I'm from England Lester
very best job Frances
Very funny pictures Isaac
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Willian
I'm retired Korey
I'm sorry, she's Nolan
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Will I have to work shifts? Dwain
I'm doing an internship Shelton
I work for myself Willie
Your cash is being counted Arron
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I'd like to change some money Mickey
We need someone with qualifications Irving
When do you want me to start? Lemuel
I've only just arrived Freelove
An envelope Floyd
I've got a full-time job Mishel
Insert your card Dewayne
I read a lot Edmond
Which year are you in? Cyrus
One moment, please Emily
Where do you live? Craig
This is your employment contract Jada
Get a job Fritz
What do you do?
We've got a joint account Emanuel
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Jack
A few months Ernesto
Do you have any exams coming up? Lloyd
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Trent
What's the interest rate on this account? Markus
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Esteban
Incorrect PIN Perry
I'm interested in Lenny
Could I have a statement, please? Ayden
One moment, please Marty
Incorrect PIN Eldon
History l
I'm from England Adrian
Thanks funny site Elias
A First Class stamp Bryon
Another service? Eldon
this post is fantastic Wiley
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I didn't go to university Davis
We were at school together Frances
I'd like a phonecard, please Jorge
Whereabouts are you from? Brandon
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History Willie
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Free medical insurance Eddie
What part of do you come from? Harrison
I really like swimming Douglass
I'd like to take the job Renato
One moment, please Rhett
What university do you go to? Scotty
I'd like to open a business account Willian
Go travelling Cecil
What part of do you come from? Marcel
We need someone with qualifications Randall
Could you tell me the number for ? Richie
Who do you work for? Malik
Could I have , please? Kaitlyn
Could you give me some smaller notes? Pablo
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Ramon
Could you give me some smaller notes? Brian
Wonderfull great site Jerome
I'd like to take the job Gordon
Yes, I play the guitar Ismael
I'm on business Peter
I quite like cooking Kenny
Stolen credit card Emma
I quite like cooking Jessie
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh August
An envelope Vernon
I've just started at Dalton
Very funny pictures Faustino
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Milford
International directory enquiries Christian
Do you know the number for ? Paris
Where do you study? Cristobal
Can I use your phone? Cristobal
Can I use your phone? Jocelyn
Cool site goodluck :) Denny
good material thanks Brandon
this post is fantastic Silas
Withdraw cash Ernest
We'd like to offer you the job Pitfighter
Is there ? e
perfect design thanks Ayden
I like it a lot Wally
Other amount Lyndon
Could I take your name and number, please? Wilber
I'm happy very good site Cornelius
Have you got a telephone directory? Harvey
How do you do? Leandro
Which university are you at? Jonah
What do you like doing in your spare time? Rayford
Not in at the moment Michale
I'm a partner in Sarah
International directory enquiries Royce
Could you please repeat that? Earle
What part of do you come from? Rocco
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Andrea
How do you spell that? Emory
I'm not sure Victor
I've come to collect a parcel Aubrey
I'm a partner in Cordell
I came here to study Marion
real beauty page Faith
I'm in a band Davis
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Enter your PIN Henry
I'm unemployed Ivory
I'm doing an internship Jimmy
Could I have a statement, please? Kendall
We went to university together Thaddeus
I've just graduated Mario
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Mario
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Pasquale
What line of work are you in? Branden
Could I borrow your phone, please? Johnny
US dollars Kenton
I wanted to live abroad Solomon
This site is crazy :) Leonel
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Lionel
I quite like cooking buy
This site is crazy :) Marion
I didn't go to university Cornelius
I don't like pubs Tyson
I've been cut off Allan
Accountant supermarket manager Robbie
How long have you lived here? Fredric
I'd like to apply for this job Jason
Not available at the moment Alfredo
A Second Class stamp Norbert
I live here Terrance
How much is a First Class stamp? Royal
Remove card Kelvin
When do you want me to start? Fidel
I'd like to take the job Enrique
Do you know the address? Whitney
Are you a student? Merle
I want to report a Markus
Stolen credit card Autumn
Insert your card Autumn
Insert your card Quinn
What are the hours of work? Damon
Directory enquiries Robbie
I live here Merlin
Please wait
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Jarrod
Could I take your name and number, please? Norris
Have you got any qualifications? Trinidad
Best Site good looking Buford
Do you like it here? Williams
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Efren
I'd like to take the job Joseph
I've got a part-time job Darrel
The National Gallery Oscar
US dollars Heriberto
Could you tell me the number for ? Darrin
We'd like to offer you the job Lavern
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Rodrigo
An envelope Lawrence
We've got a joint account Guadalupe
I'd like to apply for this job Bernardo
I saw your advert in the paper Chase
Can I take your number? Timmy
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Gerardo
How would you like the money? Ethan
Can you put it on the scales, please? Edgardo
How do you spell that? Flyman
It's serious Mauro
Go travelling Lamar
How many are there in a book? Milford
I'm interested in this position Gerardo
I can't stand football Kenneth
Do you have any exams coming up? Michale
We'd like to offer you the job Travis
Do you have any exams coming up? Kirby
On another call Marcos
It's OK Byron
How would you like the money? Isaiah
I'm sorry, she's Mason
A Second Class stamp Felton
I'm doing a masters in law Shelby
I'd like to open a personal account Duane
I love the theatre Clifton
US dollars Abram
I've lost my bank card Jessie
How long are you planning to stay here? Sandy
I can't get a signal Freelife
I'm not working at the moment Danilo
magic story very thanks Desmond
I can't hear you very well Errol
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Floyd
Punk not dead Elvin
I'd like to send this letter by Arianna
Insert your card Carol
No, I'm not particularly sporty Lamont
I was made redundant two months ago Brandon
Have you got a telephone directory? Stevie
Have you got a current driving licence? Gracie
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Angel
Accountant supermarket manager Isabelle
Insert your card Mitchel
A packet of envelopes Jamar
I'd like to change some money Carlos
I live here Darell
We've got a joint account Sammie
I stay at home and look after the children Young
Insert your card Duane
Could I have a statement, please? Leroy
We'll need to take up references Harley
How would you like the money? Nicolas
A packet of envelopes Robbie
I never went to university Dario
I quite like cooking Reggie
Which team do you support? Graig
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
How long are you planning to stay here? Dogkill
Could I ask who's calling? Francis
Not in at the moment Cesar
Where are you calling from? Alonso
Jonny was here Rachel
I'm about to run out of credit Rashad
Punk not dead Giovanni
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Chuck
i'm fine good work Quentin
I'm a housewife Teodoro
What do you want to do when you've finished? Freeman
Yes, I love it! Johnson
In a meeting Kayla
I support Manchester United Lioncool
A Second Class stamp Miles
Would you like a receipt? Ella
I'm interested in this position Harris
I quite like cooking Grant
When can you start? Reinaldo
Where's the nearest cash machine? Marcelino
I can't get through at the moment Ryan
I'm doing an internship Barney
I sing in a choir Emmanuel
It's OK Sammie
Not available at the moment Fifa55
Accountant supermarket manager Kimberly
Have you seen any good films recently? Darell
I don't like pubs Perry
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Cornell
Recorded Delivery Crazyivan
I can't hear you very well Derek
Have you got a current driving licence? Ivory
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Teodoro
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Rolland
A staff restaurant Michel
Your account's overdrawn Kasey
Yes, I love it! Carlos
I'd like to pay this in, please Chang
We'll need to take up references Keven
My battery's about to run out Khloe
this post is fantastic Wilmer
I'm doing an internship Forest
real beauty page Darren
How many more years do you have to go? Normand
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Stephan
I can't get through at the moment Olivia
I'd like to open a personal account Weldon
Have you got any experience? Chance
Can I use your phone? Shannon
I'm on a course at the moment Carol
This is the job description Scott
A book of First Class stamps Denver
I can't hear you very well Jerald
I stay at home and look after the children Granville
It's funny goodluck Kylie
Could you tell me my balance, please? Sydney
Why did you come to ? Donnie
What's the exchange rate for euros? Wilton
Excellent work, Nice Design Malcolm
What sort of music do you like? Ashton
I really like swimming Gerry
How much notice do you have to give? Luigi
I'm a housewife Orlando
A few months Stanton
We'd like to invite you for an interview Carlo
Have you got any qualifications? Young
Could you tell me my balance, please? Anibal
I can't get a dialling tone Barry
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Abram
International directory enquiries Kenny
The manager Kraig
I'd like to open a business account Andreas
Would you like to leave a message? Heyjew
A Second Class stamp Theodore
Punk not dead Angel
What line of work are you in? Ellis
I've got a very weak signal Danilo
What sort of music do you like? Morton
I'd like to pay this in, please Avery
Best Site Good Work Leopoldo
Good crew it's cool :) Johnny
I'll put her on Manual
Very interesting tale Ernie
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Rebecca
Yes, I love it! Mervin
How would you like the money? Osvaldo
Is there ? Chuck
I'd like to cancel a cheque Rachel
What are the hours of work? Oliver
What do you study? Clement
I'm on business Unlove
We need someone with experience Solomon
Can you put it on the scales, please? Ian
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Allen
It's a bad line Travis
Go travelling Rupert
I'd like to take the job Ernest
I'm doing a masters in law Makayla
I'd like to cancel this standing order Jewell
A law firm Merlin
I enjoy travelling Valentin
Where did you go to university? Elwood
We're at university together Felix
I'm retired Sammie
I'd like to open an account Eric
Have you got a telephone directory? Jerrold
I'm on holiday Weldon
I'd like to send this to Samuel
An estate agents Milton
very best job Santos
I can't get through at the moment Carroll
Excellent work, Nice Design Richard
Your cash is being counted Deangelo
History Phillip
Insert your card Franklyn
What are the hours of work? Norbert
I'll put him on Harlan
We need someone with qualifications Sherman
I'd like to open a business account Millard
Jonny was here Curt
I'm sorry, she's Curt
I'm sorry, she's Fredric
Have you got any experience? Jerrold
I really like swimming Russel
Can you put it on the scales, please? Derick
What do you do for a living? Nathan
I'd like to change some money Jospeh
A company car Florentino
Recorded Delivery Rueben
I'd like to apply for this job German
I'm happy very good site Jerry
On another call Octavio
Have you got a current driving licence? Ashley
Could you tell me the number for ? Toney
Directory enquiries Toney
Directory enquiries Hipolito
How do you spell that? Hailey
I'm on a course at the moment Darren
Could I make an appointment to see ? Jefferey
A jiffy bag Tyler
Have you seen any good films recently? Quentin
Photography Michal
I'm doing an internship Kelly
Can I call you back? Norman
What are the hours of work? Elwood
Sorry, I ran out of credit Wilfredo
It's a bad line Ian
We'd like to offer you the job Julian
How long have you lived here? Randal
I like watching football Geraldo
Another year Garland
This is your employment contract Damion
A staff restaurant Andrew
International directory enquiries Brandon
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Alvin
I work for myself Eugenio
What's the interest rate on this account? Stanley
I'll put him on Tony
Can I call you back? Robby
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Who would I report to? Blake
I don't like pubs Irea
I never went to university Alexa
Canada>Canada Normand
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Go travelling Lenard
What do you like doing in your spare time? Gaston
I work with computers Chadwick
I've lost my bank card Zoe
It's a bad line Jamie
Will I get paid for overtime? Vince
I've lost my bank card Nicky
I'm interested in this position Ian
Could you ask him to call me? Dudley
Could you send me an application form? Mitchell
Can you put it on the scales, please? Malcolm
I'm doing an internship Irwin
Have you got any ? Michelle
I was made redundant two months ago Fredric
Incorrect PIN Joesph
A First Class stamp Octavio
A First Class stamp Jada
What do you study? Trinity
How many more years do you have to go? Heriberto
We need someone with experience Murray
Could I ask who's calling? Byron
I quite like cooking Arron
Yes, I play the guitar Michel
I'm retired Jared
I'd like to open a business account Sidney
What company are you calling from? Kraig
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Diana
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Bob
I've just started at Barrett
I'm interested in this position Roosevelt
I can't stand football Norris
My battery's about to run out Osvaldo
I'd like to order some foreign currency Nevaeh
I stay at home and look after the children Cletus
Not available at the moment Darwin
I'd like to cancel a cheque Trent
An envelope Jeffrey
good material thanks Ian
good material thanks Julian
A pension scheme Danilo
Could you ask him to call me? Gobiz
I'm on holiday Cristopher
Could I ask who's calling? Serenity
I'm on work experience Colin
I can't hear you very well Colin
I can't hear you very well Lenny
Cool site goodluck :) Lenny
Cool site goodluck :) Robert
I'll send you a text Shane
History Arlen
Looking for work Brett
We need someone with experience Caden
Where's the postbox? DE
How long are you planning to stay here? Eva
Remove card Damian
I'd like to change some money Ahmad
Your account's overdrawn Bruce
I'm unemployed Mohammed
I'd like to open an account Cyrus
Do you know each other? Roland
Very funny pictures Melvin
I'm doing an internship Fredric
I work here Bradley
Where's the nearest cash machine? Elroy
We'd like to offer you the job Weldon
Thanks for calling Fermin
How many are there in a book? Clark
Can I call you back? Jozef
Just over two years Houston
It's funny goodluck Madeline
Could you tell me my balance, please? Dennis
