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U.S. Passenger insults Federal Police Officers at Frankfurt Airport

ID: 1815461

(ots) - On January 11, 2018, an X-ray machine at a
security checkpoint at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) indicated that the
hand luggage of a U.S. passenger might contain explosive material. As
required by law, the passenger screening agent called the German
Federal Police for further aviation security procedures.

After completing the required manual check of the hand luggage,
the police officers determined that the luggage did not contain any
explosive material. However, the 49-year old passenger loosely
transported several cosmetic articles in her hand luggage. The
cosmetic articles were not packed in a transparent plastic bag, as
required by EU and international regulations, and also exceeded the
permitted allowance for liquids. As a solution, the officers
suggested that the passenger store a roll-on deodorant item in her
check-in luggage instead of her carry-on luggage - to remain within
the allowance for liquids. Alternatively, she could voluntarily
decide not to transport the deodorant and dispose of it on site.

The U.S. passenger reacted angrily towards these suggestions and
became increasingly uncooperative. She began to insult the Federal
Police officers, by calling them, among other names, "fucking
bastards" and "fucking German Nazi police", as witnesses can confirm.

She was then brought to the police office, where the local State
Police started a preliminary investigation on suspicion of
defamation. She had to make a deposit of $260 for the anticipated
costs of the legal proceedings, as determined by the responsible
public prosecutor. After payment of the deposit, the passenger was
told that she could continue on her trip to Istanbul, Turkey.

Subsequently, the U.S. traveler claims on her Twitter channel and
via an Internet blog to have been robbed by the police in Frankfurt.
She also continues to insult the Federal Police officers and the

security staff as "bully" and "thugs in uniform", among other things.
These insults have also become evidence in the preliminary

Rückfragen bitte an:

Bundespolizeidirektion Flughafen Frankfurt am Main
Stabsstelle Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Michael Moser
Telefon: 069/3400 4011
E-Mail: presse.flughafen.fra(at)

Original-Content von: Bundespolizeidirektion Flughafen Frankfurt am Main, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ots
Datum: 19.01.2018 - 15:15 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1815461
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: BPOLD FRA




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