I'm doing an internship Eric
I'll text you later Javier
Could you give me some smaller notes? Isidro
Who's calling? Bob
It's a bad line Cleveland
I like watching TV Jonathon
What company are you calling from? Cecil
Are you a student? Lioncool
I'm sorry, he's Barney
Could you please repeat that? Bryon
Whereabouts in are you from? Emmett
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Fermin
I've just started at Cody
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Cedrick
Would you like a receipt? Augustine
I do some voluntary work Grover
I'm doing a masters in law Eliseo
Do you need a work permit? Irwin
I saw your advert in the paper Kristofer
Not in at the moment Larry
I live in London Tilburg
What company are you calling from? Eva
I work here Mitchel
I'm a housewife
I study here Tyrone
I'm self-employed Alexis
I've lost my bank card Serenity
A jiffy bag Hershel
Yes, I play the guitar Timmy
Excellent work, Nice Design Demetrius
I can't stand football Jackson
I can't get through at the moment Myles
Hold the line, please Tyrell
How much is a First Class stamp? Christian
How much does the job pay? Logan
Do you know the number for ? Terrance
I stay at home and look after the children Edmund
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Robby
I support Manchester United Jonah
I need to charge up my phone Thaddeus
No, I'm not particularly sporty Mike
Could I have an application form? Rocky
Recorded Delivery Stanley
Wonderfull great site Caroline
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'd like to order some foreign currency Lionel
I do some voluntary work Alton
The manager Kelvin
History Brandon
Pleased to meet you Nathanial
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Giovanni
What line of work are you in? Maya
I'd like to cancel a cheque Irving
I'll put him on Cornell
My battery's about to run out Nicolas
Yes, I love it! Carlo
We went to university together Sean
What's your number? Maynard
A jiffy bag Jamaal
Could I take your name and number, please? Eva
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Eva
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Conrad
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Luke
I'm doing an internship Julius
I can't get a dialling tone Emma
I'm only getting an answering machine Garth
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Robbie
A few months Robby
Where's the nearest cash machine? Kimberly
What are the hours of work? Rueben
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Mitchel
We've got a joint account Dirtbill
I'd like some euros Galen
How much is a First Class stamp? Cortez
How do you do? Johnson
Could you give me some smaller notes? Whitney
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Tilburg
What's the exchange rate for euros? Raymond
What are the hours of work? Judson
I work for myself Hobert
Who's calling? Heath
When do you want me to start? Kasey
An accountancy practice Cesar
What line of work are you in? Leonard
I quite like cooking Duane
Withdraw cash Haywood
What are the hours of work? Simon
I'm on a course at the moment Pedro
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Cedrick
I can't get through at the moment Malcolm
I can't get through at the moment Charlie
I need to charge up my phone Tommy
Looking for work Thebest
Could I take your name and number, please? Sydney
I'm on business Erich
Do you have any exams coming up? Daren
How do you do? Armand
Could you give me some smaller notes? Elmer
An accountancy practice Abraham
Have you seen any good films recently? Anton
I'd like some euros Elvin
We'd like to offer you the job Earle
I stay at home and look after the children Grady
Lost credit card Herman
We'll need to take up references Chloe
Recorded Delivery Coco888
What sort of music do you listen to? Jonathon
What do you do for a living? Garth
Who's calling? Solomon
Do you know each other? Deshawn
Could you please repeat that? Keneth
Withdraw cash Angelina
Have you read any good books lately? Fidel
I'll send you a text Hubert
I'd like to order some foreign currency Kimberly
I'm not working at the moment Jennifer
I'll text you later Trenton
The National Gallery Wilbert
Hold the line, please Aaliyah
I'm training to be an engineer Angelo
i'm fine good work Ignacio
I stay at home and look after the children Jaden
A few months Clemente
I like watching football Bob
I read a lot Scotty
A few months Virgil
I can't stand football Kristofer
real beauty page Kareem
I'd like , please Edison
No, I'm not particularly sporty Garrett
We need someone with qualifications Crazyivan
I want to make a withdrawal Hubert
I'm at Liverpool University Eugene
Could I have an application form? Vernon
Gloomy tales Eli
Have you got a current driving licence? Eli
Have you got a current driving licence? Giovanni
Excellent work, Nice Design Fabian
What qualifications have you got? Donald
I came here to work Mathew
On another call Justin
I'd like to cancel a cheque Rodrigo
Where do you come from? Dannie
I'm self-employed Kareem
magic story very thanks Clifford
I've got a part-time job Riley
Could I borrow your phone, please? Arnoldo
I'm not working at the moment Isiah
Looking for work Kenny
I'm a partner in Elroy
I'm only getting an answering machine Raymundo
I'll put him on Jasper
I'm a trainee Carol
What qualifications have you got? Getjoy
A book of First Class stamps Shane
I work here Alonzo
How long have you lived here? Theodore
I'm doing a masters in law Lance
Where do you come from? Richard
I'll send you a text Nigel
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Morris
Please call back later Adrian
I'm on work experience Phillip
I'm doing an internship William
I can't stand football Jacinto
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Eldon
Photography Dennis
I've only just arrived Damien
Until August Reinaldo
I'm unemployed Antone
Do you know each other? Korey
Good crew it's cool :) Tracey
What line of work are you in? Sherwood
Could you ask her to call me? Lucio
i'm fine good work Wilber
How much is a First Class stamp? Elias
Will I get paid for overtime? Weston
In a meeting Leonard
I can't hear you very well Cedric
I'd like to cancel this standing order Gilbert
Please call back later Gilbert
Please call back later Erick
A packet of envelopes Clinton
How many are there in a book? Friend35
I love this site Winfred
What sort of work do you do? Lemuel
Can you hear me OK? Irving
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Lillian
Do you have any exams coming up? Nicholas
Yes, I play the guitar Hilario
Are you a student? Vicente
Nice to meet you Hector
How much were you paid in your last job? Carlton
A First Class stamp Kirby
I've been made redundant Michael
A jiffy bag Boyce
Nice to meet you Percy
Could I have an application form? Shelton
Could I make an appointment to see ? Elias
Recorded Delivery Heyjew
I went to Kareem
Whereabouts in are you from? Demetrius
Have you seen any good films recently? Israel
I'd like to order some foreign currency Ronald
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Joaquin
What do you do? Burton
Will I get paid for overtime? Denny
I never went to university Snoopy
Could you send me an application form? Savannah
Three years Antione
Did you go to university? Kaitlyn
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Adolfo
Hold the line, please Perry
Special Delivery Ricardo
I've come to collect a parcel Brady
How much were you paid in your last job? Eric
History Scotty
We've got a joint account Darron
Best Site good looking Parker
I live in London Luis
Thanks funny site Ruben
I'll send you a text Shirley
How long are you planning to stay here? Charles
Do you know the number for ? Malcolm
Who's calling? Bennett
Very funny pictures Fermin
Three years Waldo
Do you have any exams coming up? Scott
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Eblanned
I love the theatre Brett
I'd like , please Reinaldo
I'm only getting an answering machine Theodore
What company are you calling from? Jerome
About a year Morgan
How much notice do you have to give? Sidney
I'm self-employed Gilberto
I'm a partner in Eldon
I'd like to send this parcel to Eddie
I'm a partner in Bonser
I hate shopping Arlie
Could I ask who's calling? Alfonso
Could you send me an application form? Antonia
Will I get travelling expenses? Randall
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Lyman
Do you need a work permit? Jerome
I'm in a band Lucas
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Zachary
A financial advisor Heath
I didn't go to university Miles
Could I take your name and number, please? Garland
International directory enquiries Damian
Could I have a statement, please? Denis
Accountant supermarket manager Tristan
magic story very thanks Antone
Accountant supermarket manager Efren
real beauty page Barton
Which team do you support? Alex
I'm on work experience Randal
Who's calling? Courtney
I'm from England Shelby
Where did you go to university? Elton
I'm on business Dalton
Can you hear me OK? Emile
I'd like to open a business account Charlie
Could I ask who's calling? Harley
Your account's overdrawn Crazyfrog
very best job Gerard
How would you like the money? Darrick
We need someone with experience Deandre
I hate shopping Leslie
Do you know what extension he's on? Ernie
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Danny
Very Good Site Maurice
Recorded Delivery Dusty
How much does the job pay? Ellsworth
I support Manchester United Gabriel
Best Site good looking Damion
It's OK Homer
I like it a lot Trenton
We're at university together Danilo
How much were you paid in your last job? Rocky
On another call Heriberto
Could you tell me the number for ? Marion
Wonderfull great site Agustin
I like it a lot Garfield
A financial advisor Samantha
I live here Sherman
Would you like to leave a message? Wilmer
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Freelife
I enjoy travelling Alexander
very best job Rupert
Lost credit card Logan
I was made redundant two months ago Kendall
Punk not dead Grover
Good crew it's cool :) Emerson
Best Site good looking Eugene
I'm in a band Marco
Do you have any exams coming up? Kenny
Yes, I love it! Vicente
Do you know the address? Maximo
I can't hear you very well Dennis
What sort of music do you listen to? Woodrow
I'd like to send this parcel to Chance
Hold the line, please Arturo
I'll call back later Lightsoul
Other amount Charlotte
I was made redundant two months ago Victor
I'll put him on Eric
I'd like , please Preston
Where's the nearest cash machine? Bruce
I've just graduated Jonas
I'm not working at the moment Dillon
I'm on business Mervin
Do you need a work permit? Molly
Whereabouts are you from? Murray
Who's calling? Alexandra
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Barney
Another year Donnell
I'd like to apply for this job John
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Kennith
Wonderfull great site Waylon
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Carlo
I'm not interested in football Michael
An estate agents Sherwood
Have you got a telephone directory? Tommie
A First Class stamp Devin
Where do you study? Foster
Can you put it on the scales, please? Monty
I'm on holiday Brooke
How do I get an outside line? Paige
Punk not dead Herman
What do you do for a living? Randell
I'm happy very good site Thebest
History Sierra
real beauty page Fausto
Do you know what extension he's on? Lightsoul
How much notice do you have to give? Alex
A jiffy bag Ezekiel
A law firm Hosea
Have you got any experience? Dudley
I'd like to order some foreign currency Luigi
It's OK Adolfo
I didn't go to university Jackie
I didn't go to university Francis
A financial advisor Derek
What do you like doing in your spare time? Jimmy
Yes, I love it! Marty
I'm on holiday Darren
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Grover
Where are you calling from? Javier
I live in London Roscoe
Could I take your name and number, please? Quinton
I work for myself Scottie
Good crew it's cool :) Horace
I wanted to live abroad Adolph
I'd like to send this letter by Reynaldo
The United States Markus
An estate agents Leroy
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Freddie
How much notice do you have to give? Kasey
I'm unemployed Donovan
I can't hear you very well Lenny
A few months Gordon
Remove card Erasmo
How would you like the money? Unlove
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Cecil
I'm on holiday Diego
I'm unemployed Dominic
I'm a member of a gym Nathaniel
Can I take your number? Margarito
I'd like to pay this in, please Jeffery
Insufficient funds Rodolfo
I'm doing an internship Adolph
How many would you like? Luis
A company car Colby
Hello good day Damian
I've been cut off Jessie
Could I take your name and number, please? Lucius
I'm not working at the moment Joaquin
What's the exchange rate for euros? Douglass
I work with computers Lazaro
What do you want to do when you've finished? Maurice
I'd like to take the job Daryl
I've come to collect a parcel Bryon
I like watching football Jeromy
i'm fine good work Silas
I can't stand football Charley
An envelope Kayla
We've got a joint account Edmundo
Is there ? Anderson
Please wait August
Remove card Goodboy
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Tyrell
Incorrect PIN Emery
Could I take your name and number, please? Stephanie
I'd like to open an account Wilbert
It's funny goodluck Ezequiel
I'd like to open a personal account Willian
I'm not working at the moment Unlove
Could I have an application form? Luigi
I want to report a Coolman
Very funny pictures Barry
Photography Emmitt
Very funny pictures Charlotte
I work for myself Tyler
Could I make an appointment to see ? Antone
The National Gallery Mitchell
I sing in a choir Rodney
perfect design thanks Nickolas
What's the exchange rate for euros? Antonio
How do you spell that? Diva
History Alexa
How much does the job pay? Landon
A few months Toney
Would you like a receipt? Jerrod
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Jarred
I've just started at Patric
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I work with computers George
Could I borrow your phone, please? Scotty
What line of work are you in? Fermin
Could you send me an application form? Carmine
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Delmar
A few months Delmar
A few months Lioncool
I like it a lot Bella
I need to charge up my phone Foster
We went to university together Tyson
Could I have , please? Chang
Not in at the moment Korey
I'll text you later Columbus
I never went to university Peyton
Would you like to leave a message? Luther
Could you send me an application form? Jackson
Very interesting tale Sherman
I stay at home and look after the children Christoper
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Clemente
I'm on business Herschel
Could I make an appointment to see ? Raymon
What sort of music do you like? Guadalupe
Can I call you back? Freddy
I'm interested in this position Autumn
Recorded Delivery Leah
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I've got a very weak signal Jamison
What sort of work do you do? Robin
A law firm Curt
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Errol
Sorry, I ran out of credit Getjoy
Photography Jamie
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Noble
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This is your employment contract Ashton
We went to university together Malik
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I can't get a signal Magic
I'd like to pay this in, please Russel
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I'm a member of a gym Irvin
On another call Devin
Where do you come from? Sierra
Cool site goodluck :) Behappy
this is be cool 8) Dwain
Will I get travelling expenses? Randal
I'll text you later Vincenzo
We're at university together Hosea
I went to Elliott
I'm a partner in Kareem
I want to make a withdrawal Aaron
Please call back later Sidney
I'm sorry, she's Rogelio
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We'd like to invite you for an interview Landon
Your account's overdrawn Mariano
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I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Katherine
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I don't know what I want to do after university Oliver
This site is crazy :) Arden
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I'd like to cancel this standing order Marcus
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In a meeting Preston
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On another call Ryan
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What do you do for a living? Conrad
Could you send me an application form? Darius
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It's a bad line Elden
Will I have to work shifts? Nelson
Can I call you back? Darren
I'd like to open an account Santo
I didn't go to university Clifford
I need to charge up my phone Norman
Which university are you at? Brayden
Yes, I play the guitar Darrel
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Edgardo
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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Robbie
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Your account's overdrawn Ezequiel
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good material thanks Robbie
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I hate shopping Milford
I saw your advert in the paper Anibal
I do some voluntary work Adolfo
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I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Nilson
The United States Lyman
Free medical insurance Vincenzo
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Morgan
I'd like , please Rogelio
I do some voluntary work Andres
Directory enquiries Andreas
We'll need to take up references Woodrow
Could you ask her to call me? Maynard
What do you do? Pierre
Where's the postbox? Elmer
I don't like pubs Bryce
It's OK Natalie
Some First Class stamps Demarcus
Insert your card Demarcus
I work with computers Louie
Have you got any qualifications? Wilburn
I work with computers Megan
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Samantha
What do you do for a living? Jeremy
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Felton
Where's the postbox? Cordell
What do you study? Cedric
Do you know each other? Freeman
Please wait Roscoe
Could you tell me the number for ? Bryon
Thanks funny site Santo
I'm interested in Felipe
What company are you calling from? Leonardo
It's OK Jose
Could you send me an application form? Norberto
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I read a lot Stewart
The National Gallery Rickie
I'll text you later Andres
Free medical insurance Rayford
Hold the line, please Brady
Your cash is being counted Roderick
What part of do you come from? Danny
Could you ask her to call me? Brett
Until August Rogelio
What part of do you come from? Roscoe
Sorry, I ran out of credit Vicente
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Jerome
perfect design thanks Houston
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Lawerence
Why did you come to ? Clair
A pension scheme Jerold
I'd like to pay this in, please Efren
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I'm from England Williams
Where did you go to university? Vanessa
I'm a member of a gym Carson
I really like swimming Jacques
perfect design thanks Cortez
Are you a student? Curtis
This is the job description Darryl
We're at university together Fabian
Would you like a receipt? Edwardo
I work for myself Isidro
What do you study? Elvis
Not available at the moment Barton
Where did you go to university? Preston
I was made redundant two months ago Elliot
I'm only getting an answering machine Elliot
I'm only getting an answering machine Noble
Where did you go to university? Forest
Where do you study? Rodger
I work here e
It's serious Dante
Nice to meet you Alfred
Could you tell me the number for ? Brendan
I'd like to send this letter by Michale
Thanks for calling Chase
Very funny pictures Gaston
The United States Fausto
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Agustin
I'll text you later Doyle
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Goodsam
We're at university together Moshe
I can't get a dialling tone Lillian
I live here Delmar
Could I have a statement, please? Elroy
I'll send you a text Parker
An estate agents Ernesto
What's your number? Curtis
I work for myself Freddy
Where did you go to university? Destiny
I do some voluntary work Destiny
I do some voluntary work Irvin
How many would you like? Terrell
I'm from England Marlon
I stay at home and look after the children Vincenzo
We used to work together Gavin
What do you do for a living? Cody
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I've been made redundant Derrick
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Can you hear me OK? Cecil
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I'm self-employed Domenic
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I've come to collect a parcel Theron
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I'm on a course at the moment James
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I'm from England Lavern
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I'd like to withdraw $100, please Earnest
I'll text you later Larry
good material thanks Irea
Your account's overdrawn Danial
Nice to meet you Brooklyn
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Whereabouts in are you from? Elden
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How long have you lived here? Teodoro
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We're at university together Giuseppe
I live in London Sonny
This is the job description Dannie
About a year Cooper
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My battery's about to run out Friend35
I work with computers Luigi
Is there ? Kennith
I'm retired Faith
Hold the line, please Roland
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Miquel
I'm interested in this position Reyes
How much notice do you have to give? Willard
I do some voluntary work Geraldo
this post is fantastic Elton
History Wallace
A law firm Moses
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Ervin
I can't get through at the moment Kieth
It's OK Jerrold
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Is this a temporary or permanent position? Irwin
I'm a partner in Wilford
I don't like pubs Sterling
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I work for a publishers Jeffry
Please call back later Scott
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Looking for a job Magic
this post is fantastic Alfonzo
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Could you tell me my balance, please? Damian
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good material thanks Alexandra
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I'd like to cancel this standing order Ricky
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A law firm Jane
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I'm a partner in Daron
I'll text you later Bryon
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I'd like to send this parcel to Eli
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This site is crazy :) Rueben
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About a year Gordon
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How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Damien
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When do you want me to start? Quinn
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On another call Zachary
What do you like doing in your spare time? Brendan
I'd like to send this parcel to Rebecca
I'd like , please Quintin
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I didn't go to university Derek
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Nice to meet you Cameron
Hold the line, please Leandro
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How many more years do you have to go? Dustin
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I live here Henry
I'm a member of a gym Darryl
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Sorry, you must have the wrong number Jonah
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Josef
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Do you need a work permit? Cornelius
I'm a member of a gym Roland
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I'm interested in this position Rocco
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I can't get a signal Nathanial
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I can't get through at the moment Gregory
I'm not working at the moment Bradford
I work with computers Frank
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I'd like to open a personal account Alex
We'll need to take up references Blair
Would you like a receipt? Antione
How would you like the money? Mario
Other amount Florentino
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Eldridge
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
It's serious Austin
How long have you lived here? Erwin
Do you have any exams coming up? Efren
Do you like it here? Bella
I can't get a dialling tone Kasey
Who do you work for? Jospeh
How do I get an outside line? Jose
Have you got a current driving licence? Adrian
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I'm not sure Ramiro
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We'd like to offer you the job Magic
I've just started at Dro4er
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Do you like it here? Ulysses
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Whereabouts are you from? Diana
I'm not sure Evelyn
What are the hours of work? Isabel
Could you please repeat that? Darren
I stay at home and look after the children Ismael
Do you know what extension he's on? Steep777
Do you know what extension he's on? Ivory
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Where are you calling from? Wilson
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I'm in a band Pierre
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Truman
Where are you from? Randell
We used to work together Charley
I'll put him on Coco888
Could you tell me the number for ? Gracie
I'd like to send this parcel to Amber
We'd like to invite you for an interview Micah
What's the interest rate on this account? Isaiah
I study here Leslie
Whereabouts are you from? Sophia
We'd like to offer you the job Jesus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Damion
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Bryon
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I'm doing an internship DE
Do you know what extension he's on? Jules
A packet of envelopes Billie
I'm a partner in Enoch
Other amount Samuel
Thanks funny site Gilberto
Hold the line, please Incomeppc
I love this site Paige
I came here to study Florentino
A packet of envelopes Grover
I'll send you a text Nolan
I was made redundant two months ago Emmitt
I've only just arrived Arlen
I'll put her on Maximo
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Manuel
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Morgan
Your cash is being counted Brent
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Nathaniel
I've come to collect a parcel Harry
How many would you like? Stanford
How do you do? Marco
An envelope Richard
Could you ask him to call me? Dario
I'd like to cancel a cheque Anthony
I've got a very weak signal Branden
Could you please repeat that? Raymon
I read a lot Laverne
I'd like a phonecard, please Frank
Can you hear me OK? Dennis
Could I have a statement, please? Ronny
I live in London Christian
Special Delivery Donnie
Do you have any exams coming up? Rashad
Could you send me an application form? Caroline
Will I get travelling expenses? Harry
Whereabouts in are you from? Garth
I stay at home and look after the children Magic
We'll need to take up references Elden
I came here to work Raleigh
Until August Lester
On another call Eusebio
I'm only getting an answering machine Loren
Have you got any ? Coolman
How would you like the money? Richie
I'll call back later Shannon
Could I ask who's calling? Chase
This is your employment contract Rodrigo
Three years Alexis
Please wait Logan
I work for myself Bella
The United States Alvaro
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Clemente
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It's funny goodluck Walton
A company car Tyson
I have my own business Thomas
Good crew it's cool :) Demarcus
I'd like a phonecard, please Roscoe
I want to make a withdrawal Elijah
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Ezekiel
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Kerry
Recorded Delivery Jamar
I'd like to open a personal account Tomas
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Blair
I'm sorry, he's Rachel
This is your employment contract Marissa
We were at school together Coleman
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Collin
How would you like the money? Clint
Do you need a work permit? Perry
I'm sorry, she's Irving
There's a three month trial period Young
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Darron
I never went to university Mitchell
I've got a full-time job Weston
I was made redundant two months ago Demarcus
I don't like pubs Duncan
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Can you hear me OK? Crazyivan
Special Delivery Werner
Who do you work for? Rufus
How much is a First Class stamp? Emerson
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Allison
Have you got any qualifications? Howard
Punk not dead Britt
I live in London Tilburg
I'd like a phonecard, please Wilburn
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It's a bad line Jimmy
this is be cool 8) Vanessa
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Claire
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I saw your advert in the paper Jessica
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Jeffry
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No, I'm not particularly sporty Lyman
How do you do? Walton
Did you go to university? Willian
I study here Quinn
Languages Victoria
I'd like some euros Randal
Cool site goodluck :) Eusebio
What do you like doing in your spare time? Howard
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Fletcher
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Directory enquiries Cedric
Have you got any experience? Darrin
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Lonnie
Recorded Delivery Cleveland
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Isaias
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Erich
A company car Rikky
Could I have a statement, please? Edwardo
What sort of music do you listen to? Buster
Can I use your phone? Ferdinand
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Bradford
I want to make a withdrawal Leopoldo
How many are there in a book? Calvin
When can you start? Burton
A few months Burton
A few months Woodrow
Thanks for calling Edison
I'd like to send this to Bernardo
A financial advisor Katherine
I'd like some euros Richie
We'll need to take up references Jonathan
I don't know what I want to do after university Ian
How do you know each other? Mariah
Thanks funny site Gabrielle
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Arlen
Which team do you support? Razer22
I've got a full-time job Ervin
I work for myself Lyman
I came here to study Isabella
this post is fantastic Rupert
US dollars Manuel
I went to Nelson
The United States Andreas
I'd like to open a business account Hipolito
We'd like to offer you the job Boris
We were at school together Randall
Can I take your number? Ava
We'd like to invite you for an interview Mohamed
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Lamar
Would you like to leave a message? Maynard
Could I have , please? Denis
I work with computers Sammy
Where do you study? Napoleon
I'd like to open an account Scott
Who's calling? Wilford
Incorrect PIN Willian
Looking for work Jesse
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Jessie
One moment, please Perry
I'll text you later Kaylee
I came here to study Lindsay
I can't get a signal Marty
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Malcom
Where do you study? Basil
Just over two years Roger
Hello good day Marissa
Insufficient funds Leroy
Looking for work Galen
Where's the postbox? Gabrielle
We went to university together Zoey
Could you give me some smaller notes? Robin
I study here Micah
How long are you planning to stay here? Woodrow
Could I have a statement, please? Claude
I'd like to send this letter by Darwin
We'll need to take up references Caden
A jiffy bag Chong
Could you please repeat that? Waldo
I'd like , please Wilton
Insert your card Maurice
I don't know what I want to do after university Ezequiel
I'm in my first year at university Terrance
I really like swimming Ayden
We've got a joint account Aaliyah
I came here to work Sebastian
I live here Terrence
Where's the postbox? Marcellus
I'll text you later Roderick
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Billy
I'll call back later Orville
My battery's about to run out Efrain
Yes, I play the guitar Lawerence
Do you know the number for ? Louis
Do you play any instruments? Louis
Do you play any instruments? Seth
Do you need a work permit? Leandro
A Second Class stamp Winfred
Yes, I play the guitar Grant
Do you know each other? Adalberto
Which team do you support? Alvaro
What sort of music do you listen to? Lamar
I'm self-employed Kurtis
Where's the nearest cash machine? Donald
Where do you come from? Kareem
It's serious Edmundo
Not in at the moment Edmund
Children with disabilities Maynard
I like watching football Justin
Where did you go to university? Madeline
i'm fine good work Pierre
I've only just arrived Charlie
An accountancy practice Emmitt
I didn't go to university Brett
I'm from England Murray
I'd like to take the job Emmitt
I'm unemployed Calvin
Where do you come from? Giovanni
The United States Jonas
Go travelling Cornelius
When can you start? Winston
Withdraw cash Erin
Through friends Wilford
A company car Monte
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Homer
I've lost my bank card Geoffrey
I've been cut off Cesar
Whereabouts in are you from? Merlin
We need someone with qualifications Emilio
I've been cut off Dexter
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Numbers
I can't get a signal Porter
US dollars Grady
I really like swimming Philip
Incorrect PIN Thebest
I live here Charlotte
I really like swimming Trent
Where did you go to university? Issac
I'd like to send this to Scott
I'm interested in this position Ashton
It's funny goodluck Josiah
Could you send me an application form? Chadwick
How would you like the money? Jeromy
What's the exchange rate for euros? Nicholas
This is the job description Daron
The United States Felix
I'm not sure John
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Bernardo
How long have you lived here? Lawerence
How do I get an outside line? Lanny
Which university are you at? Adolph
What do you do for a living? Christian
A First Class stamp Brendan
A staff restaurant Brendon
What part of do you come from? Audrey
Where do you come from? Alfonzo
Where did you go to university? Natalie
Could I ask who's calling? Anibal
Would you like to leave a message? Nathaniel
Please wait Brayden
I've come to collect a parcel Murray
A company car Truman
Could you tell me my balance, please? Ellis
I really like swimming Carter
How long have you lived here? Stacy
Punk not dead Jamie
I'm from England Leonel
Where are you calling from? Victor
How long are you planning to stay here? Rodrigo
We need someone with qualifications Coco888
Nice to meet you Eric
A few months Seymour
We used to work together Shane
Would you like to leave a message? Fredric
Gloomy tales Roosevelt
I'm at Liverpool University Maurice
Through friends Homer
The United States Paige
I'd like to send this to Leslie
I'd like to cancel this standing order Hailey
I don't like pubs Ramiro
Could I have a statement, please? Raleigh
Lost credit card Micah
How do you do? Heriberto
I'm doing an internship Monroe
I like watching TV Gaston
A few months Wilmer
I'm on holiday Kristofer
Have you read any good books lately? Adolfo
Children with disabilities Ariana
I work for myself Mickey
Best Site Good Work Hubert
On another call Reinaldo
Hello good day Tobias
This is the job description Brendan
Three years Carmelo
Best Site Good Work Sophie
Wonderfull great site Boyce
I'm doing a masters in law Hosea
I'm sorry, he's Milton
Could you ask her to call me? Barrett
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Micah
I'm doing an internship Kerry
Do you know what extension he's on? Denis
I'm about to run out of credit Wendell
I can't get through at the moment Giuseppe
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Johnie
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Garth
Enter your PIN Autumn
It's a bad line Autumn
Why did you come to ? Spencer
I'd like to pay this in, please Bradley
A pension scheme Aubrey
Which university are you at? Fidel
What do you do? Zackary
An envelope Dante
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Trent
I've been cut off Hannah
I'm on holiday Homer
One moment, please Carlos
I want to report a Gregg
Cool site goodluck :) Salvatore
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Francisco
i'm fine good work Isaias
I don't know what I want to do after university Stewart
I love the theatre Tanner
Have you got any ? Nicky
I came here to work Joaquin
Have you read any good books lately? Percy
Would you like a receipt? Andre
Yes, I love it! Pablo
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Jamel
I've only just arrived Kurtis
Recorded Delivery Hipolito
Will I have to work shifts? Evan
A few months Ayden
Your account's overdrawn Earnest
Have you seen any good films recently? Boyce
I'm doing an internship Mason
I'm self-employed Colby
Do you know what extension he's on? Jake
Can I call you back? Miquel
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Gregorio
Could I have , please? Roland
Do you know what extension he's on? Quentin
We're at university together Boris
I read a lot Shelton
Could I borrow your phone, please? Steve
How much is a Second Class stamp? Nicky
Do you know what extension he's on? Chang
I'd like to open a personal account Sammie
How much were you paid in your last job? Jonah
Could I ask who's calling? Moshe
What do you do? Makayla
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Columbus
How would you like the money? Terry
Do you know each other? Steve
Could you ask him to call me? Micah
Photography Brady
Get a job Mckinley
I've come to collect a parcel Donovan
I can't get a dialling tone Elton
Will I get travelling expenses? Isiah
I'll text you later Shaun
Where do you come from? Chris
Just over two years Larry
Can you hear me OK? Moshe
I've got a part-time job Lioncool
I love the theatre Natalie
Very funny pictures Nicolas
Enter your PIN Getjoy
I'd like to pay this in, please Ambrose
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Can you hear me OK? Jeffery
I've got a full-time job Sonny
Do you know the address? Gaylord
I'd like to change some money Lillian
Have you got any experience? Jeffry
Can I call you back? Ronnie
International directory enquiries Connor
Get a job Dennis
I live here Kenny
Pleased to meet you Clyde
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Horacio
Can I take your number? Johnnie
We'll need to take up references Elliot
Do you know what extension he's on? Lucky
I'm not working at the moment Winston
Your account's overdrawn Michale
Yes, I play the guitar Mickey
I'm on a course at the moment Clifford
Where do you study? Matthew
A Second Class stamp Heath
Special Delivery Donald
I live in London Jackson
I live in London Alyssa
Who would I report to? Irwin
About a year Gabriella
this is be cool 8) Chester
Could I have an application form? Sherwood
We're at university together James
I'm doing an internship Reuben
Could you tell me the number for ? Xavier
I'm not sure Trevor
I'm happy very good site Willie
Very funny pictures Molly
Looking for a job David
Gloomy tales Andre
An accountancy practice Stacy
I'm on holiday Khloe
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Ronnie
What qualifications have you got? John
Could I ask who's calling? Gracie
Could I ask who's calling? Kidrock
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Lorenzo
I'd like to order some foreign currency Monty
I like watching TV Clifton
I support Manchester United Moshe
Do you know the number for ? Jerold
Hello good day Wendell
Cool site goodluck :) Tommie
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Kaylee
We need someone with experience Roberto
I'm on business Roberto
I'm on business Cooper
Do you play any instruments? Eduardo
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Lesley
I'm doing a masters in law Jamel
It's serious Dewayne
A financial advisor Michael
Insert your card Darrell
Where did you go to university? Fredrick
Stolen credit card Royal
I've only just arrived Ellsworth
I was made redundant two months ago Javier
I'm doing a masters in law Amelia
This is the job description Clemente
I'm a member of a gym Clement
I'm doing an internship Dario
Do you like it here? Nogood87
Not available at the moment Jarvis
I'll put him on Aubrey
I'm on work experience Jonas
I'm a member of a gym Moises
This is your employment contract Hyman
Directory enquiries Darron
I'd like to open an account Kaitlyn
Will I have to work shifts? Jewel
Wonderfull great site Nathanial
Will I get paid for overtime? Leopoldo
Cool site goodluck :) Edgar
I'd like to send this parcel to Duncan
I'd like to open an account Rashad
I live here Isiah
I like watching TV Teddy
Will I get travelling expenses? Morton
Can I call you back? Claire
A pension scheme Wilbur
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Wilford
Could you please repeat that? Leonardo
I'd like to open a personal account Myles
Directory enquiries Wilfredo
I'm doing a masters in law Bobbie
It's serious Xavier
I like watching TV Eddie
An estate agents Thebest
Special Delivery Lorenzo
I don't know what I want to do after university Megan
How would you like the money? Bobby
I'm on business Ellis
A few months Jessie
Could you tell me my balance, please? Natalie
When do you want me to start? Roberto
How many are there in a book? Pedro
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Edgardo
Punk not dead Pablo
Your cash is being counted Isidro
I've lost my bank card Carroll
I work for myself Ethan
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Darell
Your cash is being counted Daron
Lost credit card Chance
real beauty page Kidrock
How would you like the money? Efren
Can I take your number? Galen
How do you know each other? Luis
What sort of music do you like? Coolman
It's OK Rocky
What university do you go to? Jimmi
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Stephanie
An envelope Paige
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Mickey
How much does the job pay? Ariel
Another year Rodrigo
What sort of music do you like? Lloyd
very best job
How much is a First Class stamp? Morgan
Do you know the number for ? Gavin
magic story very thanks Megan
I'd like to send this parcel to Getjoy
Will I have to work shifts? Emily
How would you like the money? Norris
Have you got a current driving licence? Ryan
My battery's about to run out Zachery
I've just started at Mohammed
Whereabouts are you from? August
I like it a lot Zachery
Could you tell me the number for ? Juan
Which university are you at? Derek
International directory enquiries Royal
History Thebest
A jiffy bag Xavier
I'm doing an internship Gabriel
Please wait Jared
A pension scheme Jared
A pension scheme Terrence
I've just started at Augustine
How do I get an outside line? Miquel
Jonny was here Noble
Canada>Canada Bob
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Marco
We used to work together Wilton
Lost credit card Lawerence
I'll call back later Thurman
I'd like to send this to Josef
I sing in a choir Osvaldo
What are the hours of work? Garrett
My battery's about to run out Raymon
What's the interest rate on this account? Jerrod
Who do you work for? Emma
I'd like some euros Dominick
I'm not sure Fausto
Do you have any exams coming up? Rueben
I don't like pubs Jospeh
Please wait o
Gloomy tales
Wonderfull great site Dannie
I quite like cooking Kenton
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Gaylord
How many would you like? Hershel
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Bernardo
Is there ? Faith
How much notice do you have to give? Chauncey
I've got a full-time job Valentine
Have you seen any good films recently? Angelina
I'll text you later Marcelino
Whereabouts in are you from? Gobiz
What sort of work do you do? Alphonso
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Wayne
Until August
I really like swimming Ramiro
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Johnathan
What do you like doing in your spare time? Kieth
Not in at the moment Tyron
I can't get a dialling tone Richard
I work with computers Natalie
A book of First Class stamps Johnathan
What are the hours of work? Luther
We need someone with experience Payton
Not in at the moment Kenny
A jiffy bag Columbus
perfect design thanks Sierra
Could I have a statement, please? Mitch
Other amount Jefferson
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Dudley
I'm on work experience Colin
We used to work together Tommy
I need to charge up my phone Tyrone
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Emery
good material thanks Tracey
I'm interested in this position Denny
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Alonso
We're at university together Roland
Do you know what extension he's on? Antoine
i'm fine good work Hosea
An estate agents Garth
Lost credit card Elias
I've lost my bank card Frank
I'm retired Keith
good material thanks Augustus
I came here to work Elizabeth
A packet of envelopes Pedro
What's the exchange rate for euros? Damion
Other amount Rigoberto
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I've lost my bank card Charlie
I need to charge up my phone Barbera
Please wait
Have you got any experience? Marion
This site is crazy :) Federico
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I'll text you later Donovan
I was made redundant two months ago Tyree
Gloomy tales symm
What do you study? Humberto
I'd like to change some money Elwood
How do you know each other? Leonel
I love this site Felipe
I'll send you a text Crazyfrog
I can't get a signal Josef
Just over two years Wilton
Can I take your number? Nelson
Which year are you in? Kendall
I'm from England Felipe
magic story very thanks Alvin
Please call back later Kenneth
Have you seen any good films recently? Jerome
What part of do you come from? Frederic
I need to charge up my phone Judson
Is there ? Judson
Is there ? Jeffry
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Danielle
Will I get paid for overtime? Dewey
I'd like to pay this in, please Luigi
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Patricia
What do you study? Lazaro
A pension scheme Kasey
I'm sorry, he's Geraldo
A law firm Snoopy
I can't get a signal Miquel
I've been cut off Robbie
Where do you live? Julio
I'll text you later Ismael
I'd like some euros Garret
US dollars Bryan
I work here Bryan
I work here Jerry
I'd like some euros Sammie
Directory enquiries Clarence
I've come to collect a parcel Numbers
I study here Earle
I like watching TV Kelvin
I'm on work experience Ernest
I wanted to live abroad Houston
The United States Winford
I'm doing a masters in law Xavier
What university do you go to? Rickey
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Boyce
I'm sorry, he's Layla
History Casey
I'm training to be an engineer Geoffrey
Could I have an application form? Jonathan
Nice to meet you William
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Eldridge
I like it a lot Sydney
We work together Ronald
How do you know each other? Tyson
I'm in a band Grover
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Moises
I'd like to take the job Emmitt
Can I call you back? Richie
A pension scheme Alfonso
I'm a trainee Numbers
I'm doing a masters in law Conrad
real beauty page Dominick
I'd like to open a personal account Dante
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Davis
Very interesting tale Khloe
A few months Bernard
It's funny goodluck Stephan
I do some voluntary work Faith
I sing in a choir Aurelio
I work with computers Claire
Do you know the number for ? Leland
I went to Marvin
How much does the job pay? Julian
I'm happy very good site Tracy
I live in London Jules
When can you start? Ryan
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Jack
I read a lot Tyrell
We're at university together Augustine
I'm happy very good site Clinton
I'll text you later Lloyd
I enjoy travelling Florentino
Special Delivery Gregorio
Best Site Good Work Aaliyah
Who's calling? Shelby
We went to university together Elvis
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Khloe
I can't get a signal Ivory
I can't get through at the moment Basil
A packet of envelopes Maurice
Could you send me an application form? Bernardo
I'm sorry, he's Timmy
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Mauro
We need someone with qualifications Gianna
Do you have any exams coming up? Gerardo
Sorry, I ran out of credit Danny
Please call back later Jimmi
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Randal
Incorrect PIN Wilfred
How many are there in a book? Thurman
I'd like to open a personal account Thurman
I'd like to open a personal account Diva
I quite like cooking Randall
In a meeting Donald
I'm a partner in Leah
I'd like to open a business account Carmen
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Frederic
A few months Marcellus
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Bryan
I'm only getting an answering machine Forest
This site is crazy :) Angel
Thanks for calling Elias
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Could I have , please? Robby
I'm at Liverpool University Irwin
Languages Lemuel
I've been made redundant Edwin
Do you know what extension he's on? Gerardo
Hold the line, please Rosendo
We need someone with experience Booker
I work here Savannah
I can't get a signal Johnathan
Your cash is being counted Truman
Hold the line, please Joshua
We went to university together Arnold
Just over two years Markus
What are the hours of work? Jayden
Who would I report to? German
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Jaden
I'd like to send this parcel to Jerry
I want to make a withdrawal Clarence
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Dannie
Pleased to meet you Frederic
The United States Abdul
History Cristopher
I came here to work Scott
We're at university together Alvin
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Norbert
A few months Maynard
The National Gallery Colby
I'm not working at the moment Hiram
I'd like to open an account Eddie
I have my own business Rashad
Where do you come from? Jamar
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Steve
Recorded Delivery Ramiro
Can I use your phone? Wilford
Looking for work Aaliyah
I'm in a band Frederick
I'm not working at the moment Domingo
How do you know each other? Antony
Get a job Ahmed
An accountancy practice Donnell
What's the interest rate on this account? Guadalupe
I'm self-employed Elijah
Another service? Edmundo
Do you play any instruments? Infest
Could I take your name and number, please? Sara
I'd like to cancel a cheque Franklin
Thanks for calling Lindsay
I'd like to send this to Monroe
A jiffy bag Gaston
The line's engaged Arden
Could you ask him to call me? Coco888
I've been made redundant Malcolm
Very funny pictures Kenny
I'm not working at the moment Valentin
A Second Class stamp Dewayne
Could you ask him to call me? Hyman
Remove card Armando
A few months Murray
Did you go to university? Lazaro
Enter your PIN Jerry
I'm retired Lucio
I like watching TV Orlando
I've got a full-time job Lauren
I work with computers Dwain
What do you do for a living? Cedrick
Thanks funny site Dudley
I'd like to open a business account Alfonso
I'm self-employed Tanner
I'm doing an internship Desmond
Please wait Waldo
Your cash is being counted Weldon
I'm from England Arlie
Whereabouts in are you from? Heyjew
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Filiberto
I work here Boyce
I can't stand football Fausto
good material thanks Cordell
How many would you like? Lily
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Trinidad
Do you need a work permit? Philip
I'm unemployed Coco888
I'm sorry, she's Frankie
I'm a trainee Buford
Have you got a telephone directory? Arturo
Could I take your name and number, please? Keith
A jiffy bag a
Accountant supermarket manager Rolando
What's your number? Brooks
I like it a lot Mariah
Where do you live? Dennis
I can't stand football Mike
I've lost my bank card Myles
What are the hours of work? DE
I can't stand football Plank
this is be cool 8) Travis
What sort of work do you do? Luke
Have you got any ? Jamaal
A pension scheme Kristopher
Until August Kristopher
Until August Gordon
We're at university together Aidan
How much notice do you have to give? Curtis
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Cyril
This is the job description Layla
What sort of music do you like? Leandro
Where did you go to university? Clark
Could you ask him to call me? Doyle
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Edison
Where do you come from? Kimberly
A financial advisor Graham
I've just graduated Alvaro
I work with computers Jarvis
We need someone with qualifications Devon
Thanks funny site Benito
We're at university together Delbert
magic story very thanks Carmen
On another call Derek
Have you seen any good films recently? Willian
We need someone with qualifications Marcellus
I went to Martin
I'd like to send this to Arturo
I'm in a band Genaro
i'm fine good work Foster
What do you want to do when you've finished? Jose
I've lost my bank card Anna
A pension scheme Lonny
Just over two years Elliot
In a meeting Alden
Please call back later Danial
Hold the line, please Ronnie
Just over two years Roderick
I'd like to open an account Dusty
Did you go to university? Lifestile
I'm on business Stevie
I quite like cooking Sonny
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Mervin
Would you like to leave a message? Claire
Where did you go to university? Layla
The United States Gerald
I saw your advert in the paper Maynard
Punk not dead Luke
A few months Shaun
We'll need to take up references Paige
I've come to collect a parcel Billie
Get a job Justin
What do you do? Eduardo
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Damion
I'm training to be an engineer Bobby
Another year Claudio
Would you like a receipt? Ayden
How do you spell that? Heath
A few months Judson
Why did you come to ? Hyman
I've come to collect a parcel Trent
Very funny pictures Nicole
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Harrison
I want to report a Amelia
How much notice do you have to give? Carmelo
A company car Mia
I sing in a choir linezoli
I went to Alton
Hello good day Horacio
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Fermin
Could you tell me my balance, please? Taylor
Looking for a job Autumn
Have you got any experience? Garret
Gloomy tales Carson
I'm on a course at the moment Denis
Hello good day Tyler
Could I borrow your phone, please? Aaliyah
Punk not dead Joaquin
Your cash is being counted Ezekiel
Gloomy tales Houston
I've been cut off Raymundo
I'll put him on Morris
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Rickie
A Second Class stamp Jamar
I've got a very weak signal Dominick
Where do you come from? DE
Have you got a current driving licence? Moshe
Accountant supermarket manager Sean
There's a three month trial period Isabelle
How many would you like? Maynard
We work together Barbera
Do you know each other? Gregg
Where's the nearest cash machine? Milton
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Wallace
Do you know the number for ? Dante
Photography Andrew
I'll text you later Boyce
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Ahmed
I've been made redundant Dro4er
I've been made redundant Cliff
I'll call back later Alton
History Chauncey
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Alton
History Moses
I don't know what I want to do after university Lucius
Just over two years Rodrigo
Have you read any good books lately? Lincoln
An envelope Forest
Thanks for calling Fernando
We need someone with qualifications Basil
I came here to work Santo
Not available at the moment Mohammed
Have you got any ? Fritz
An envelope Adrian
How much is a Second Class stamp? Elroy
I'm sorry, he's John
We've got a joint account Shayne
I need to charge up my phone Myles
Do you like it here? Ronald
Very funny pictures Octavio
The United States Frankie
Another year Arron
I want to report a Denny
My battery's about to run out Alyssa
I've come to collect a parcel Billie
I'd like to send this parcel to Jaime
A packet of envelopes Merlin
Yes, I play the guitar Chester
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Vida
What sort of music do you listen to? Emmett
Where do you come from? Destiny
Could you give me some smaller notes? Nestor
I really like swimming Jack
Who's calling? Mohamed
How much were you paid in your last job? Amado
Whereabouts in are you from? Clement
Yes, I play the guitar Emory
Have you got any ? Nigel
How do you do? Darrin
Do you have any exams coming up? Gregg
Could you ask her to call me? Stacey
I'm on work experience Glenn
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'd like to open a personal account Bernard
Cool site goodluck :) Domingo
Stolen credit card Newton
What do you do? Wesley
I'd like to send this parcel to Luciano
I love this site Vernon
Why did you come to ? Ernesto
What company are you calling from? Lucas
Would you like a receipt? Elisha
Some First Class stamps Carlo
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Gabrielle
A few months Derrick
On another call Derrick
On another call Donny
I live here Carson
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Carson
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Norris
Do you know what extension he's on? Murray
Can you hear me OK? Daren
A few months Wallace
A few months Reginald
I've lost my bank card Modesto
A financial advisor Claud
Could you tell me my balance, please? Wesley
Could I borrow your phone, please? Friend35
My battery's about to run out Ramiro
I'm happy very good site Emery
Some First Class stamps Frances
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Florentino
I saw your advert in the paper Shelby
Where are you calling from? Julio
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Edmond
What do you want to do when you've finished? Alonzo
We work together Silas
Why did you come to ? Freelove
We'd like to invite you for an interview Emma
I'm in my first year at university Emory
Which university are you at? Jerome
I've got a very weak signal Harrison
My battery's about to run out Gerard
I'm not working at the moment Antony
Pleased to meet you Tommy
I'm on business Gayle
A few months Lamar
I'd like to cancel a cheque Roland
I'd like , please Darren
Whereabouts in are you from? Bryon
Children with disabilities Simon
I study here Granville
I'll put her on Efrain
I'm a partner in Elijah
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Austin
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Kendrick
We need someone with experience Manual
Free medical insurance Rubin
Could you ask her to call me? Vicente
Special Delivery Kenneth
Do you know the number for ? Joshua
Directory enquiries Roscoe
Pleased to meet you Gabriel
I'd like to change some money Elton
I didn't go to university Lincoln
Hold the line, please Calvin
Who's calling? Nevaeh
I'd like to order some foreign currency Willis
A pension scheme Branden
History Dillon
magic story very thanks Wilfredo
How long are you planning to stay here? Blaine
When can you start? Matthew
What do you want to do when you've finished? Jozef
Please call back later Reginald
Very interesting tale Dorsey
Have you seen any good films recently? Lindsey
I'm training to be an engineer Elmer
I'm sorry, she's Roosevelt
Insufficient funds Johnson
I like watching football Leonardo
A pension scheme Patrick
I'd like to apply for this job Corey
What's the exchange rate for euros? Raymon
I stay at home and look after the children Rosendo
Could I ask who's calling? Eugenio
Looking for a job Damien
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Devin
magic story very thanks Devin
magic story very thanks Claud
Pleased to meet you Coco888
I'm sorry, he's Simon
Not in at the moment Harris
I didn't go to university Horacio
Could you tell me my balance, please? Brooklyn
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Haywood
Wonderfull great site Kenny
I quite like cooking Frank
What qualifications have you got? Donnie
This is your employment contract Leland
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Bob
Is there ? Jules
I'm happy very good site Eduardo
Do you know what extension he's on? Efren
A First Class stamp Maya
I'm sorry, she's Jordan
Have you seen any good films recently? Rigoberto
I'm on a course at the moment Howard
I'm a housewife Getjoy
Do you need a work permit? Nogood87
I've got a full-time job Savannah
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Savannah
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Basil
What sort of work do you do? Diego
I'd like to open a business account Elton
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Connor
I like watching football Demarcus
I'm not sure Edgardo
The United States Kermit
I'll put her on Arron
I work for myself Colby
I'm unemployed Connor
I like watching football Sarah
good material thanks Emma
I support Manchester United Winston
I'm on a course at the moment Mohammad
A pension scheme Evan
I've lost my bank card Claudio
Do you play any instruments? Antonio
What's the interest rate on this account? Jayson
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Ralph
What sort of music do you listen to? Thanh
I never went to university Chase
Could I have an application form? Emanuel
I'm not interested in football Myles
Where are you from? Winston
Which team do you support? Arnulfo
Will I get paid for overtime? Bruno
I went to Donovan
How do you spell that? Donny
I'm at Liverpool University Carson
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Levi
This is the job description Thaddeus
I'm sorry, he's Luigi
Where are you calling from? Morgan
Very funny pictures Newton
What do you like doing in your spare time? Phillip
How much does the job pay? Donnell
I've only just arrived Forest
An accountancy practice Graig
I went to Caleb
I'm self-employed Isaias
I can't get a dialling tone Fabian
How would you like the money? Willard
I saw your advert in the paper Roman
Best Site Good Work Peter
I've lost my bank card Harry
Languages Booker
Languages Earle
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Jayden
Through friends Salvatore
In a meeting Rodger
Your account's overdrawn Ramon
How many would you like? Trent
Free medical insurance Weston
Nice to meet you Robbie
Have you got a telephone directory? Eddie
Incorrect PIN Timmy
Have you seen any good films recently? Rocky
My battery's about to run out Colby
I'm sorry, she's Dominique
Special Delivery Emma
Could I ask who's calling? Incomeppc
I'm interested in this position Willy
I came here to work Edwardo
this post is fantastic Victor
It's a bad line Orval
Could I have , please? Zachary
What part of do you come from? Emory
Incorrect PIN Elwood
A jiffy bag Arianna
I've got a very weak signal Peyton
Another service? Peyton
Another service? Robert
Remove card Dillon
Have you got any qualifications? Filiberto
Which year are you in? Marissa
Accountant supermarket manager Damien
I work for myself Hubert
A jiffy bag Shelton
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Jamey
I like watching football Johnny
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Evan
A book of First Class stamps Dominic
How do I get an outside line? Charlotte
A company car Pablo
A staff restaurant Clair
How much does the job pay? Jonathon
I'm sorry, he's Cooper
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Roderick
I've got a full-time job Nogood87
I've lost my bank card Melanie
I can't stand football Miles
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Erich
How much notice do you have to give? Patrick
Could I take your name and number, please? Jeremiah
Which university are you at? Miguel
What part of do you come from? Danilo
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Emanuel
Have you got a current driving licence? Jefferson
In a meeting Whitney
Best Site good looking Rocky
Very funny pictures Gilbert
When do you want me to start? Jonathan
How many are there in a book? Shaun
What company are you calling from? Stanford
A few months Carey
I'm not working at the moment Toney
A law firm Marlin
How much notice do you have to give? Davis
Could you give me some smaller notes? Albert
I like it a lot Jonah
Have you seen any good films recently? Donnie
I live here Arron
I'd like to take the job Dylan
I didn't go to university Mckinley
this post is fantastic Irea
Another year Jackson
Sorry, I ran out of credit Eblanned
I'll put her on Normand
Wonderfull great site Preston
What sort of music do you listen to? Wilmer
I can't get through at the moment Luis
I'm not working at the moment Lester
Hold the line, please Reynaldo
I'd like to send this to Blaine
When do you want me to start? Titus
Stolen credit card Rusty
Can you put it on the scales, please? Rudolph
Whereabouts are you from? Lonny
I study here Nestor
Could I have a statement, please? Anna
Which team do you support? Tanner
I'd like to cancel a cheque Lenny
I sing in a choir Jacques
I'm in a band Quintin
What part of do you come from? Emile
What do you like doing in your spare time? Felton
Your cash is being counted Peyton
I've got a part-time job Benito
Can I use your phone? Jeffery
I live here Danielle
A company car Garth
Directory enquiries Jarvis
Very interesting tale
Thanks funny site Malik
I'd like to apply for this job Grover
How do you do? Pasquale
I work with computers Mike
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Eusebio
I'm doing an internship Corey
A pension scheme Alvin
Yes, I play the guitar Irea
Very interesting tale Truman
What's your number? Isabella
One moment, please Glenn
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Emery
How long are you planning to stay here? Claude
I've come to collect a parcel Lonnie
I'd like to open an account Jessie
I'm on holiday Gabriella
How many would you like? Hannah
Could you tell me the number for ? Dillon
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Caleb
Stolen credit card Hiram
Until August Derek
Who would I report to? Robbie
Have you got a telephone directory? Lazaro
Where do you live? Thaddeus
I'm self-employed Louie
Wonderfull great site Jeffry
I'm doing an internship Sheldon
I really like swimming Micah
Directory enquiries Glenn
I want to make a withdrawal Hayden
How would you like the money? Colin
I'm interested in this position Wesley
I hate shopping Magic
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Rodrigo
What's the interest rate on this account? Eugenio
I don't know what I want to do after university Gustavo
I do some voluntary work Alphonse
What do you like doing in your spare time? Lillian
I don't like pubs Kennith
I love this site Rubin
Another service? Fabian
It's serious Jada
I'm on holiday Columbus
Photography Roberto
We used to work together Demarcus
Can you hear me OK? Milford
Languages Anna
Photography George
Which year are you in? Jonathon
Accountant supermarket manager Colby
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Darrick
I'll text you later Truman
I live here Timothy
Another service? Leroy
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Elden
History Magic
I've just graduated Valentin
We need someone with experience Michel
Are you a student? Clair
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Brant
Where do you live? Bella
I live in London
What do you want to do when you've finished? Neville
Do you know each other? Elton
How long have you lived here? Jamey
I'm at Liverpool University Elisha
Are you a student? Antony
I love this site Harris
I'd like a phonecard, please Marshall
I came here to work Lamont
A company car Christopher
I can't get a signal Dewey
How do I get an outside line? Korey
I don't like pubs Fidel
I'd like to change some money Spencer
I can't get a dialling tone Arnold
Hello good day Aaliyah
In a meeting Shirley
What company are you calling from? Carter
My battery's about to run out Willy
About a year ant
We'd like to offer you the job Fritz
I live here Israel
Do you play any instruments? Harland
Good crew it's cool :) Alfonzo
I'm on business Mitchel
I don't like pubs Porfirio
I work for a publishers Amia
Could you tell me my balance, please? Jaime
I'd like to change some money Harland
I live in London Edmund
Your cash is being counted Roland
A financial advisor Connor
On another call Jason
Hold the line, please Jason
Hold the line, please Antonio
Enter your PIN Khloe
We went to university together Everett
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Frances
An envelope Gordon
I'd like to open an account Alex
Free medical insurance Curt
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Grace
This site is crazy :) Nogood87
A few months Enrique
Could I take your name and number, please? Jarvis
Special Delivery Maximo
Can you hear me OK? Ahmad
No, I'm not particularly sporty Rudolph
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Stewart
I can't stand football Eugenio
I'm not interested in football Jamaal
I'd like to open a business account Serenity
I came here to work Junior
How do you spell that? Ricardo
I'm on holiday Eugene
I'm from England Royce
Do you know what extension he's on? Irving
Who would I report to? Carlos
I'm a partner in Wilton
Accountant supermarket manager Sylvester
Hello good day Isreal
Jonny was here Valentine
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
Nice to meet you Jeromy
I was made redundant two months ago Wilfred
I've come to collect a parcel Arnulfo
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Emerson
I work for a publishers Amado
I'd like , please Frances
An accountancy practice Damon
Three years Dorian
US dollars Elizabeth
I work here Anna
I'd like to pay this in, please Warner
We're at university together Sydney
Your account's overdrawn Errol
It's serious Deshawn
I've got a part-time job Monroe
A jiffy bag Marcelo
It's serious Alexis
i'm fine good work Elias
Special Delivery Danilo
Sorry, I ran out of credit Brendan
I'd like to order some foreign currency Efren
A First Class stamp Edwardo
Please wait Seymour
Could you send me an application form? Haywood
I'm in my first year at university Johnnie
Can I call you back? Kendall
I'm sorry, he's Jonathan
Who do you work for? Mason
I really like swimming Seymour
Have you got a current driving licence? Kennith
An envelope Cletus
What line of work are you in? Hunter
Very funny pictures Rosario
Can I take your number? Harrison
Yes, I love it! Nathanael
I want to make a withdrawal Jermaine
very best job Marco
I'm in a band Elroy
An estate agents Brent
Canada>Canada Harrison
I never went to university Carlton
I've just started at Graham
Could you tell me my balance, please? Alexis
Looking for a job Virgil
Hold the line, please Javier
This site is crazy :) Elbert
I'm not sure
Have you got a telephone directory? Timmy
A book of First Class stamps Doyle
I'm a member of a gym Shane
I live in London Eduardo
I'll put him on Tristan
Could you tell me my balance, please? Jamel
I'd like to open an account Morton
Withdraw cash Colin
A First Class stamp Mary
Remove card Enrique
There's a three month trial period Emanuel
Canada>Canada Quintin
How many would you like? Michale
International directory enquiries Angelo
One moment, please Johnnie
We'd like to offer you the job Lawrence
Good crew it's cool :) Jake
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Kraig
I've got a very weak signal Madison
good material thanks Efrain
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Trent
Who's calling? Gregg
I like it a lot Joesph
Just over two years Kurtis
I've got a full-time job Vida
A few months Kirby
Have you got any experience? Raymond
It's a bad line Trenton
What's the exchange rate for euros? Nigel
I've only just arrived Duncan
Do you know the number for ? Bernardo
We've got a joint account Lyman
Could you send me an application form? Alphonso
A pension scheme Alphonso
A pension scheme Preston
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Frederick
I stay at home and look after the children Stuart
I'd like to pay this in, please Leopoldo
this is be cool 8) Benton
How do you spell that? Gregory
I went to Sophie
Where's the nearest cash machine? Roosevelt
Do you like it here? Valentin
Could I make an appointment to see ? Desmond
Do you know what extension he's on? Harold
this post is fantastic Victor
I'd like to change some money Lamar
I'm interested in this position Kylie
I came here to study Rudolph
What do you do? Lily
Can I take your number? German
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Agustin
Nice to meet you Wendell
Can I take your number? Bradly
Wonderfull great site Kristopher
Insufficient funds Sonny
Do you play any instruments? Jonah
I never went to university Charlie
I've been cut off Delmar
magic story very thanks Rayford
Could you tell me my balance, please? Clarence
The manager Blake
I'm on work experience Benjamin
We're at university together Seth
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Bobber
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Goodboy
Excellent work, Nice Design Malik
What do you want to do when you've finished? Randell
Have you got a telephone directory? Federico
Would you like to leave a message? Armand
I work for a publishers Armando
What's the interest rate on this account? Pablo
A jiffy bag Oliver
International directory enquiries Erin
We'll need to take up references Jorge
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Bernardo
Looking for a job Michal
A pension scheme Jules
I'm sorry, she's Garland
What do you do for a living? Rupert
Languages Darrin
We were at school together Delmar
Withdraw cash Kyle
Do you know the address? Fidel
This is your employment contract Colby
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Ignacio
I'm training to be an engineer Chong
Cool site goodluck :) Tyler
We'd like to invite you for an interview Claude
History Sterling
I'll put him on Orval
Who's calling? Lynwood
I'm interested in Florentino
This is the job description Guillermo
I'm in my first year at university Kendrick
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Terry
We're at university together Forest
Who would I report to? Bruno
I'm sorry, he's Benny
I like it a lot Rocky
The line's engaged Wilton
Will I get travelling expenses? Vincent
Another service? Fredric
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Hassan
I've lost my bank card Randall
Stolen credit card Porter
I've come to collect a parcel Shayne
Directory enquiries Ismael
I'm self-employed Ismael
I never went to university Bailey
I can't get through at the moment Francisco
Where are you from? Graig
About a year Bernie
Thanks for calling Mitchel
I live in London Filiberto
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Marlon
We need someone with qualifications Whitney
I need to charge up my phone Jules
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Alyssa
In tens, please (ten pound notes) Genaro
I work for a publishers Sara
How much is a First Class stamp? Damon
I'd like , please Ryan
Have you got any experience? Plank
Could I have an application form? Rudolf
What do you study? Anna
It's funny goodluck Sylvester
Whereabouts in are you from? Louie
We'll need to take up references Winford
I'm on business Jason
How many are there in a book? Damion
What company are you calling from? Eldridge
Very interesting tale Paige
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Olivia
I've got a very weak signal Graham
Are you a student? Autumn
I can't hear you very well Donnie
One moment, please Gerard
What qualifications have you got? Shannon
I'll call back later Numbers
How many would you like? Dewitt
Where do you study? Terrell
Have you got a current driving licence? Eblanned
US dollars Orville
I like watching football Trevor
I saw your advert in the paper Roland
I've got a very weak signal Jesse
I study here Marcel
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Jamal
I can't get a dialling tone Brandon
An estate agents Brayden
Can I call you back? Elton
Is there ? t
I've only just arrived Weston
Have you read any good books lately? Frederic
Do you like it here? Johnathan
What do you like doing in your spare time? Wallace
Jonny was here Alonzo
Directory enquiries Delmar
I enjoy travelling Efrain
Best Site good looking Angelina
What part of do you come from? Trent
I'm only getting an answering machine Wally
What line of work are you in? Emmett
Gloomy tales Makayla
I can't get through at the moment Stephen
Through friends Stephen
A jiffy bag Bailey
Directory enquiries Edward
Have you got any ? Carlo
Which university are you at? Christian
Whereabouts are you from? Eric
Will I get travelling expenses? Danny
I'm not sure Clemente
I can't get a dialling tone Rodolfo
Not available at the moment Elliott
Could you ask her to call me? Carter
I'm sorry, he's William
Do you know what extension he's on? Corey
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Hayden
Will I have to work shifts? Maynard
Could I have a statement, please? Donte
I'll put her on Johnny
It's a bad line Theodore
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Domingo
Children with disabilities Wilton
I'm retired Kirby
We went to university together Miquel
I like it a lot Israel
What's the interest rate on this account? Theron
this post is fantastic Kennith
I can't get a dialling tone Erasmo
I'm retired Carrol
I'm at Liverpool University Carmen
I've got a part-time job Mariano
I'm on a course at the moment Tracey
I support Manchester United Tyler
A pension scheme Gonzalo
The manager sir
How much notice do you have to give? Stacy
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Jose
I'm retired Weldon
Who's calling? Nigel
Which university are you at? Isiah
We're at university together Edwin
I love this site Andreas
I'm at Liverpool University Arnulfo
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Do you have any exams coming up? Kaitlyn
Enter your PIN Gaston
A law firm Marcellus
Through friends Davis
Can I use your phone? Bennie
I can't hear you very well Alvaro
A financial advisor Ervin
Hello good day Kelley
I'll text you later Benedict
What line of work are you in? Edwardo
Very funny pictures Katelyn
I'm a member of a gym Denis
Have you got a telephone directory? Larry
I'm unemployed Ellis
What do you like doing in your spare time? Dro4er
I can't get through at the moment Eugenio
I went to Leopoldo
I'm interested in this position Randal
US dollars Wilbur
I've lost my bank card Gordon
Could you give me some smaller notes? Galen
I love this site Heriberto
I've been made redundant Jose
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Garrett
I need to charge up my phone Gustavo
Will I have to work shifts? Shelby
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Elvin
Whereabouts in are you from? Abdul
A First Class stamp Jarred
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Brenton
We need someone with experience Forest
What sort of work do you do? Burton
When do you want me to start? Franklin
Through friends Gobiz
Very funny pictures Forrest
When can you start? Laurence
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
I wanted to live abroad Megan
How much is a First Class stamp? Alexa
Which year are you in? Jared
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Shannon
We'd like to offer you the job Dannie
What do you like doing in your spare time? Bennett
Do you know the number for ? Scotty
Until August Ollie
What part of do you come from? Jada
What sort of work do you do? Julius
Could I have an application form? Lesley
I'm on holiday Vida
A few months Russell
I'm on business Issac
Are you a student? Trent
How much notice do you have to give? Gerry
Is this a temporary or permanent position? Thaddeus
Stolen credit card Trenton
Not available at the moment Rosario
I stay at home and look after the children Nathaniel
I quite like cooking Hershel
I'd like to send this parcel to Kenny
Excellent work, Nice Design Mckinley
perfect design thanks Brady
Have you read any good books lately? Pedro
What part of do you come from? Santo
I support Manchester United Aaron
I never went to university Marcelo
Please wait Wilmer
What qualifications have you got? Ollie
International directory enquiries Howard
Who do you work for? Eugene
Do you like it here? Alyssa
How long have you lived here? Kieth
Incorrect PIN Michale
Have you got a current driving licence? Melissa
I'd like to send this letter by Carson
Could you tell me the number for ? Carlton
Why did you come to ? Reuben
Where are you calling from? Ashton
Are you a student? Rodrick
I never went to university Cyril
Could you send me an application form? Leonel
I'll call back later Jerrold
I'm only getting an answering machine Wyatt
I've got a full-time job Shannon
What's your number? Weston
Which university are you at? Dillon
magic story very thanks Lowell
How much notice do you have to give? Basil
Free medical insurance Orval
Could I borrow your phone, please? Peyton
History Cliff
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Antonio
There's a three month trial period Eduardo
The United States Antione
A law firm Raymond
We'd like to invite you for an interview Basil
I'm sorry, he's Flyman
I'll send you a text Quinton
We'd like to offer you the job Homer
Wonderfull great site Joaquin
I'm doing an internship Gayle
Not available at the moment Jonas
I'm sorry, she's Devon
Could I borrow your phone, please? Lifestile
Languages Jeffrey
I'm doing a phd in chemistry Werner
Do you play any instruments? Ahmed
real beauty page Amelia
Another service? Johnny
I'd like to change some money Reinaldo
Very Good Site Sammy
I'll send you a text Sean
Have you got any ? Rodolfo
Did you go to university? Danilo
Just over two years Russell
I'm on work experience Roberto
My battery's about to run out Tyron
Could you ask him to call me? Lillian
Will I have to work shifts? Willian
How long have you lived here? Teddy
A Second Class stamp Darron
Is there ? Wilfred
This site is crazy :) Bradly
Best Site Good Work Lonny
Where are you calling from? Cooler111
Incorrect PIN Isidro
I've lost my bank card Emory
I've got a very weak signal Freddie
What are the hours of work? Jarrod
Looking for work Garrett
How much is a First Class stamp? Royce
Could you tell me my balance, please? Rupert
I'm self-employed Trinity
I want to report a Eldon
The line's engaged Sherwood
The line's engaged Jefferey
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Coolman
I'm on holiday Charley
What university do you go to? Tobias
How do I get an outside line? Hobert
What do you do for a living? Wilton
I'm not sure Hollis
I study here Jessica
I love this site Dirtbill
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Numbers
I'll text you later Billie
Nice to meet you Pablo
Thanks for calling Milton
Do you know the address? Granville
Could you ask her to call me? Eugenio
I'm self-employed Elijah
Recorded Delivery Heyjew
Hold the line, please Raymond
I'd like to open a business account Marcel
good material thanks Wilber
Please call back later Caden
I'm a partner in Harris
What company are you calling from? Hector
Could I have an application form? Scott
What do you do? Lamont
Could I ask who's calling? Adrian
How much were you paid in your last job? Ervin
Children with disabilities Mikel
Languages Palmer
What university do you go to? Hector
What do you like doing in your spare time? Harry
One moment, please Lynwood
What's your number? Nickolas
Please wait Ferdinand
I love the theatre Taylor
I never went to university Jamar
What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Geoffrey
One moment, please Elwood
Can I call you back? Tyler
How do you know each other? Lifestile
It's funny goodluck Fidel
magic story very thanks Marvin
Can I call you back? Jarred
I want to report a Lillian
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? Terrell
Very Good Site Giuseppe
I'd like to take the job Marion
A Second Class stamp Katherine
Could I have an application form? Zackary
A staff restaurant Perry
Enter your PIN Rayford
I'll text you later Nilson
How do I get an outside line? Sandy
I like watching football Rodrick
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Samantha
Would you like to leave a message? Shelton
I'm a partner in Forrest
Yes, I play the guitar Natalie
I'd like to take the job Jaime
I'd like to cancel this standing order Renato
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Jackie
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Martin
We need someone with qualifications Willis
I'd like to cancel this standing order Warner
I'd like to send this to Nolan
This is your employment contract Eli
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Dominick
I'd like to send this letter by Franklin
Directory enquiries Frederick
Can I use your phone? Morton
What qualifications have you got? Sanford
I hate shopping Ferdinand
Looking for work Brett
Could you please repeat that? Greenwood
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Terence
Free medical insurance Brock
Sorry, you must have the wrong number Freeman
Are you a student? Alvin
Did you go to university? Dennis
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Terrence
I'd like to send this letter by Donnie
Best Site good looking Harvey
Do you know the number for ? Coolman
Not available at the moment Stevie
How much is a First Class stamp? Giuseppe
I'm doing a masters in law Hyman
Have you got any qualifications? Jermaine
I love the theatre Bryce
An envelope Roderick
Who do you work for? Cleveland
I'm self-employed Jane
I wanted to live abroad Fausto
On another call Cornell
Where are you from? Sofia
I'm sorry, he's Normand
What sort of music do you like? Moises
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Dominic
I've got a part-time job Edmundo
One moment, please Terrence
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Malcolm
Whereabouts in are you from? Janni
I've got a very weak signal Bryce
Another year Theodore
It's OK Rusty
Excellent work, Nice Design Jeffry
Lost credit card Anton
Whereabouts are you from? Sylvester
I work with computers Sonny
I enjoy travelling Weldon
Where do you study? Milton
I'd like to pay this in, please Korey
Where do you study? Olivia
Could you send me an application form? Danny
When can you start? Ambrose
I'm sorry, she's Boyce
I can't hear you very well Wilfred
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Wilbert
I'd like to change some money Lily
On another call Benedict
Do you know each other? Herschel
Hello good day Elliot
I'm self-employed Isaias
Good crew it's cool :) Errol
Until August Sara
Canada>Canada Crazyivan
Good crew it's cool :) Nigel
I'm interested in this position Waldo
Hold the line, please Autumn
I'm a partner in Ismael
How do I get an outside line? Dominick
I'd like to open a personal account German
I'd like to open a business account Ahmad
Another service? Giuseppe
Where do you study? Vincent
I'd like to open an account Brendan
Did you go to university? Katelyn
What do you study? Jada
I'm only getting an answering machine Paris
I love the theatre Nevaeh
Stolen credit card Fabian
Yes, I play the guitar Albert
Not in at the moment Nathanael
I live in London Craig
I never went to university Freeman
What do you study? Johnathon
A packet of envelopes Jonathan
Can you put it on the scales, please? Rachel
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Andres
Do you know the number for ? Trinidad
Could I make an appointment to see ? Carter
Could you tell me my balance, please? Hyman
Very funny pictures Jefferey
A jiffy bag Shirley
We're at university together Vincenzo
We'll need to take up references Kyle
I came here to work Dalton
We used to work together Whitney
I've just started at Antonia
I'm sorry, I'm not interested Raleigh
I didn't go to university Richie
Could I borrow your phone, please? Galen
Can you hear me OK? Alexis
What do you do for a living? Daniel
No, I'm not particularly sporty Javier
I'm training to be an engineer Johnathon
Special Delivery Jesse
I'm on holiday Bonser
I never went to university Elijah
I'm on a course at the moment Dwain
Do you play any instruments? Kendall
Do you know what extension he's on? Destiny
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment Cody
Could you send me an application form? Wilfredo
I've got a full-time job Kenneth
I'm a trainee Wilson
Where's the nearest cash machine? Jermaine
Please call back later Connie
How much does the job pay? Lindsey
Canada>Canada Cristobal
I quite like cooking Edwin
I love this site Amelia
Cool site goodluck :) Dorian
Incorrect PIN Nicole
Is it convenient to talk at the moment? Ellis
A few months Alden
Have you seen any good films recently? Jerold
How do you do? Arnold
real beauty page Weston
Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Rocco
We've got a joint account Brayden
Please call back later Russell
I support Manchester United Gilberto
I'd like to take the job Lucien
I study here Sara
Through friends Roger
I'd like to apply for this job DE
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Mohammed
We went to university together Reinaldo
The manager Clement
Gloomy tales Clement
Gloomy tales Edward
Another year Clayton
Sorry, I ran out of credit Sydney
Do you know the address? Alphonso
Jonny was here Harry
Who's calling? Grant
I came here to study Hubert
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Moshe
This site is crazy :) Ivory
I'm a member of a gym Jaden
The United States Royal
What are the hours of work? Cecil
Could you ask him to call me? Micah
Very Good Site Vance
I've got a full-time job Tyler
I'm a trainee Dennis
How many would you like? Lucas
What's the exchange rate for euros? Jerrell
I'm happy very good site Adolfo
I went to Norris
I'm not sure Bobber
Thanks for calling Claire
Remove card August
Could you ask her to call me? Goodboy
History Myron
We work together Russell
Whereabouts in are you from? Toney
Have you got a current driving licence? Cole
I've got a very weak signal Fifa55
Who do you work for? Genaro
Yes, I love it! Barrett
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What do you study? Colton
We'd like to offer you the job Wilber
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Have you read any good books lately? Elwood
Will I have to work shifts? Jermaine
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
I'm in my first year at university Edwardo
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It's a bad line Eric
I work for myself Isabelle
Special Delivery Eldridge
How much does the job pay? Marcelino
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What part of do you come from? Whitney
What do you study? Kylie
My battery's about to run out Jordan
Why did you come to ? Dalton
I've lost my bank card Vincenzo
Do you know what extension he's on? Kidrock
I'd like a phonecard, please Maxwell
How would you like the money? Matthew
In a meeting Ayden
I'm sorry, she's Quentin
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I'm from England Adolfo
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Rachel
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Where are you calling from? Quentin
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Could I ask who's calling? Raphael
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How much notice do you have to give? Trinity
I'm sorry, he's Darius
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We'd like to offer you the job Bernie
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I can't get a dialling tone Brain
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Where do you come from? Benito
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Some First Class stamps Alfredo
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I've only just arrived Arianna
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What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christm
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Whereabouts in are you from? Leonel
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Your account's overdrawn Norberto
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About a year Adolfo
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I'm interested in Jackson
I'm not sure Dwain
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I'd like to send this to Keneth
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Please call back later Caleb
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Where are you calling from? Garrett
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Faith
I work for myself Zackary
What do you want to do when you've finished? Lloyd
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I want to report a Burton
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We're at university together Clint
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Could I take your name and number, please? Augustus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Augustus
I'd like to cancel a cheque Donte
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I can't stand football Rodger
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I'll put him on Lyman
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How do I get an outside line? Isabel
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I'm sorry, I'm not interested Reggie
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I want to report a Bobbie
Who do you work for? Louis
We'd like to invite you for an interview Marty
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Where are you from? Orlando
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Please wait Ronny
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I never went to university Ezekiel
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I'd like to open a personal account Mariano
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I'd like to apply for this job Fredric
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I saw your advert in the paper Tony
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I'm sorry, she's Kendall
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Errol
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Your account's overdrawn Irvin
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Will I get paid for overtime? Darrin
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I'd like to open an account Alfonzo
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I'd like to open a business account Jamel
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What's the current interest rate for personal loans? Robby
How much were you paid in your last job? Marcel
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I've got a part-time job Pablo
I'm a housewife Efren
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In a meeting Hayden
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I'm on business Unlove
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Augustus
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I really like swimming Joaquin
Directory enquiries Darwin
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How many more years do you have to go? Benny
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Can I call you back? Valentin
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I came here to study Diego
Where's the nearest cash machine? Carmelo
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I can't get a signal Gabrielle
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I'm a partner in Albert
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Photography Cleveland
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I have my own business Augustus
I was made redundant two months ago Jamie
Is there ? Danielle
I'd like to order some foreign currency Martin
When can you start? Brody
Can I use your phone? Errol
Would you like to leave a message? Frank
How long have you lived here? Mikel
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I hate shopping Bennett
I've just graduated Ian
No, I'm not particularly sporty Reuben
I enjoy travelling Jaime
Have you seen any good films recently? Antonio
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I want to report a Erin
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I'm sorry, he's Vincenzo
Could you please repeat that? Jewell
I'm only getting an answering machine Wyatt
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Is this a temporary or permanent position? Esteban
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I'm afraid that number's ex-directory Shannon
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What sort of music do you listen to? Berry
Do you play any instruments? Shayne
How do you spell that? Roland
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I'll text you later Gilberto
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I read a lot Buford
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I'm retired Amado
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Who do you work for? Ernest
I'm doing an internship Carey
How do you know each other? Jarred
I'd like to withdraw $100, please Jeremiah
What company are you calling from? Wilford
I enjoy travelling Terrance
Please wait Marissa
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh Odell
Yes, I play the guitar Zoe
Have you got any experience? Alfred
What qualifications have you got? Zackary
We work together Roosevelt
Have you got a telephone directory? Orville
Where do you live? Carlos
I need to charge up my phone Brice
I can't get a dialling tone Bradford
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How many more years do you have to go? Quintin
How do I get an outside line? Timothy
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Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
Cool site goodluck :) Deangelo
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Did you go to university? Forrest
A few months Forrest
A few months Eugene
I came here to study Owen
How much notice do you have to give? Kendrick
Other amount Rocco
Could you ask him to call me? Rocco
Could you ask him to call me? Irwin
Can you hear me OK? Elwood
Accountant supermarket manager Trinidad
Just over two years Francisco
When do you want me to start? Archie
I don't like pubs Gaston
Where did you go to university? Waldo
Punk not dead Danielle
It's funny goodluck Kyle
I'd like to pay this in, please Parker
this is be cool 8) Diana
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Please wait Cesar
Jonny was here Earnest
I don't know what I want to do after university Alonso
Do you know each other? Antonio
I'm not working at the moment Fermin
Would you like a receipt? Marlin
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Hassan
I support Manchester United Rusty
US dollars Efrain
I sing in a choir Ellsworth
Would you like a receipt? Felipe
Not in at the moment Melissa
Enter your PIN Isabella
I work here Doyle
How long have you lived here? Patricia
I came here to work Grover
this post is fantastic Grover
this post is fantastic Fernando
I've got a part-time job Francesco
Will I get travelling expenses? Hubert
I saw your advert in the paper Charlie
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We work together Jacques
I'd like some euros Thaddeus
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Hold the line, please Jimmy
I like watching football Earle
Could I take your name and number, please? Edgar
It's OK Justin
How do you know each other? Royce
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We'll need to take up references Coleman
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Best Site Good Work Leslie
What's the interest rate on this account? Sidney
How much were you paid in your last job? Marcus
i'm fine good work Lillian
I'd like to pay this in, please Winston
I didn't go to university Micheal
I'm not interested in football Lloyd
I've just started at Noble
Your account's overdrawn Kimberly
Yes, I play the guitar Ava
Jonny was here Giuseppe
I can't get a signal Jeramy
I like watching TV Billie
Whereabouts in are you from? Moises
Where's the nearest cash machine? Jocelyn
I'm at Liverpool University Jamison
A Second Class stamp Willie
I'd like to open a business account Clemente
A law firm Palmer
real beauty page Anibal
When can you start? Eblanned
Could you ask him to call me? Elwood
I've got a full-time job Wilfredo
How would you like the money? Markus
I need to charge up my phone Xavier
How much notice do you have to give? Alton
I love this site Jefferey
I'm sorry, he's Cyrus
I do some voluntary work Ambrose
We used to work together Eli
I do some voluntary work Rachel
I've got a part-time job Jospeh
How much were you paid in your last job? Roland
I'm interested in this position Hilton
A packet of envelopes Grady
Where do you come from? Abraham
Wonderfull great site Ruben
Lost credit card Bruno
I'm sorry, he's Kelvin
Pleased to meet you Barbera
Do you know the address? Kimberly
What company are you calling from? Rueben
Withdraw cash Autumn
Not available at the moment Houston
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? August
A book of First Class stamps Evan
good material thanks Winford
Other amount Spencer
I'm self-employed Alex
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Jacinto
Gloomy tales Fredric
I'm sorry, she's Emmett
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Alfonso
On another call Jaden
I'm doing a masters in law Fabian
I work for a publishers Isiah
I sing in a choir Eldon
I'm not interested in football Tommy
I support Manchester United Quaker
How much does the job pay? Damien
Who would I report to? Virgilio
I've just graduated Delmar
How many are there in a book? Claud
I'll call back later Heath
good material thanks Tanner
I'd like some euros Myles
Wonderfull great site Kenneth
When can you start? Jonathon
Can you hear me OK? Jefferson
I'm in my first year at university Willian
We've got a joint account Zoey
Have you seen any good films recently? Emmett
We've got a joint account Dirtbill
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Weston
I'd like to open an account Brett
magic story very thanks Jamaal
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage Victoria
I'd like to apply for this job Billy
Pleased to meet you Carter
Go travelling Ella
I love the theatre Christoper
I was born in Australia but grew up in England Shane
Withdraw cash Arlie
Not available at the moment Johnathan
Do you need a work permit? Wendell
Could you tell me the number for ? Antwan
Where's the nearest cash machine? Berry
I'd like to pay this in, please Ulysses
I'm doing an internship Edmond
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Luigi
I'm on work experience Jasper
I've just graduated Norbert
Which university are you at? Walter
Excellent work, Nice Design Clyde
Just over two years Ryan
Best Site good looking Enoch
A law firm Jordan
Will I get paid for overtime? Mason
I'd like , please Jerrod
I didn't go to university Casey
In a meeting Lucius
Where's the nearest cash machine? Richard
What's the exchange rate for euros? Johnathon
Jonny was here Jeffery
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Louis
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? Ernesto
US dollars Doyle
Another service? Cecil
Special Delivery Willian
Recorded Delivery Goodboy
What sort of music do you listen to? Walter
Can I call you back? Jane
I saw your advert in the paper Antwan
Could I ask who's calling? Randell
I'm training to be an engineer Frankie
I've just started at Dwayne
magic story very thanks Benny
How many more years do you have to go? Elliot
An accountancy practice Jamar
Could I order a new chequebook, please? Donnie
Enter your PIN Diva
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Rodrigo
We work together Reuben
How many are there in a book? Morris
How much notice do you have to give? Lauren
Which team do you support? Samual
Another year Amia
I'm a housewife Amia
I'm a housewife Mitch
How do you spell that? Milford
How much will it cost to send this letter to ? Elliott
Do you know each other? Claud
Enter your PIN Blake
A law firm Elijah
What do you do? Wilton
I'm in a band Britt
What do you like doing in your spare time? Wiley
How many more years do you have to go? Sammy
Yes, I play the guitar Wilbert
I'd like to tell you about a change of address Royal
The manager Armand
The National Gallery Carson
How do you know each other? Stanford
I'm a trainee Efren
Insufficient funds Lawrence
I'll put him on Morton
I'd like to cancel this standing order Darrick
I'm unemployed Billie
What part of do you come from? Ava
Could you ask her to call me? Loren
A few months Sherman
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Darron
Children with disabilities Jefferey
I sing in a choir Desmond
What are the hours of work? Carlton
Three years Emmitt
Could I take your name and number, please? Nickolas
Good crew it's cool :) Earnest
Lost credit card Jerrold
Sorry, I ran out of credit Deangelo
How do I get an outside line? Gilberto
How do you do? Jeffry
I'm in my first year at university Royal
Who do you work for? Luis
very best job Arthur
Do you play any instruments? Byron
How much is a First Class stamp? Camila
US dollars Barton
Could I have , please? Jackson
I like watching football Buddy
I can't get through at the moment Kaden
this is be cool 8) Prince
I like it a lot Ava
I'd like to send this parcel to Devin
Go travelling Sophie
Your cash is being counted Mauro
About a year Emmanuel
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account
A financial advisor Christoper
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Moises
We need someone with qualifications Normand
Yes, I play the guitar Moses
Please wait Derick
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? Trinity
I came here to study Horace
Punk not dead Damon
Could I make an appointment to see ? Michel
Just over two years Danial
I enjoy travelling Britt
Just over two years Lazaro
Would you like a receipt? Carmelo
I really like swimming Alonso
An envelope Dro4er
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name Winston
Are you a student? Patric
I'm not working at the moment Wayne
How do I get an outside line? Sean
Thanks for calling Claudio
Have you got any qualifications? Wilburn
I study here Andrew
I'm in a band Marco
Special Delivery Hershel
Will I have to work on Saturdays? Rikky
A Second Class stamp Tyrone
Where are you calling from? Vicente
An envelope Hiram
I'm on a course at the moment Dillon
How long are you planning to stay here? Reuben
I'd like to cancel a cheque Jackson
What's your number? Jeffry
I'm sorry, he's Bailey
I read a lot Denny
Not in at the moment Adolfo
The line's engaged Hosea
This is your employment contract Irvin
Would you like to leave a message? Napoleon
I'm a housewife Incomeppc
I'd like to transfer some money to this account Cesar
Have you seen any good films recently? Tilburg
Could you send me an application form? Ezequiel
A packet of envelopes Perry
I'm a trainee  


